PART 3 CHAPTER 19: Vengeance

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After a large battle, most of us needed a rest. But, Trixie and I stayed up to listen in on the radio. Shade was up, too. We were all standing there while we worked in trying to fix the radio. I turn on my communicator to see if the teams are on their way to their destinations. The returning teams are already halfway here. The team that is heading to Sweet Apple Acres is also halfway there. The plan was to survey the area for the soldiers and bomb. If we can get enough intel, we can learn how to defuse the bomb or we can use it for ourselves. In my opinion, I would want to use it for ourselves in the earth dimension. It's time for them to realize that we can fight back.

It was around midnight. Everyone was asleep. I still stayed up so I could hear the news. There was nothing but static on the lines. We tried turning the stations, but it was all static. When the sun rises, both teams should be where they should be. Trixie told me I should go to bed, but I'm not sure if I want to. These last few days have got me in a bundle. All this killing. And death. It's all in my head. And, I'm the one who's commanding it. Well, of course with help from some friends. Shooting was sleeping with her blaster beside her. It looked pretty funny when I looked at it. Too bad I don't have my phone. Back when Canterlot High was around, I would take pictures all the time. But, again, that was before. This is now. Both Canterlot High and half of Equestria is destroyed. We have to restore it. But if we use the bomb, it could wipe out almost half the earth! But, if we defuse it, that will give the opposite side more time to gather troops and kill the team. Decisions, decisions. What do I pick? I ask Trixie what she thinks and she says that she doesn't care, as long as she doesn't die. We all are afraid of death. But, at the same time, we aren't afraid of it coming. Most of us have lost everything here in Equestria. We could resist and restart our lives, or we can resist and die. It's everyone's choice. But, everything is gone in my life. With the atomic bomb, I don't know what we can do with it. Suddenly, a message comes on every frequency telling us that we have a day to surrender. Just a day. I call in to check on the teams. They were doing fine. The bomb team will be there in about a few minutes. Jeeps are fast in Equestria.

It was around 1 in the morning when I got the message that the bomb team is there. They mentioned something about tents. And camp sites. And they found the bomb. It didn't look very big. In fact, it was about the length of a mare. If that was the bomb, theb what was that huge bomb we saw the other day? They called it in and I decided to tell them that if they could, to bring the bomb back for analysis. Before they could answer back, our connection got cut off. We tried to reconnect with them, but we couldn't. I checked in the other team while Trixie worked on trying to remake a connection. The teams are already here. We open up the force field and tell the people what was going on. We all met up in the shelter and ate. Everyone got up to meet the soldiers. Shooting and Shade were the only ones who were concerned about the bomb. I just hope they're ok.

The sun rose over the rubble of the Empire Mane Building. We weren't able to get in contact with the bomb team for about 4 hours now. I decided to get some sleep. "Wake me up if you find out anything", I said as I walked over to my cot. It's been a 9 days since we came here. Everything has changed. We went from 2 friends to an army of 1,300. But, that friend who was there from the beginning is dead. My mother is dead. Now, a very special team has lost contact with us and they might be dead. If they die, the bomb must die with them. But, they have to make it back here. We need for them to feel our pain. It was our vengeance. The plan was that we have to get Trixie to open a portal long enough so we can plant the bomb remotely and get back before it blows. If we do this in the right spot at the right time, they just might surrender. They might. Or, they could fight back with everything they have. Probably including a nuke that would detonate at any second. We don't want to take chances, so as soon as we all get out of the earth, we would close all the portals permanently. We won't be able to go to Earth. At least, not now. Not with Trixie's magic. It seemed like a good plan. All we needed was the bomb. I look at the sun rising. We only have a few hours before they will realize the bomb is missing. Or did they already notice? Right then, a shock just came to my head. No...They couldn't! I told Trixie to switch the the military frequency. They were preparing to make one last stand before they set off the atomic bomb right there in Sweet Apple Acres. They were going to attract us. They knew they would. You know why? They had our team tied to the bomb. "Dammit!", I yell out. Shade and Shooting come around to hear the bad news. I know Twilight can do something. Unless they know too much about the races that they jn no how to defeat them. This is it. They've became smarter. We had to rethink our plan. Do we go in with everything we have? Do we sneak attack them? Or, do we wait for them to blow our houses down? We only have around 18 hours to decide. I chose that we go in quiet and hit them hard and wuick. We must find the remote to the atomic bomb and make sure that it doesn't doesn't blown right in our faces. A division would recover the bomb and bring it back to base. That is if we wouldn't be shot up. Would we? No. We couldn't. We're the defender of Equestria. It's our duty. Even it it means risking our pony lives. We all agree on the plan and get ready to strike. This might be it. The fate of Equestria will lie on this entire battle. I don't know if I will make it back. In fact, I don't know if anyone will make it back. The time is 8 in the morning. I, Jeremiah Jefferson, will not back down. I am an Equestrian warrior. God help us in this fight to restore peace. Kendra will be there above to help us spiritually. She will remind us what will happen when we take a bullet for our land. For peace. Let's do this!

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