issues 2.0

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  In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it. This isn't because the universe is cruel. It's because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don't appreciate things that fall into our laps.  

    ~ Anna

"So he told you he will ask you out tonight and Harry's jealous." That was the conclusion Carissa got after I told her everything. She ignored the fact I cheated on Jack and the fact it would all end in a disaster.

"Guess so," I just shrugged because I wasn't even sure that was what was going on. I didn't want to think too much about it but I was scared and I already got feelings for Harry and I didn't want to stop seeing him and I had to go on with the plan Harry traced. But I did not now what to do with Jack.

If you want to keep seeing me you must date Alex. But remember I'm the only one who touches you. I don't share, Anna. And I want you. Remember that if he tries anything. I know your flaky boyfriend does not touch you, anyways.

I sighed, remembering his words. I wasn't a good actress and I don't know for how long I could pretend I liked Alex. And what should I say if he noticed I didn't like him at all.

Even worse, what do I do if he discovers I like his uncle.

Carissa was focused on what I would wear that night.

"Carissa stop it. What if Harry wasn't right and it's not tonight? Alex didn't tell me anything."

"Didn't tell you anything yet Anna."

"Keyword." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know it's about time he'll tell you. Anyways, I have the outfit more than perfect for you. Remember that black dress? You look like such an actress with it on."

"You think?"

"Yeah I do. Now let's go. I wanna do your hair."



Alex: hey Anna, sorry for not telling you earlier but can you make it to come to dinner around 8pm?

Anna: hi😊 oh, um, yea of course. I have nothing to do anyways lol I'll be there.

Alex: nice! My uncle Harry will be there as well. And my dad I think too. Hope you don't mind.

Anna: um, sure I don't mind. It's ok.

Alex: see you later then. I don't have a car so I'll try convince my uncle to go pick you up.

Anna: sure, thanks. X

"What did he say?" Carissa asked me while she was doing my hair. I know she looked at the screen.

"Harry is coming to pick me up."

"Harry is going to die when he sees you this hot. I'm not even into girls but honestly I would do you."

"Oh God you didn't say that didn't you?!" I was laughing my ass off until she told me to shut up and continued doing my hair.

"Aaaand it's done. Honestly if Harry doesn't throw you on the backseat of his car I didn't make a good job."

I had the black dress on, my not so high heels and my hair and make up done. I haven't been this pretty since forever.

Pretty satisfied, I just had to wait for Harry.

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