Making a Deal.

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"Well, she's depressed. She hasn't said much." Roslyn spoke in the kitchen. I sat in the living room, in a cocoon of blankets and watching MTV. "I bet. They both fucked up... yeah. Okay, bye babe. I love you too." I heard Roslyn put the phone on the hook and she came into the living room.

"That was Steven. He wanted to check up on you." She smiled simply, trying to lift my spirits. I looked over to her then back at the TV.

"That's nice." I whispered almost incoherent.

"I guess Slash locked himself in the back room of the tour bus. And according from Duff from Tommy, Nikki has also locked himself up." She rambled. I didn't want to hear this. Not now. But I knew there was no stopping Roslyn.

I covered my eyes with a blanket and groaned. Roslyn immediately stopped talking.

"Right. I'm sorry." She quietly apologized. I uncovered my head and sighed.

"Let's go out." I muttered under my breath before I ditched the couch to take a shower. Roslyn stood there, confused. She followed me down the hallway.

"Are you okay?" She asked from the doorway of the bathroom. I slipped off my t shirt and looked at her.

"Never better." I threw my clothes on the floor and jumped into the shower.

The hot water danced down my skin while I stood there. It felt amazing. Almost like all of my problems were washing away with the water. But, I knew once I get out, they'll all come rushing back.

I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the door to walk to my bedroom.

"Where do you plan on going?" Roslyn asked while she slipped on a pair of leather pants.

"Can we just grab a few drinks at The Rainbow?" I shouted. I opened my suitcase that still had my clothes inside. I pulled out my leather pants, and a destroyed white crop top.

"That's fine." She nodded.

"What can I get you pretty ladies tonight?" The bartender asked over the loud music.

"I'll have a bottle of Jack." I shouted. Roslyn ordered a bottle of vodka. Tonight's atmosphere was different. A good type of different.

2:30 pm
"Kylie. I need your help." Roslyn whispered. I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it.

"Not now. I have the hangover of the year." I muttered as I slammed my head in the pillow. Roslyn tore the sheets off my body.

"We have a serious problem." She growled. I groaned and sat up.

"What is it?" I muttered. She sat next to me.

"When I woke up this morning. I wasn't here. I was at someone's place." She whispered. My eyes widened and I looked at her.

"Do you know who?"

"Yeah. It was Stephen Pearcy." My eyes widened even more.

"You slept with Stephen Pearcy?" I tried stifle my laughter, but it was hard.

"This is serious." She muttered lowly.

"Oh no it's not. It's fine. No offense, but there's a fat chance that he won't remember you." I rambled. She looked at me and nodded. "If I were you, I wouldn't say a word to Steven about it." I gave her the advice that she probably most likely wanted to hear.

"I guess you're right. I just feel so bad." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

"That's normal. Just take a shower, have a drink, and forget it." I smiled. She laughed.

"Drinking is your problem. I'll snort up my blow." She laughed. She walked out of my room and into the bathroom.

I shook my head and walked out into the living room. I turned on the tv to MTV and began to watch some music videos.

"Kylie! Open the door!" Evan's voice yelled from the other side. I sighed and went to let them in.

"Hey! We just got off the phone with Paul." Andy spoke as he sat down on the couch.

"Hold on. Roslyn's in the bathroom. I'll get her." I held up my finger and ran down the hallway to get her.

"She better not be dead!" Evan groaned. I smirked and opened the door without warning.

"Hurry your ass up. Band meeting." I yelled. She was applying makeup.

"My god. You nearly gave me a heart attack." She slapped my arm and ran out of the bathroom to change.

"She's coming." I sighed before I fell back on the couch.

"Okay! Band meeting!" Roslyn started as she ran through the hallway and to the couch.

"So, we talked to Paul. He said he wants us at the studio at 3:30. He'll have the record company there to hear the song." Evan began. My smiled.

"That's great!" I cheered. I looked at the clock and began to freak out. "Shit! It's already 2:49. I have to get ready! They're not gonna let me back in if I don't have the look!" I ran down the hallway to my room to change.

I changed into a pair of high waisted destroyed shorts with a black Quiet Riot tank top. I teased my hair a little then sprayed some Aquanet to hold it.

"Kylie. I swear you look fine." Andy groaned. I shot him a death stare.

"You're a guy. Do I look like this on stage? With smeared makeup and lipstick all over my face?"

"When you're drunk, you do." Andy shot back. I flipped him the bird before I jogged into the bathroom to do my signature smokey eye with nude lips.

"Stop being such a girl and let's go to the studio." Evan pressed. I held up a finger, telling him one minuet.

"I need my boots!" I slipped on the velvet knee high, high heeled boots. "Okay! We're ready to take this record industry by the balls and show them who's boss." We walked down the hallway of the apartment building and began strutting down the road to the studio.

"Great! You made it! It's great to see you again, Kylie." Paul happily cheered. I pulled a fake smile and said hi.

"So, Paul tells us that you have some new material?" A man in a suit and tie said. He was an older man and had slicked back black hair.

"Yeah! Kylie here, wrote it!" Roslyn happily spoke up.

"Well, get in the studio and play it." A different man said. We nodded and walked into the room where instruments sat and a lone microphone stood.

"1...2...3...4" The guitar riff started and from what I could see in the control room, everyone seemed impressed, so far.

As I sang the lyrics of Love Thing, I knew that we had it in the bag. Everyone in that room seemed into it. Paul especially was excited.

"...You're so sweet boy
Oh my love baby
Oh oh oh oooh." The song finished. We were applauded and we strode into the control where everyone was.

"Congratulations, you're back in, Kylie. Now, we're gonna put an album out. I think it's gonna be a huge hit, the seventies sound that you all have is incendiary." My eyes widened and I jumped up and down with excitement.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" I squealed. Ashes of Angst were back together, for good.

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