Birthday Gone Wrong

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I emerged from my room, and saw Roslyn waiting. She was also clad in leather pants, with a cropped white frilly crop top. Her bright red hair was teased and curled. The smokey eye brought out her brown eyes and the dark red lip matched her hair.

"Hot tamale! You're gonna make every guy turn!" She squealed. I giggled.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not." I muttered as I made my way to the bathroom to apply my makeup.

"For you, it's great! For Slash, it's bad." She leaned on the doorway to the bathroom, watching me do my makeup.

The phone began to ring and Roslyn ran down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Hello?.... Oh hi!.... Yeah it's at The Rainbow! We're gonna leave when she finishes getting ready.... Okay. We'll see you there." She hung up and I heard her sigh as she walked back to the bathroom.

"Who was that?" I asked, while I applied the black eyeliner.

"Someone." She smirked. I threw the eyeliner into the makeup bag and glared at her.

"Roslyn, who was it?" I pressed.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just finish getting ready! Your man is waiting." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the trusty ol' lipstick.

"Happy birthday." Slash whispered in my ear. I turned around and hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered back.

"Slash! What's up man?" An outsider cheered. We broke from our moment and looked to see who it was. It was fucking Stephen Pearcy. Roslyn will just love this little surprise.

"Stephen! What's up! Good to see you!" Slash smiled as they shook hands and started up a conversation. While they were talking, I took up the task of looking for Roslyn to tell her that she's in trouble. I finally found her in the back, talking to Izzy.

"Roslyn, there's a problem." I grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"What's going on?" Her eyes were concerned and her lips were pursed.

"You might wanna leave. Stephen Pearcy just showed up." I pointed to him and she tensed.

"I didn't invite him! I promise! He won't remember me! I'm staying." She yelled over the loud music. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Just stay close to Steven." I ordered.

As the night carried on, my drinking became more and more. I was tipsy, but I knew I could comprehend what people were saying to me if we were in a conversation, and I was I able to walk.

Slash and I were currently sitting at the bar, drinking, kissing, and just having a good time.

"We're here fuckers!" Tommy yelled as he entered the bar. Mötley Crüe and their entourage entered The Rainbow, making my breath hitch and my knees buckle.

"Happy birthday, doll." Vince came over and hugged me as did Tommy and Mick. Nikki was busy chatting up a blonde with huge tits. I didn't care one bit. As long as he stayed away from me and my friends.

"Thank you guys!" I smiled as I took a swig of whiskey.

Roslyn drunkly stumbled up to the bar, alone, and began to order a drink. Steven was in the back talking to Andy.

"Are you responsible for this?" I asked while pointing at Mötley. She smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes, and took yet another swig of whiskey.

"Hey, what's up! I remember you." Stephen grabbed Roslyn by the waist and kissed her hard and sloppily on her lips, smudging her lipstick.

"Oh fuck." Slash muttered, with a little chuckle. I turned around and hid my face in my hands.

"What is he talking about, Kylie?" Tommy asked. I took a deep breath in.

"You'll see." I whispered. I turned around, to see Stephen still kissing Roslyn. I saw Steven look over from the back. His face turned red and he threw his beer bottle on the floor. He stomped up to the front and broke Stephen and Roslyn apart.

"What the hell is this?!" He raged. Roslyn stuttered and held her hand to her forehead, trying to process what happened.

"Woah, calm down man. She's not yours." Stephen attempted to calm down Steven Adler. But to no avail, he only made Steven A. only more furious.

"She's my fucking girlfriend!" He boomed, throwing a punch to Stephen P's jaw. Everyone sat there, dumbfounded.

"Were you flirting with him!" Steven looked at Roslyn with wild eyes, almost like how Slash looked at me night.

"I... we... Stephen and I fucked when you were on tour." She confessed. Everyone's jaws fell to the floor and my heart broke when I saw the fear and tears in Roslyn's eyes. Her whole body was shaking so bad.

Steven stood there. Shocked and hurt. His eyes were becoming watery, and I could tell that his throat was becoming dry.

"W-what?" His eyes narrowed and he backed away from her.

"I'm sorry Steven! I was drunk and he came onto me!" She sobbed. Steven became silent. He held up a finger pointing at Roslyn.

"We're done." His voice was barely above a whisper, but you could still hear the crack. The crack that showed the hurt, and pain that was going through Steven.

Roslyn nodded, understanding what she's done and turned around, and walked out of the bar. I turned to face the bar and took a loooong chug of whiskey.

"What the hell just happened?" I called out. Confused on how fast everything went. One moment Stephen Pearcy is kissing my best friend, next he's on the floor with a bruised- maybe broken- jaw.

Slash put his hand on my knee and took a swig of my bottle of Jack.

"Happy birthday, Kylie." He muttered. I rolled my eyes and took the bottle out of his hands to drink the rest.

"Wait. Do you hear that?" I asked Duff and Slash as we entered the building. We left The Rainbow to go back the apartment, hoping we could help Roslyn together.

We quieted down and made our way up to my floor. The sound became closer and clearer.

"In the still of the night
I hear the wolf howl, honey
Sniffing around your door
In the still of the night
I feel my heart beating heavy
Telling me I gotta have more."

Still of the Night by Whitesnake was blasting on the 4th floor of the apartment building. Our eyebrows furrowed together and we walked down the hallway to the front door. I unlocked the door and we entered.

"Holy shit!" I yelled. Drugs were everywhere. The music was coming from her bedroom. I ran to it and saw that she wasn't in there. I turned off her turntable.

"Is she in the bathroom?" Duff asked. The light was off but the door was shut. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Fuck!" I screamed. I backed up and prepared myself to barge in.

I breathed in and kicked open the door with my bare foot. The door broke open and I turned on the lights.

"SHIT! Slash! Call an ambulance!" I cried. Roslyn was in the bathtub with a large amount of cocaine under her nostrils, and a needle in her arm. Not to mention the several tracks of previous uses of heroin.

A/N- I know that I posted a chapter yesterday. It's just that I came up with this idea today and wrote two chapters. So this is the outcome. I'm gonna post the next chapter during school tomorrow (if I can) but after these two chapters, I'm going back to my regular schedule (I post a chapter every other day). So please stay tuned! As always, I love you all so much!

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