ethan gets sassy

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elizabeth the realest: knock knock

karen666: go away

jenny: *whispers* everyone hide

elizabeth the realest: knock knOCK U BITCHES

danny boy: come in

elizabeth the realest: soMEONE JUST SAY WHOS THERE

danny boy: ring the door bell

Ethan Cutkosky: who's there

jenny: r u joking. ethan ur supposed to play along. fuckin idiot

elizabeth the realest: ok finally. Em

Ethan Cutkosky: sorry bro i felt bad
but Em who?

danny boy: liz you told this already ..

elizabeth the realest: em-muke af

Ethan Cutkosky: is this a 5sos reference kmn

elizabeth is the realest: gtfo. how
do i remove someone ???

Ethan Cutkosky: bitch please. i'm the reason this chat is still lit

jenny: ok tru

elizabeth the realest: ekat follow me then dm. we'll settle this like adults

Ethan Cutkosky: i'd rather drink mayonnaise

danny boy: holy shit

karen666: i feel so blessed to be in this

Ethan Cutkosky: wait ten minutes

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