Hour Of Need

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February 1988

"I don't wanna live my life in chains,
feel these voices swimming in my brain
All they do is dig a deeper hole,
deep enough to hold my tortured soul.

Here come the demons, as far as I can see,
runnin' and screaming, chasing after me
Maybe I'm dreaming, but I know I won't be free, til,
rider and horse drown in the sea,
rider and horse drown in the sea." We were recording our new song Hour of Need. It was a single and hopefully it'll take off. Geffen seemed to like it.

"There ain't nothing for me down these tracks,
but an ugly monkey on my back
I need an angel, like I need a fix
Something to hit me, like a ton of bricks

Here come the demons, as far as I can see,
runnin' and screaming, chasing after me
Maybe I'm dreaming, but I know I won't be free, til,
rider and horse drown in the sea,
rider and horse drown in the sea." This song has two guitar solos in it that Roslyn came up herself. It's extraordinary sounding. This solo is sort of bluesy sounding, almost like something you'd hear in a commercial for a vacation down south or something.

"Here come the demons, as far as I can see,
runnin' and screaming, chasing after me
Maybe I'm dreaming, but I know I won't be free, til,
rider and horse drown in the sea,
rider and horse drown in the sea
rider and horse drown in the sea,
rider and horse drown in the sea." This next solo was facemelting. I really hoped that it would be that type of solo to immortalize Ashes.

"Great take everyone! I think we got enough done today." Our producer spoke through the mic. We all breathed out relieved.

"Okay. I'm gonna go home, take a loooong shower, and crash in my bed." I stated. My throat was hurting a bit, my back was stiff, and my feet were sore. At least I didn't have a migraine.

"Before you go, Kylie. Guns N' Roses are on break from the tour for a few days. Steven wanted to invite you out with us. I promise it's just Steven, Duff, and I." Roslyn was delicately putting her Gibson into it's case. Cue the headache.

"Roslyn-" I held up my hand in protest.

"C'mon. We're just going out to The Roxy. Please? I'm sure Duff would love your company." She fluttered her eyes, giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sighed and scratched the back of my neck.

"Okay, fine. I'll go." I huffed. Roslyn locked up her case before we walked out together. She seemed excited to see her boyfriend. I on the other hand? I was anxious. Whenever Roslyn asked me a question on the way home, my voice was teeming with anxiety.

But why am I so anxious? It's been two months! It's 1988, a brand new year. Everyone, especially Evan, tells me that I need to start fresh and throw the past behind me. Which I've done! The past was thrown away while I wrote the songs of our debut album! Until this monster named named Roslyn, decided that we were going out. I mean, I do not have a problem with Duff or Steven. Not even Axl or Izzy. I don't even have a problem with Vince, Tommy, or Mick. My feelings towards Slash is complicated. I really wish he didn't end things like he did. In fact, I wish he didn't end things at all. But, the only person I did not want to see at all is Nikki.

"Okay. Steven and Duff said they'll pick us up at 9." Roslyn sang while she skipped down the hallway. My clock on my nightstand read 8:50. I rubbed my head and got up to walk to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Roslyn followed me through out the apartment. I swore under my breath.

"Dammit Roslyn. I have a headache." I cried. I reached for the ibuprofen in the cabinet. I popped two pills into my mouth and took a sip of water from the faucet.

"Well, you tend to your aching head, while I go get ready." She sneered. I shot her a look, a look of hatred and annoyance.

I don't know why, but Roslyn was getting on my nerves that day. She's usually caring and bubbly. But on that day, she's been all snarky and bitchy. Is it just me? Did she take a different drug? Or several?

I popped one more ibuprofen into my mouth and walked into my room to change clothes.

"Wear this tonight!" Roslyn ran into my room in only a bra and mini skirt. With one glance, it was hard to tell if she was a groupie, or a kick ass guitar player in a metal band

She handed me a cropped leather jacket and a bra that was spiked all over the cup. I looked at her with disbelief.

"Wear it! You need to get laid." With that she walked back out to her room.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I muttered as I clipped on the bra and pulled on the leather jacket. I looked in the mirror.

"What am I doing?" I groaned. But, it was too late to change. I didn't even have any pants on when a knock was on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Roslyn yelled excitedly. I quickly ran to my closet to grab a random pair of jeans. I threw them on and looked in the mirror. Fine okay. I just need a drink.

"Hey there she is!" Duff cheered. I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey Sasquatch." I smiled. He hugged me tightly and pulled away.

"You look great!" He took a look and smirked. I thanked him and we walked down to The Roxy.

"So, I hear that Ashes is putting an album out soon?" Duff asked after he calmed down from laughing. Steven had his arm around Roslyn while Duff and I messed around behind them.

"Uh yeah! Our deadline is March 19th. Once they mix it and all of the details are finished, we're putting it out in May!" I happily boasted.

"That's awesome! It's about time Ashes gets their debut album!" Duff ruffled my straight light blonde locks, making them frizzy and messy.

"I know. Enough about me. How've you been, drinking buddy?" I elbowed him in the torso, making him laugh.

"Good! The tour is almost over. That means I get to actually sleep and drink, more." He matter-of-factly said. I nodded.

"That's true." We walked into The Roxy and ordered our drinks.

"Okay, I'd hate to bring this up, but how're you doing?" Duff lowly asked, concerned. My breath hitched slightly.

"I'm fine. Everything is in the past." I muttered before I popped open the bottle of my best friend, Jack Daniels.

"Slash has been feeling really shitty since that night." Steven spoke up. I nodded and sighed.

"Well, he hasn't called me at all. So I'd say he's doing fine." I snapped.

"We can't explain that, we're just telling you that what he did, he's incredibly sorry." Duff spoke in a more calming voice. I took a swig of Jack.

"I'd like to hear it from him." I quietly spoke to myself, hoping no one would hear me.

"Kylie, the phone." Roslyn called from the kitchen. I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. I shooed Roslyn away.

"Hello?" I asked.


Everything came rushing back and my mind was no longer foggy from the night before. Everything was clear.


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