Chapter Sixteen

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Dear Deputy Brand,

 During my walk today, I happened by the most beautiful house. It was blue with a white painted wrap-around porch. My escort and I walked around the back, and, as I admired the house, I looked up. Sally was there, in the window, looking out. She asked me to find you, but when I returned to the hotel, you and Ryne were not about. Please be cautious. There are terrible men posted at both doors to the house, and two on standby for a total of four. She’s here, Buddy. I pray we get her out soon. My prayers are with you. Take courage. We’ll have her safe shortly.

With sincerest regards,

Mrs. Wilkinson

Buddy shook his head slightly at the note. How had she found Sally? He prayed she was resting now, but something told hi quite the opposite was true. He was about to show the note to Mr. Fritz when Ryne ran into the parlor of the Grand Hotel, out of breath, and mad beyond reason.

“What’s amiss, Mr. Wilk…” Michael didn’t get the phrase out before Ryne answered.

“It’s Corinne… She’s… She’s gone!” He panted.

“Gone? Where?” Buddy replied.

“Probably to save Sally, or try. She’s walked right into the Lion’s Den with no one there to ensure she’ll come out.” His voice was so loud that other patrons had ceased any and all pleasantries and directed their gazes towards him. “My apologies.” He said, motioning with a sideways nod to the door. They walked to the saloon side of the restaurant to continue the conversation, if it could be called as such.

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Michael tried in vain to guarantee his statement.

“I’m sure she’s not… I don’t expect you to understand, Fritz. See Buddy’s face?” Fritz turned to gaze at Buddy, whose face was ashen and drawn with worry. “He understands. He was there. We’ve done this before, and almost died trying to save her once. He can’t lose Sally, and I might not survive if I have to face this again just six months after the fact. Now, my guess is that she’s at Mrs. Mulholland’s. Isn’t that the name you gave us earlier? We can go and get them now.”

“Not without my help.” A voice boomed into the room, commanding attention from everyone present.

“Sheriff, you made it.” Buddy shook his hand, gripping it tightly to show appreciation.

“I was delayed on my way here, and again once I arrived. I’ve been speaking with the Sheriff of Denver County for quite some time. He’s an incredible man. Now, what’s going on that has you two in a huff, again?”

“Sally.” “Corinne.” “Women.” The three men answered simultaneously, causing Will to laugh out loud, doubling over as he did.

“Well, that explains everything. Details, gentlemen.” Will asked, ordering ale as he sat at the bar to join them. “One for each of them, please.” He ordered drinks all around, knowing these men needed a little calming. 


Corinne smiled at Sally as they took their seats. She thanked the pretty, young, maid for the tea, sipping it slowly to cool it. The fire in the cast iron, brick surrounded fireplace gave a warm glow, and added warmth, to the room. The furniture was beautiful and the décor was enviable.

“So, what brings you by, Mrs. Wilkinson?” Edna decided not to waste any time.

“I wanted to meet you. I noticed your porch on my walk this afternoon, and was so curious about the house that I had to call on you and see it for myself. It’s breathtaking.”

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