The Tatted Bride

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July 22nd 1988

"Do you think she'll show up?" I asked Slash as we got off the tour bus, being instantly greeted by the summer heat of Tulsa.

"I hope she will." Slash stated. "I'm still waiting to meet her." I nodded and we made our way into the venue.

"Kylie. Someone is on the phone for you." Tom yelled from the door. I let go of Slash's hand and grabbed the phone.


"Hi Kylie. It's Mom." Her voice was still the same, but cold.

"Hi! Are you coming tonight?" I excitedly asked.

"No. And I won't go to your wedding either. I've read up on you fiancée. He's a complete dirtbag." She seethed. I felt as if I was kicked in my stomach. "And you! You're the same! Christ, Kylie! You're drinking at least a gallon and half of alcohol a day!" She scolded.

"Mom, I-"

"I mean, shit Kylie! I let you go off to LA to make your dream a reality! Not for you to throw your brain cells away like tissues. You graduated high school at the top of your class. I shouldn't of let you go to LA. You didn't even go to college." I sat there, rolling my eyes. When was she going to finish? "I'm not even proud of you anymore, Kylie. From now on, you are estranged." I slammed the phone down and stormed off to the dressing room. There weren't any tears, no words, only rage.

"What happened?" Slash yelled from behind me. I ignored him until he grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him.

"What's going on?" He quietly asked again.

"I'm estranged now, I guess." I spat. Slash's face warped into confusion.

"What do you mean 'estranged'?" I shifted my weight onto one leg and crossed my arms.

"She thought that I'm wasting my life away. She isn't coming tonight, or to the wedding." I ran my fingers through my hair messily. Slash grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, babe. It's her loss anyway." He leaned in and kissed me gently.

June 1st 1989

"Are you excited?" Opal squealed. She ran her fingers through the curly waves one last time. I sighed and smiled.

"Nervous. But excited." I stood up and walked over to the clothing rack where the dress hung in it's rightful bag.

"Do you have your vows memorized?" She asked as she cleaned up the vanity.

"Who needs vows memorized? I'll speak from the heart." Opal turned around and shot me a look.

"Oh please. I am your maid of honor. Please don't make me look bad." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Make you look bad? It's my wedding, Opal." I opened the bag and pulled out the dress. I proceeded to slide it onto my body.

"I hope not eating for two weeks works for this." I muttered. Opal waddled over and zipped it up.

"Wow, Kylie." Was all she said. I turned around and looked in the mirror. The dress hugged my figure all the way down to my shins, where the skirt puffed out in chiffon fabric. Little diamonds started on the sweetheart neckline and fell like a waterfall down the dress, decreasing in numbers. It was a very modern dress.

"You're gonna make Slash cry." Opal laughed.

"Well I think everyone, except my close friends, will cry when they see me in this gorgeous dress, then all of these tattoos." I scoffed. I fluffed my hair one last time. There was a knock on the door and Duff stuck his head in.

"It's time." He smiled. I nodded and grabbed my bouquet of black roses.

"Did you really pick black roses?" Duff laughed. I nodded happily.

All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle to soft music come from the piano. Until everyone risen and looked at the doorway. I took a deep breath and began my decent to the altar by myself.

Slash stood there with the happiest face ever. His white dress shirt was all the way unbuttoned and tied at the very bottom, with black leather pants. He had on numerous bracelets and rings on, with an opening for his left ring finger.

The music stopped and I was finally at the altar. Slash held onto my hand and I gave my bouquet to Opal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to witness the blessed joining of Saul and Kylie." The priest said some quotes about marriage that I honestly didn't listen to. I was lost in Slash's eyes. Those deep brown eyes that I lose myself in too many times to count.

Slash looked behind him to Duff for the rings.

"I need the rings." Slash whispered. Duff's eyes widened.

"What?" My breath hitched and my smile fell. Soon Duff and Slash began to laugh and Duff handed Slash the rings.

"With this ring, I vow my love. I promise to be a faithful and loving wife." I slipped the ring onto his finger. He took my hand.

"With this ring, I vow my love. I promise always to cherish and protect you." He slipped it onto the finger where there was already a heart tattoo.

"By the state of California, I pronounce you, husband and wife. Have at it." Everyone began to cheer and Slash held onto my face as he leaned in for our first kiss as husband and wife.

Life is fast. Everything can change in an instant. Throughout my life, I've lost my father, my mother, my best friend, an ex boyfriend. I've lost hope. I've lost love. All these things happened too quickly. But would I change everything for the future to be shit? No. The future is undecided.

"Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden." - T.S Eliot

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