rides, snacks and apologies.

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Mr Styles started to mumble to himself and I couldn't stop laughing at the situation. He seemed so nervous and stressed and he couldn't stop passing his hands over his curly hair.

My teacher crush and I in a pub with me drunk.

God. If only i could record this moment...

"I'm taking you home. You had enough tonight." He started walking out of the pub with me following. "God Anna, do your parents even know you're here? And where is Carissa?"

I stopped causing him to stop back. "Carissa? How-?"

"Um, well I supposed she was with you because..."

"Because..." I encouraged him to continue.

"Because I always see both of you together at school."

My heart just melted. So... He wasn't oblivious at me just as I thought.

I didn't say anything else and started walking again till I reached the door and opened it stepping out.

"I'm better so I can walk to home alone. Thanks." I told him. I really wanted to fangirl and tell the teacher crush community what a crazy night had been.

"No way. Im taking you home. Anna, it's four in the morning. Streets are so dangerous right now and I can't just let it go you came alone." He stated.

"Fine. And thank you so much Mr Styles." I replied.

I still am a bit drunk but not that bad. I just was tipsy.

The entire ride was in complete silence with me looking out the window while he drove. He didn't turn on the radio maybe because he was tired of music already.

I remember seeing him with a beautiful brunette but in the moment he saw me and recognized me the girl left and-

"Um, Anna."

I turn my head to face him and he is looking at me already.


"I just realized I don't know where you live."

I couldn't help but start laughing again.

"And you're still drunk and there's no fucking way I'm taking you home like this." He continued and turned on the engine again and started driving.

After minutes we arrived at a supermarket and he turned off the car and stepped out of the car closing the car door behind him and blocking it so I couldn't run away.

Cheesy bastard.

Suddenly he came back and opened it again.

"Chocolate and some water is okay?" He asked.

I just nodded and he blocked the car again, winking at me at the same time.

After what it seemed like hours, he came back and entered the car handing me some chocolate bars and a bottle of water and I thanked him and started to eat. Suddenly I was hungry and when I finished it within minutes, he looked at me like amused and started chuckling.

"I'm glad you enjoy food, Anna. There would have had a lot of problems between us if you hadn't had eaten it." He joked. "Now tell me where you live so I can take you home and then go rest for a few hours."

"Where do you live Mr Styles?"

"I shouldn't tell you that but I am gonna tell you because I'm sure you won't remember it tomorrow. Lime Street. And now, Miss Eveers, tell me where you live so my conscience can rest." He chuckled.

"Leadenhall Street. We are not so far away from each other huh?" I winked at him.

Suddenly there was a silence which confirmed me Mr Styles didn't take that joke so good. But when I looked at him he was smirking.

When we arrived he turned off the engine and we stood like that like two minutes.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Because we're already in your street." He simply said.

"But my house is a few meters ahead."

"Are you telling me you want me to turn on my car for only a few meters when you had actually walked almost 500 with those heels?"

I just shrugged and he started laughing and shooting with his head. "I can't believe this."

"It was a joke Mr Styles. I perfectly can walk those 5 meters." I winked at him again and laughed along with him.

I stepped out of the car and went to the other side where he had his window down.

"Good night and sorry for bothering you, Mr Styles. I... I am so sorry." I said looking away from him to my shoes. I was really sorry.

"No need to apologize Anna. After all I have had a great time."

After a few minutes of silence I decided to speak.

"Good night and again, sorry. Erm... have a good weekend, Mr Styles."

He smiled a bit. "Good night, Miss Eveers. See you on Monday."

When I turned myself to open the front door I heard something.

"Miss Eveers?" It was Mr Styles again. I turned my head to him. "Good night." He just said and before I could say something, he left.

What a fucking crazy night.

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