Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Buddy watched Sally from across the street as she took in the morning air. Her train was leaving in a matter of hours. His mood was dour as he went about his morning tasks. All he wanted was to pull her close, beg her not to go, kiss her until she agreed. She looked up, offering her brightest smile when their eyes met. Buddy tipped his hat in silent greeting, smiled coolly, and continued on his way. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye, and stopping to converse would only add to the agony.

Sally looked at Buddy, perplexed by his lack of emotion. Normally, once their eyes met, they were unable to release their gazes. Today it seemed the opposite was true. Sally knew the reason all too well; admitting it out loud, much less to herself, was the difficult part. She knew without a doubt that he loved her. Returning his sentiment, though in secret, made her wish they had more options. She knew nothing much of being a wife, and as soon as she confessed her love, he’d want to marry. She gestured one last small wave before returning to finish preparing her things.

Upon entering the kitchen, Sally noticed Mamie standing at the sink, shoulders hunched and shaking.

“Mamie?” Concern laced her voice. "Why are you crying?”

Mamie straightened, collecting herself before turning around, wiping her tears so Sally wouldn’t see them.

“Oh, it’s nothing, child. I was just thinking about how nice it’s been to have you and how much I’ll miss your company.” Sally went to the older woman who had been more like a mother than anyone had ever been.

After a long embrace, Sally stepped back, clearing her own tears. “I guess I need to finish packing. I mean, I’m mostly finished, but I need to double check. I’m only going to be gone for a week or two; three at most.” She exhaled loudly.

“Your belly should be poking out soon. You’re positively glowing with your impending motherhood. If only there was a father, a marriage, to welcome your little one. Oh, I’m sorry.” Mamie realized she’s said too much when Sally’s face dropped.

“I feel that way, too, Mamie. I tried to fix it, but the father dying changed that. He didn’t want a used up woman. He wanted a pure lamb – and it got him a bullet. I guess there’s not much I can do about that.”

“Buddy.” Mamie stated simply.

“What about him?” Sally asked, baffled.

“Well, I think he’d…” Mamie paused. “Never mind; it’s none of my business.”

Sally shrugged and went to make sure her things were in order. She wondered why everyone, including herself, felt like this was permanent. She huffed a sigh as she sat on her bed. Her thoughts wandered towards her babe. The idea occurred to Sally that she would be in the same town as Matthew’s parents. Her emotions were conflicting on that subject. On one side of this internal argument, they were most likely the grandparents of her child, but the other side said they may want nothing to do with her or her wee one because she had been a whore, and no one claimed bastard children.

The clock in Mamie’s great room struck the hour, signaling to Sally that it was time to go to the train station. She eyed her things, wishing she hadn’t acquired so much. She chose to leave most of her belongings in Erie. She had quite a bit of clothing and the necessities packed and ready to go. Again, she sighed. The more she thought, the less she wanted to leave.

“Sally?” Buddy’s voice intruded on her musing. “Are you ready?” He called from the great room. “Want me to carry your bags?” He asked in a quieter tone than a moment ago. He looked at her visage and his own features clouded. His heart cracked at the despondency written across her face. He strode the five steps to stand in front of her. Taking her hands, Buddy lifted one then the other to his lips. He smiled, but Sally did not, could not, return it. Instead she buried her head in her hands in an attempt to hide the sadness she had been keeping at bay until this moment. Buddy gently pulled her closer, feeling the ever-widening gap in his chest.

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