Chapter 2: In The Bad Boy's Car

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The curb outside the school parking lot is a cold and lonely place a hour after school ends. I should start walking home but no, im too afraid.

So much for having a ride when you need one...

The hard concrete makes my butt numb from sitting so long, but standing is not a option without falling over. I would head to the cheerleader grounds and wait for Sunny, ask her to drive me home, but I remember that look she'd given me in second period. I pull my cellphone out of my pocket to check the time... 4:15pm.

"Yo BG, what's up you need a ride?" Elijah smiles from across the parking lot. I stare at him, questioning his intentions, wondering if this is all some big cruel joke he's decided to play on me. He dangles the keys and gives me a impatient look as I try to figure out if the bigger risk is a 30 minute drive with Elijah Storm or a hour walk home.

"Look I know you're afraid of me and shit but are you comin' or what? I do have some shit I need to take care of." He shouts in my direction.

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29.”  I sigh quietly getting up and heading to the car.

"You can't do that around me okay?" He frowns getting in and clicking the button to unlock the passenger side. I crawl in and try to keep my body as close to the door and as far away from him as possible.

"Do what?" I ask confused as I settle into the thought of being in ELIJAH STORMS car.

"You know, the whole... Quoting bible quotes like you wrote them down on your arm thing..." He smiles and starts the car. It smells like Axe and Sweat, with a hint of fast food burgers and fries. The leather feels weird as I run my hands over the seat wondering what he does on swimming days when he's wet and needs to get in his car.

"Where'd you get this car, well I mean... how?" I ask not knowing exactly why the question popped out of my mouth. I regretted it quickly once I saw the look he gave me.

"What, think it's hot? It's not jacked okay, it's completely paid out." He frowned running his hand through his hair.

"Woah, your vocabulary really sucks ya know that?" I smile looking out the window as we crossed the bridge.

"You're really judgemental for a christain ya know that?" He asked.

"I think christains are the most judgemental people ever, I mean... We kinda are, right?" I admit and glance at him. The winds dancing in his hair and he doesn't seem so frightening for once, he just seems so.... normal.

"I wouldn't really know.. Im atheist so.." He admits and I stare at him in shock.

"I've never met a... atheist before. Especially not one named Elijah." I gasped.

"Well I wasn't born athiest, ya know? It just kinda happened once upon a time." He sighed not telling me a story about how.

"Oh, well I guess I respect that..." I grin wondering what my mom would think of me riding around in a car with a atheist. Dad would probably call it the Devil's trickery, but mom... she might just... cry.

"What happened to the whole 'Judgemental Christain' thing huh?" Elijah smiled at me scrunching up his eyebrows. I could't believe how un-terrifying he was outside of school.

"Judge me as a person, not as a religion okay? I mean, religion is a aspect of my life not the whole thing. I'm a teenager and if I don't wanna judge you on your religion then... dont judge me on mine either." I explain rolling down my window and taking a deep breath of San Francisco air. The day was just reaching a peek and as my street come into view I signalled for Elijah to turn. For once my father and my brother's car both seemed to be dormate in the driveway which made me both angry and happy at the same time. Happy, I wouldn't be alone; Angry, my brother clearly forgotten about me

Im even invisible to my family now. Perfect.

"Hey, it was just a joke didn't mean it to come off as crued BG." Elijah explained pulling into my driveway.

"You know something Elijah, you're actually kinda smart. Don't get me wrong, you'd be a shit load smarter if you actually came to school and attended class instead of smoking weed in the hallways. But... yeah." I sigh and hurry out of the car.

My house is bright yellow in the day, so yellow that it burns when you look at it too long. It used to have the most beautiful rose bushes and wild flowers in front, but my mother isn't here to do that anymore. I wave goodbye to Elijah and push open my house door, im overcome with the smell of burnt food, musk, and dirty laundry. And yet it still looks perfectly prestine

"LEVITICUS, DAD- IM HOME!" I shout heading into the livingroom. Leviticus is sprawled out on the couch, his eyes look funny. There glassy not like he's been crying, just... glassy.

He's high.

"You said you were gonna stop!" I growl punching him in the arm.

"I'll do it when I fucking feel like it okay?" He growls back and before I know it the back of my right hands slams across his face and he stands up sharp.

"What the fuck was that for you stupid bitch!?" He asks angrily.

"You were supposed to pick me up!" I yell back, he doesn't scare me.

"YOU DIDN'T SEEM TO CARE A FEW MINUTES AGO WHEN I SAW YOU GETTING OUT OF THAT DUDES CAR! ARE YOU FUCKING HIM?" My brother yells loudly and I can hear a door down the hall slamming roughly.

"KISS MY ASS LEVITICUS, I HOPE YOU.... I hope you...." I began losing all of my strength to argue back.

"Go ahead, say it little me 'Holier Than Thou'! SAY IT!" He challenges and I can hear the heavy footsteps on the hall floor.

"IHOPEYOUDIE!" I yelled mushed together.

"What was that?" Leviticus asks as if he hadn't heard me.

"I SAID I. HOPE. YOU. DIE!" I snap and before leviticus can comment I feel a hard smack across my own face that puts me into a sudden heap on the ground. My eyes water up and my mouth goes sour, I feel sick. It had been a long time since he had hit me like that.

"If I find out you're having sex it'll be worse, apologize to your brother." He says calmly as if nothing happened at all.

"Daddy you hit me." I say stating the obvious as Levi stands there in utter shock.

"I said apologize to your brother." He demands.

"Im sorry Leviticus..." I apologize before pushing past my father and running into my room. My bed felt cold against the hot sting on my cheek, and suddenly the day breaking outside wasn't so appealing to me.

Everything I do is wrong, everthing I say is stupid. No one cares. No one sees me. I am broken, and i'll never be fixed because...

No one has the time to see invisible things.

Invisible: #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now