Going on Tour

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"Guys c'mon! Just give me another chance. We'll have a few more rehearsals and then we can come back and perform again." Beck cried out.

"I don't think they're gonna let us play again!" Even groaned.

"We should've backed Kylie up when she was told she had to leave." My heart began to race. I was so tempted to open the door, but I know that if I showed my face it would be Awkward Fest '87.

I backed up and looked at Slash, who had an excited face.

"Well, what're you gonna do now?" He asked while he leaned on the wall. I shrugged, confused with my feelings.

"I have no idea. I mean, I miss singing, but I have no idea how to go about this." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. Slash grabbed my hand.

"We'll see what happens. I mean, I know some people that are looking for a lead singer." He offered. I stopped thinking and looked at him.

"I don't know babe. Let me think about it." I hesitated. I mean, I'd love to get back onto the Los Angeles metal scene, but the band that's arguing in the next room, were my family when I first came here. Y'know, minus that little virus Beck.

We began walking down the hallway. I just wanted to go to bed and sleep off this weird night. Very weird indeed.

"Kylie?" Her voice questioned from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see her.

"Roslyn." I whispered out. We just stood there, staring at each other from different ends of the hallway.

"C'mon babe." Slash whispered while he tugged at my destroyed white t shirt. I pathetically waved and turned around, making my way out of the Whisky.


The sunlight crept through the shades of the bedroom, and right into my eyes. Greeeeat.

I looked over my shoulder to see Slash holding me closely to him, my back against his bare torso. Some of his hair was falling over my shoulder, almost tickling me, but it was moments like this that I cherished near and dear to my heart.

I groaned as I remembered that the other leg of the tour was beginning today. On the leg before, I passed on going, because I was so upset about the whole Ashes thing that I turned into a little hermit. Slash asked me if I was willing to go on this leg, and I haven't given him a real answer quite yet. At least I had some time to think, the bus left at 5 o'clock this evening.

Slash stirred as he heard me groan.

"What is it, baby?" His sleepy voice croaked out, sending shivers down my spine.

"You go back on tour today." I whispered as I pulled a piece of hair out of my face.

"Right. You need to tell me if you're coming along." He yawned. He stretched his form, then went back to cuddling me. I thought about it, for about five seconds.

"What the hell, why not. I'll call into work and tell them I'll be gone for a bit." I murmured. I got out of his hold and walked to the phone in the kitchen.

5:00 pm

"Kylie! The bus is here!" He called from the doorway of the house. I grabbed my suitcase from the top of the stairs and quickly ran down.

"I'm comin'!" I yelled as I almost tripped on the last steps. I caught my balance and ran to the door. There it was, the tour bus.

I huffed out and put my bag into the compartment under the bus. I skipped to the open door to the bus and was instantly greeted by cheering.




I was overwhelmed, but I knew I made the right decision. I smirked and said hi to everyone.

I sat down at the little kitchenette table that was open. Steven came on over.

"How're you doing, Kylie?" His boyish smile was radiating as always, but I could feel the awkwardness between us. As far as I knew, Roslyn and Steven were still together.

"I'm fine. Thanks. What about you, Popcorn?" I relaxed and sat back.

"Just fine and dandy." He laughed as he drummed his drumsticks on the table. "Hey, listen, Roslyn really needs to talk to you. I think it has to do with As-" I stiffened and closed my eyes.

"Steven... I-"

"It's okay, I know what you're feeling. I might've came out too strong. It's just I thought I'd tell you before she gets on the bus." My eyes opened and I jumped from my seat.

"What?!" I almost shouted. Slash and Izzy looked over, but made nothing of it. "Doesn't she have business to do with the new Ashes of Angst?" I sneered.

"She doesn't want to deal with it. She's leaving that to Evan and Andy." He reasoned. I sighed.

"I don't know Steven. I came to get away from this whole thing..." I trailed on. Steven put his hand on top of mine.

"It's okay. I'll make sure she won't be on your back until you're ready." He smiled.

"Thank you, Steven."

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