Bringin' On the Heartbreak

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The riff of Sweet Child O' Mine started. The crowd cheered and began to dance. But, I couldn't. What just happened, stuck with me and it won't leave my head at all.

Slash was acting different on stage also. He wasn't very enthusiastic. He was a little aggressive, but not the usual 'happy to be on stage' enthusiasm. Something was wrong, but he wasn't showing it to the crowd, or his band mates. I think I was the only one who noticed something was off.

After their set, Guns came off, and Slash brushed right passed me like I was nothing. I didn't want to go after him, but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't.

"Slash?" He didn't answer me. He entered the dressing room and grabbed a bottle of Jack.

"You did great tonight babe." I attempted to cheer him up but he wouldn't budge.

"Slash? Why're you mad?" I urged again. He took a swig and still wouldn't look at me. By now, Mötley came in to talk while the roadies  were doing the set change.

"I'm not mad, I'm celebrating...great gig." He muttered.

"Slash, look at me-" I grabbed his arm to have him face me.

"Why should I?" He raised his voice. Nikki came over to control the situation, making Slash more upset.

"You. Get the fuck out." Slash seethed while he pointed a finger at Nikki. Nikki tensed up and stood in front me.

"Calm down man." Nikki calmly muttered. This was one big mess.

"Calm down? How the fuck do I calm down when I see a friend mackin' on my girlfriend?" He shouted. Great. Everyone ceased from talking. By now Duff and Steven came over to protect me from whatever was about to happen. Nikki puffed out his chest and his cocky side came out. This is so bad.

"Well, y'know. When you hookup with Kylie, the reason why you don't feel anything is because of me." Nikki sneered. My eyes widened and I covered my eyes. Slash jumped at Nikki and they began to brawl.

Slash straddled Nikki while he punched Nikki all over his body. Nikki also threw some hits that connected, but no one could beat the intensity that Slash was putting in on these punches.

Axl and Duff grabbed onto Slash as Vince and Tommy separated them. Axl stood in front of Slash while Duff held onto his shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill you! You touch anyone here and I'll fucking kill you!" Slash shouted. Nikki began to chuckle.

"Stop flattering yourself, Slash. She wants me!" I ran over to Nikki and slapped him across the face.

"Get the fuck out, Nikki." I yelled. Vince and Tommy carried him out. I breathed out and wiped the tiny tears that were forming.

I walked quietly to the room where Axl and Duff carried Slash. I knocked quietly in the door and opened it. Slash was pacing the room yelling. He looked over to me with wild eyes.

"You! We are over!" He pointed his finger directly at me. I stood there, dumbfounded and shocked. Duff stood up, trying to protect me.

"Slash. She didn't do anything!" Duff tried to reason with him. Slash grabbed him by the collar.

"Did you fucking hear me?! I said that we are over!" Slash repeated. I entered the room and ripped Duff out of Slash's grip. Then came my infamous slap to the face. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Don't bring this out on the band." I muttered before I left. I wiped a few tears that fell and I climbed onto the bus to retrieve my suitcase.

I called a taxi to bring me back to Slash's place so I could get the rest of my things. I payed the driver to stay there so he could drive me to Roslyn's place.

I entered the house, still sobbing. I ran upstairs to the bedroom and ripped all of my clothing from the closet and into my suitcase.

"What the fuck did I do?!" I shouted as I ran throughout the house. I fell to the floor and sobbed. I couldn't get his face out of my head. It all stuck. His face of anger, I was afraid.

The taxi driver dropped me off at Roslyn's apartment. I knew that tonight was her last night before the tour continued so she'll be here to keep me company, later. But for now, it's just me until she gets home.

I reached under the mat of the front and grabbed the key that resided. I shoved it into the key hole and opened the door to the dark apartment. I slammed the door and brought my suitcases to my old room, where my bed still was and my comforter that I owned.

I fell into the bed and cried. That's all I did was cry. I was a wreck. After Nikki walked out, I wasn't okay. I felt broken. But tonight, felt 200 times worse. I was starting to think that Slash and I would settle down together one day. I thought that he was the one. I knew that maybe he thought that at one point too.

My mascara started to stain the pillow and my head started spinning. I've never have had a heartbreak as bad as this and I didn't know how to handle it at all.

I heard the door open and footsteps running to my room.

"Kylie?!" Her voice was strained and urgent. I lifted my head to see Roslyn's figure in the door. Even in a dark room, she knew I was here.

"I'm so sorry, Hun." She ran to the bed and hugged me tightly. I cried on her shoulder as she rubbed my back.

"I don't know what to do." I sobbed. I felt her nod and she sighed.

"I know what to do." She whispered. I lifted my head, confused.

"I can't believe you don't know what I'm gonna go right now." She chuckled lightly. She went across the hall to her room. I heard some rustling around, then the all too familiar guitar riff started. She blasted the volume and came back into my room.

"It's our way to get over a breakup." She reminded. I chuckled lightly, remembering how this all happened.

Roslyn and I have had our fair share of heartbreaks. So our way to get out of it quickly is to play 'Bringin' On the Heartbreak' by Def Leppard. We don't know why, but it gets us by. I've played it for her, and she played it for me when Nikki walked out, and now here it is again.

Roslyn crawled under the blankets with me and quietly sang along. A few tears left my eyes, but I wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Everyone was so confused about the situation when I left. After you apparently left, Slash came back in and didn't know what to do. He was silent for the rest of the time. Then I decided to leave to check on you." She whispered. Tears welled up in my eyes at the mention of everyone, but I kept listening to the music. "Steven wanted to come with, but he needed to stay back." I nodded softly.

"I think you're all I need right now." I muttered. I snuggled more into the bed and closed my eyes.

"Get some rest, Kylie." Roslyn whispered. I felt her climb out of the bed and she closed the door.

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