PART 1 CHAPTER 1: I Hate Mondays

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       A cool breeze rushed through my face as I open the door of my house. It was crisp autumn morning and I had school today. The only problem was that today was Monday. Monday is the day for depression. After a short weekend filled with partying and fun, we have to go back in just a few days time to do what we usually do before the weekend. Mom doesn't know that I like to drink coffee so I walk to the coffee shop and order my usual; A white chocolate mocha. As I give my money to the cashier, I glance at the clock and see that I have a few minutes until the bell rings so I chose to sit down and relax. I think about all the things I did over the weekend. I think about everything. How did the days go by fast? When will my life have some action? But I'm just your average 9th grader. I, Jeremiah Jefferson, officially think I am normal.

         The bell rang as soon as I got in class. "Please take your seats class, our test will start in a few minutes!" Dammit! I forgot we had a test today! Damn you, Monday! I lay my head on my desk and wait for my test paper to come. When my paper came I looked at the title. ALGEBRA TEST DO YOUR BEST! Great. Algebra. My weakest part of math. I try my best to do what I can but its all confusing to me. I look at the clock. It's only 9:30 and it only feels like its been an hour! I just sit there like a slug and stare at the wretched paper that is dared to be called a test. I hear the bell ring. Its time for lunch. I fall in line at the cafeteria and look at what is SUPPOSED to be meat loaf and potatoes. So much for my appetite. Now it was time for science. I'm not Albert Einstein but I can tell you that science is my strongest subject.                                                                                                                                                     Nothing new happened in science class today. We looked at a video and watched the instructor conduct an experiment. But, what I'm really excited for is that tomorrow, we're going to do an experiment with live chemicals! 

           When I walked down the hallway I saw one of my friends, Kendra. "Hey Jeremiah", she screams as she walks from the opposite end of the hall. "Hey", I shout back. Kendra and I are the best of friends. In a few minutes, the bell will ring and we are going to hang out by the statue in the front of the campus. Most people think that we are dating, but that's not the case. Besides, she's not my type. This time of day is the only good time of Monday.  

             The bell rings and I run for the door. Her and I plan to stay there at the statue until 6. I see her there sitting and waiting for me. "Hey!", I shout. "Hey Jeremiah!", she screams back as we see each other and walk towards one another. After the school cleared, it was just me and her. The best part of Monday. But then, something happened. The moonlight shined across the statue mirror and the statue glared back at us. "Did you see that?" I question. "Yeah, that weird." she stated. The statue shimmered and shine. I decided to observe it. I touch the statue and my hand WENT THROUGH THE STATUE! "HOLY CRAP! DID YOU SEE THAT?" "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" She screamed. "I DON'T KNOW!" I shouted to come back at her. We kept putting in our hands multiple times into the the statue and we came to a decision. "Ok, you're a guy, so maybe YOU should go in", she said. "Me? Why can't YOU go in?" "Because I am a lady", she argues. "Ok, how about we both go in at the same time?", I said. "Ok, but if anything happens to me, it's all your fault." "Fine." So we decide to go in. As soon as I put my body inside of the statue, the only thing my eyes could see was a random flash of colors. What happened next was out of my mind. 

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