Chapter Ten

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“What? What do you mean?” Mary asked, confused.

“Sally. She’s not here. She’s nowhere in sight. Oh, if this note is an indication, she could be in serious trouble.”  Turning to Ryne, Corinne’s voice wavered as her sense of impending trouble began to build. In urgency, she entreated her husband. “We have to find her.”

Corinne and her husband looked at Mary Richards. Ryne was first to speak. “I’ll find her. Should Sally come back here do your best keep her with you. You have shown her kindness; I know she won’t forget that. Thank you for your impromptu hospitality today.” Turning to his wife, he added. “I want you to stay here. We don’t know how dangerous this Mr. Livingstone could be, and we certainly don’t want you or the baby in harm’s way.”

“But, Ryne…” He lifted his hand, stopping her argument short. His eyes spoke all too clearly of the concern he felt for the whole situation. He moved his hand to touch her cheek, caressing it gently as if no one else stood in the room with them.

“I’ll be back love. After all Sally and Buddy did to help us get here, it’s the least I can do.”

“Do be safe, love.” He nodded as the butler opened the door. All but sprinting out, Ryne signaled to one of the hands who’d ridden into town on horseback to help him.

“Miss Daniels is missing. I want the train depot…” The train whistle blew, signaling the locomotive’s departure. “Go check anyway. She’s been receiving threats and humiliating discourses. I’m going over to the Horny Toad to ask if anyone has seen her there. Don’t even look at me like that. You know my loyalties are to Corinne only. But, if someone knows this Livingstone character, I want to find out.” The hand nodded, and Ryne dashed off. 


Sally didn’t know why she went to the train station, but that seemed like the place she needed to go. People were boarding, and it seemed as if the train would be leaving soon.

A hand came up to her mouth and before she could fight; a gun pointed to her back. “Get on board. The ticket is already paid for, Miss Daniels.” The voice said quietly. “Don’t try anything or you and your babe will be dead before the train pulls off. Mark my words: I’ve done it before and I’m not afraid to do so again. Do you understand?”

Sally nodded as best she could with her head being held so tightly.

“Good. Now get on the train.” She climbed slowly. “Go towards the back. There are not many passengers here which will ensure our privacy.” A familiar cackle followed that statement and Sally’s blood froze.

Forced into a seat, Sally was suddenly thrust into darkness as the man put a bag over her head. “No sense in you knowing who I am before it is time, now is there? Not to worry, I won’t let you come to any harm. I’ve been hired to deliver you safe and sound.”

“What do you want with me?” The muffled voice asked from beneath her caged cover.

“In due time, lovely. All will be made clear in due time.” The man said. Lovely, lovely… why did that suddenly sound so very familiar to her? Why, she hadn’t heard it in a very long time. In fact, she hadn’t heard it since… No, it couldn’t be? Why would he do this to her? Why would he want to cause her any harm at all? She now knew her adversary, but didn’t know how to best him. They were headed away from Colorado Springs, but not toward Erie. She wondered where they were going. This was done on the fly, so she guessed he hadn’t planned this at all. Or, it was part of a larger plan, and this was just the beginning of something very sinister. Against her better will, Sally started to tear up. Fear gripped her heart. The very real possibility that she might never see Buddy again brought the tears harder and faster than they had before.

Heart of a Deputy (Heart of Colorado #2)Where stories live. Discover now