The Interruption

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"We need a fucking bassist. Evan can't even put his hand down with out it hurting." I groaned from my seat.

"Do you think Duff could fill in?" Evan sleepily asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, they're recording. Maybe we could bring the whole band and have them record on the road?" Andy scratched his head. I looked across the aisle and saw Danny writing profusely, almost like this was a gold mine.

"As in Duff, you mean Duff Mckagan? From Guns N' Roses?" She asked with stars in her eyes.

"That's exact, shortie." Ryan winked. I rolled my eyes and slapped him on the arm.

"Ryan, she's like sixteen." I muttered.

"I actually turned 19 three days ago." She peeped.

"I'll call the band." I muttered. I ripped Paul's brick phone from his hands.

"Hey!" He groaned. "What're you doing!"

"Saving your career." I sneered. I dialed Axl's number.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered.

"Hey Axl. We need a favor, is the whole band there?" I asked.

"Hey, Kylie. And yes, the whole band is here, what do you need?" I heard shuffling in the background then silence.

"Evan got electrocuted last night. We need a bassist ASAP. You can bring the band along." I crossed my fingers, hoping he'll comply.

"Duff's happy to do it. When and where do you need us?"

"Tonight in Miami." I could practically see Axl's eyes widen. I heard him sigh.

"Miami? What time is the gig?"

"8 o'clock?" I heard everyone in the background laugh.

"Axl, please. If you could get everyone on a plane right now, you'll make it! I'm sure if Duff could listen to the album nonstop, he'll learn the bass lines." I groaned.

"Okay. Fine. We'll do it. We'll see you there, Kylie." He answered nicely. I smiled.

"Thank you." With that I hung up and handed Paul his phone back.

"Is he gonna do it?" Evan asked. I smiled and threw them a thumbs up.

"Oh thank god." Andy sighed with relief. I happily say back down in my seat.

"Where the fuck is my girlfriend?" A loud voice shouted from down the hallway. I perked my head up and my stomach began to get butterflies. I stood up and ran over to the door of the dressing room. I ripped it open and looked down the hallway.

"Was she in there?" Izzy asked. Slash came out of a random room, shaking his head.

"I'm right here!" I yelled before I ran over to the men clad in leather and denim. I jumped onto Slash and hugged him tightly. My legs wrapped around his waist as I hugged his figure. His arms found their way to my back, taking in every part of my being. I was just hugging him, giggling because I was so happy to have my boys back.

"Duff, are you sure you have these bass lines memorized?" Evan asked worriedly, as he ripped Izzy's red solo cup from his hands and began to chug it.

"Yes, Evan. You have the man filling in for you." Duff and I were having our usual drinks. Everyone was chilling in the dressing room. Slash was on my right, playing his acoustic guitar he brought along. Duff was on my left, who was drinking what seemed like a mixture of Jack and Coke. Ryan was in the corner, chatting up Danny (typical). Axl was talking to Andy. Evan was sitting on a couch by Izzy, worrying heavily.

"Alright everyone! It's sold out tonight! So give it your all." Tom entered the room, then left.

"I think they know that Guns N' Roses is here." Slash nudged my arm and smirked. I scoffed and ripped his top hat off of his head. I placed it on mine and giggled.

"This is my show, babe." I sipped from the bottle of Jack and stood up.

"Or you gonna wear that hat tonight or not?" Slash groaned. I turned around and stuck out my tongue.


"Follow me down to the river
Drink while the water is clean
Follow me down to the river, babe
I'll be down here on my-." I was right in the middle of Follow Me Down when I saw Slash's mass of black hair rush on to stage. He grabbed onto Duff's microphone. Everyone was going nuts, just at the sight of the famous guitarist.

"I have something to say!" He talked into the mic. I laughed and looked at him.

"What is it?" I sighed out from my laughing fit.

"Kylie, we met on July 20th last year. I wanted to do this that day. But I have to get this out."

"Go on then." I stepped back and allowed him to speak.

"I love you more than anything on this world, Kylie. You are my muse, my rock." Slash walked closer to me and took my hand in his.

"Would you please, marry me." He knelt down and presented me with a ring with medium sized diamond in a black velvet box. The crowd went silent, including me. My jaw dropped and my stomach began to turn.

"Sl-ash, y-y-yes." I choked out. He jumped up and slipped the ring onto my finger and gave me the tightest hug I ever had. The audience broke into claps and cheering.

"We're getting married, fuckers!" He yelled into the mic. I laughed and kissed him hard.

"I love you." I whispered lovingly on his lips.

"I love you." He smiled back.

A/N- I'm so sorry for a short chapter. I'm currently in class so I had to write it quickly.

Also, the story is coming to an end soon. So if  y'all would like a sequel, please comment or something. I'd be greatly appreciated! I love y'all so much!

Any Way You Want It»»GN'R {Book One}  *EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora