Chapter 39

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We arrived at the Lima Bean and I saw ETC's car parked in the back, but he wasn't around, which was a great sign. I knew he wouldn't try anything like he did last time inside the coffee shop.

We got out the Navigator and I grabbed Kurt's hand protectively. He intertwined our fingers and we walked in the small coffee shop, with Dave tailing us. He was extremely nervous, but excited at the same time that he gets to meet his soul mate. It took everything in me to try and be supportive of this meeting.

"Hey, Blaine over here!" I heard from a corner in the shop. I looked around and finally my eyes fell upon Sebastian who was sitting by himself in a small corner of the crowed shop.

We walked over to the table and sat.

"Hello Blaine. Kurt. Hi I'm Sebastian Smythe." he said greeting all of us individually.

"Hi." I replied simply.

"Yup." was Kurt's reply, he wasn't feeling it already and we just sat down. I hope he behaves himself.

"Hi, I'm David Karofsky, nice to meet you," Dave said, sticking his hand out to shake Sebastian's hand.

I rolled my eyes at this and I heard Kurt scoff a little.

"Oh, you're the one who..." he let his sentence drift off. We all knew what he was about to say.

"Yeah, but we don't speak of that any more," Dave said, blushing hard.

Awkward silence followed this, nobody wanted to be the first to break it, but eventually Kurt was.

"I have one question and one question only Sebastian," Kurt said, a hint of hatred in his voice.

"And what is your question Kurt?" Sebastian asked. His voice was highly amused for some odd reason.

"Why did you do all this to me? To us?" Kurt asked, sitting back and holding our hands on his chest.

"To get what I wanted. I'm so used to always getting who and whatever I want, that I was threatened by the fact the Blaine was spoken for. I just wanted to take what you had and make you feel the pain that I felt," Sebastian said, matter-of-factly.

He said it like it was right. Like what he did had merit, like it wasn't bad. I tensed up and felt Kurt's grip on my hand tighten.

"So that possessed you to call me names and wanting to blind me?" he asked.

"If I recall Blaine threw hot as coffee in my face the first day we met," ETC said, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you disrespected my boyfriend. I could have dropped you," I spoke up. I felt my blood starting to boil.

"And then I was put in a coma for a week," he said, looking harshly at Kurt.

"You damn near blinded us! What was I supposed to do? Let you get away with it? You know you should be thanking Blaine and I. I wanted to press assault charges but Blaine said because you were in a coma thanks to me, you didn't need to be going to jail. Look, I'm sorry for my part in this whole thing," Kurt said.

"I apologize as well. It was very rude of me to have acted the way I have towards you and Blaine. Blaine, I apologize for all the mean and hurtful text messages I sent you. There is no excuse as to why I sent those except that I was jealous of something I was never going to have," ETC said, looking at me.

"You could have had me as a friend Sebastian, but you kind of ruined that when you tried to blind me. I might be able to fully forgive you one day, but that day is not today," I sighed.

This was going in a positive direction. Just then I got a text message. I let go of Kurt's hand and grabbed my phone out my pocket. The message was from Kurt, what the hell does he want?

Babe <3: he looks like a meercat with horse teeth

I looked over at Kurt and he was laughing really hard. I looked at Sebastian and then at the message and back to Sebastian and I just lost it. I was laughing just as hard as Kurt was.

"You are so rude babe," I said, hitting him softly.

"Oh my God, oh my God. That is so funny. Um, well I've said my part so I think I'm ready to go," Kurt said, when he was done dying of laughter.

"I'm ready too. I have homework and we have stuff to do," I said, wiping my face. I think I was crying because I was laughing so hard.

"Okay, well it was nice," ETC said, with a smile.

"Yeah," Kurt and I said at the same time.

"I'll see you two at home," Dave said, looking up at us.


I really hope them two together doesn't cause big trouble for kurt and I. But then again, Dave has let go of all his bully-ish ways.

We have been living together for weeks now, going on months, and Dave has not said not one hurtful thing to us. That's the most awesome thing to know that this former bully is now our friend. And now that I think about it, that's all Sebastian wants from us. All he wants is to be our friend and then maybe we can hang out together.

"I don't care how close Dave and Meerhorse get, Meerhorse is not allowed to step foot in our apartment," Kurt said out of nowhere. We were driving home in a peaceful silence.

"We can't dictate that. If Dave wants company and it happens to be ETC then we can't stop him. We can, however, say no to overnight guests," I said looking at him.

"I guess, if Meerhorse is at the apartment, I'll be at the house." He wasn't having it.

"If you still despise him, then why....?"

"I don't not like him but I don't like him either. He's in limbo, he has to grow on us like Dave did," he said simply.

"That makes sense," I smiled.

"Of course. We need a T.V., back to Wal-Mart we go," he got really excited.

"You love that store don't you?" I laughed.

"You better believe it, but not nearly as much as I love you Honey," he said, placing his hand on my thigh.

I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on his. "What size T.V. are we getting?"

"I want at least a 32, but if we can't afford that then something small like a 27," he shrugged his shoulders.

"We should be able to afford the 32," I said.

"I hope so. We're here!" This boy was too excited to go in Wal-Mart.

I laughed and slid out the Navigator and proceeded to walk in the store. Kurt was close behind me and we fast walked to the T.V.'s.

"They have a 32 for 218 and they have a 46 for 300. We can go half on them both," I said, looking at Kurt.

"I like the 46," he said.

"I'll go get a sales rep," I said walking away.

I walked all through the electronic section and couldn't find a person in a blue shirt and tan pants. Finally I gave up and walked back over to Kurt who was standing there with a sales rep.


"Yes, we want this T.V.," he said pointing to the T.V.

"Okay. Hey Bill I need this Vizio 46 inch T.V.," he said into a headset. "Do you have more shopping to do?"

"Um, Blaine do we need anything from in here?"

"Um, not that I can think of."

"No, just the T.V."

"Okay, follow me."

We followed the sales rep to the register and he rung us out.

"Okay, your total is going to be $315.95."

Yay we now have bedroom T.V.!

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