Live Fast, Die Young

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I got into Slash's car and we started to drive to the beach.

I began to surf through some radio channels. I stopped at one when O heard them say Guns N' Roses. I smiled and turned to Slash.

"God, it's so weird to hear our name and songs on the radio." He said taking a left. He turned off the radio and instead he put in a Van Halen tape.

"Nice choice." I smiled as I laid back and began to lose myself in the music and the beautiful city around me.

We relaxed in the car the entire time. We had the windows down, loud classic rock was playing, and we were just talking. Talking about life. It was the must relaxing thing I've experienced.

"We should get back. It's probably 6." Slash announced as he looked up to the pink-ish orange-ish sky. I nodded and strapped on my seatbelt.

When we got back to the apartment, Steven and Roslyn were asleep on the couch and Izzy was strumming away on Roslyn's guitar.

"Oh hey Izzy!" I said quietly, trying not to disturb Steven and Roslyn. He looked up and smiled a little smirk.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be out later." I say to Slash behind me. I walk down the hallway and grab a towel from the closet.

I walk into the bathroom and tart up the shower. I turned the hot water up until it was steaming. I began to strip from my beachwear.

I stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. That's when I began to belt out in song. The songs I was singing varied. They went from Led Zeppelin, to Bon Jovi, to The Beatles, to Def Leppard, to Queen.

All of the sudden I heard the door open and close. Curious on who it was, I peeked through the tiny opening between the curtain and the wall. It was just Roslyn. She was leaning on the counter staring at the wall.

"What is it?" I asked as I continued to shower.

"Steven. I don't know how I feel about him anymore. I just get this vibe." I sighed as as ran her fingers through her thick cherry red hair.

"Roslyn, you've been dating for what? 3 weeks?" I recalled as I washed conditioner out of my hair.

"I know. I just, feel like he isn't right for me." I groaned. I shut off the shower and wrapped a towel around my damp body. I pushed the curtain open and was now facing Roslyn.

"Just follow your gut. Your heart may say that you don't feel right, but your guy may say different and you've tuned it out." I shrug as I open the door to go to my room.

Steven and Roslyn was a different type of relationship. They had so much in common. I can tell he loves her so much after 3 or 4 weeks. Roslyn hasn't really dated anyone since I've met her. She's had one night stands and everything but she's never committed to a real relationship.

I walked into my room, closed my door and went over to my closet. I pulled out a black v neck and some white yoga leggings I don't dare to wear outside of the apartment. I started to dry my drippy hair until it was damp. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and walked out to meet everyone in the living room.

"The princess is back." Steven sang as I walked into the smokey living room.

I sat on the couch next to Slash and Izzy. Roslyn was under Steven's arm, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't really feeling it.

"We goin' out tonight?" Izzy asked as he sipped from a red solo cup, probably filled with vodka. Slash shrugged and looked to me.

"Nah, I'm exhausted for some reason." I cried out dramatically as I rested my head on Slash's shoulder.

"You can't handle the rock 'n' roll lifestyle." Izzy pointed at me. I scoffed at his remark.

"You wanna challenge that theory?" I rose my eyebrow, willing to take the challenge.

"You bet." Izzy sat forward and rested his elbows on his knee, like a basketball player on the bench really to go out and play.

"Go into the kitchen and chug the rest of the vodka on the counter, and I'll whip up a little somethin' in here." He looked at me with a cunning smile. My legs started to shake. I know Izzy was a junkie, and a dealer. I just couldn't handle drugs, not after Dad.

I stood up and went into the kitchen and saw the vodka that was opened on my counter. There was less than half, I can finish this.

"Live fast, die young." I whispered as I picked up the glass bottle before I drank it.

I drank until there wasn't a drop left. It was already a bad thing that I was already in love with alcohol. I can't do drugs. Maybe just one time for experimentation?

I slowly walked into the living room with the now empty bottle. There it was on the table. Three lines of cocaine on the table. Some residue on Izzy's nose.

"Well done Kylie, now, part two." Steven cheered. Roslyn knew about my past life and had a pale white face, she was afraid for me.

"Live fast, die young." I repeated.

A/N- I haven't updated I forever! Sorry about that, I this chapter really sucks so I apologize. The good stuff is coming up real soon.

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