Your Gun is Dirty

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The next morning I woke up in the back room, with Slash hugging my figure. The clock on the wall read 8 am. I sighed and softly, but swiftly got out of Slash's grip.

I was still in my clothes from the previous day, a Def Leppard tour t shirt, and some ripped up white shorts. I yawned and walked out to the front of the bus. Surprisingly, at 8 am, some people were actually up. Those people were, Izzy, Steven, and Duff.

"Good morning sunshine!" Steven happily cheered, but quietly. I faintly smiled and went to the freshly brewed pot of coffee.

"Good morning friends. How're we doing on getting to New York?" I smiled. I poured myself a cup, gladly strode to the kitchenette where they were sitting, and sat next to Izzy.

"We're just a few hours outside of it!" Steven bounced up and down of excitement.

"Calm down, Popcorn, it's too early for this." Izzy groaned. He sipped from his mug. Black coffee. Typical Izzy Stradlin.

"So, did you take my advice to writing down the song?" Duff spoke up. My eyes widened and I blushed a tiny bit.

Don't get me wrong. I'm open to telling the guys about my song ideas, but when a member of a former band I was in and is in a relationship with a friend here at this table, she's sleeping in one of the few bunks a few feet away.


"You wrote a song?" Steven excitedly smiled. I cringed and nodded slowly.

"Yes. And no, you can't read it, yet. I still need to tweak it." I told while I looked at the three sitting at the table with me. I looked out the window and I saw Duff hold something up from the corner of my eye.

"I hear the drum rolls thumping
and my heart starts jumping
And that's when I spit on the floor.
Now my head's exploding
And your gun is dirty
So I'm guessing I'm on a roll-" Duff spoke in a teasing poetic tone. My eyes fell out of my head and I snatched my song book from his hand.

"Duff!" I cried. I closed it quickly and held it close to me, which triggered cackles from Izzy and Steven.

"And your gun is dirty..." Izzy breathed in deeply, then continued to laugh.

"Did you write that?" Duff chuckled. I uncovered my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Uh, yeah." I couldn't help but chuckle quietly.

"I'm taking that's not the song you wrote last night?" Izzy, now calm, asked. I nodded.

"I wrote that a few weeks ago. It's not finished. I'm thinking it's gonna be a heavy and an in your face song. Also, I think I'm gonna add a verse and chorus into it. It's just an ongoing project." I rambled. I took a gulp of the coffee and made sure that Duff or someone else didn't take any songs of mine out.

"What's the conversation about, people?" Roslyn yawned before she sat next to Steven, making her sit across from me.

"Nothin' babe." Steven giggled. He kissed her on the cheek, making her smile like the Cheshire Cat.

"So, who're we touring with?" I pushed the awkward feeling aside and put on my best smile.

"Mötley Crüe." Duff smirked. I choked. I choked so hard, I think my vocal chords are forever fucked up.

"You mean, Vince, Tommy, Nikki, and Mick, right?" My voice was hoarse and low. Izzy looked at me and scoffed.

"Yep, those are the guys." Steven matter of factly stated. My stomach turned and my palms became sweaty. Roslyn seemed to react the same way.

Okay, I think it's story time everyone! So let's gather in a circle and cross our legs like the good little boys and girls we are! Are we ready? Yes? Okay!

So, a perk of being in a pretty popular band is that you get to socialize with other bands. Sometimes it's with bands who've already made it and are bigger than ever.

Well, after a gig at The Roxy, in January of 1986, we went next door to get some after show drinks at The Rainbow. Well, the Crüe was there. We didn't want to bother them so we just minded our business and stuck together as a band.

After a lot of drinks between Roslyn and I, it was safe to say we were legally drunk. But we were going to drink some more so I went up to the bar-again- and went to order more drinks. Somehow, over all of the half naked women and groupies, the Crüe noticed me walking up to the bar.

"Hey! You're in that new band Ashes of Angst right?" Vince fucking Neil asked. I turned my head and giggled.

"On my better days, yes. I am Kylie from Ashes of Angst." I laughed. Vince took my hand and shook it.

"Vince." He simply put. I smirked and quickly ordered more drinks.

"Well, uh listen, I'm sure my buddies back at the table would love you and your friend's company." He whispered in my ear, I had no idea if he was trying to hit on me or if was just being a wingman. If I was sober, I would've thought about my decisions more clearly, but being under the influence, it made you think like a dumbass.

'Kylie do it. It's Mötley Crüe. The bad boys of LA. You can handle it.' I thought. So I just nodded and motioned Roslyn to come over. She sloppily stood up and came over.

"Hi, I'm Roslyn." She flirted. Vince smirked and shook her hand as we followed him back to their table. We sat down and was instantly greeted by the rest of the Crüe.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Kylie and Roslyn from Ashes of Angst." Nikki eyed me up and down with a seductive stare. He patted a seat next to him. Roslyn sat next to Vince, and might I say, she was very straight forward.

"Why yes. We're here." I whispered while I sat down cutely.

Roslyn began snorting coke with the band, and I continued to drink. That was how it all worked, we had our own poison. Her's is drugs, and mine is drinking. So if we die young one day, you'll know why.

So, for the rest of the night Nikki and I flirted and Roslyn, took a liking to Vince, but I know her too well. She's always have had a thing for Tommy.

We ended up back at our apartment building and continued our decadence fiesta.

"Why don't we take this back to my room." I slurred in Nikki's ear and he was more than happy to follow me back to my room.

I'm guessing you can tell what happened next. We hooked up and Roslyn was two-timed by Vince and Tommy, slut. But at the time I loved her to pieces.

The next morning, I woke up with more than a hangover on my hands. Nikki was still here, and I didn't mind one bit. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

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