PART 3 CHAPTER 22: The Big Red Button

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Soldiers were dodging the machine gun fire. They were trying to get to us, but they don't know where we were. There isn't a machine gun in the armory, so we have to defend for ourselves. We have all the ammo we could find in this armory. Soldiers began to pile over the hallway. I get out a 50 cal sniper and tear the living crap out of the soldier. Limb from limb, they all fell. But, there were more coming. We continued to fire out guns, but pretty soon, they will get weak. We decided that we have to set off the bomb. Before I could say anything about our plan, Shooting shouted "Bye-Bye, Earth!" And pressed the big red button. A beeping noise could be heard from a timer in the bomb. A red clock started flashing and it said 9:55. We have less than 10 minutes to get out of here! I try to teleport us to the exit, but there are so many exits, that my magic can't focus on one particular exit. "Run!", I yell. We both get out of the armory and get the crap out of the way. Soldiers were coming left and right, but we had to dodge them. We ran and ran. Shooting let me hop on her back while she flew us out of there. I used my gun and her blaster. I shot away while she flew. The base is huge. We don't know which way to go. No signs in sight. By now, we only have about 7 minutes. There at the sbd of the hallway were 2 other hallways.We decided to split up. I went to the right, Shooting went to the left. I aimed my gun and ran whenever I didn't see a soldier. Shooting called in that she found an exit, but it was blocked by soldiers. I run back to her and see the soldiers pour in. We hear the beep of the bomb getting louder and louder. 5 minutes. We try to push through, but they're too many. Shooting became so frustrated, so she blasted a very large blast of energy. There were a few soldiers left, but more kept coming. We cleared out one section at a time. Shooting created blaster traps and I killed any soldiers that survived the traps. We were grinding them. 4 minutes. We have to get to Equestria!

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