PART 1 CHAPTER 6: Jake and Gary II

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Jake was waiting on Gary for about an hour. They got to school extra-early so they could find Jeremiah. Jake spent the last hour before school looking everywhere. The cafeteria, the classrooms, everywhere. He texted Gary about a hundred and fifty times. Still no reply. Jake went to the last place Gary said he would be; the statue. To Jake, the statue was a sign of patriotism to Canterlot High. As the 8:00 sun rises, the flare from the sun reflects off of the statue to create a glare. The same glare that Jeremiah, Kendra, and Gary saw. Jake looked at the glare. As the sun passed through the hour, he realized that every few minutes, the statue would glow. By this time, all the students were getting into class. But oddly, no one was hanging around the statue. Jake thought that Jeremiah was not at school and decided to discover further into the statue. He tried touching the statue where it glowed the most. As the others, his hand went through the statue. But something odd happened. Instead of himself going inside of the portal, he just stood there looking at the statue. All of a sudden, the statue glowed at its brightest. The portal became strong and powerful and started to create a magnetic force field! It started to attract Jake closer and closer into the portal! As he grew closer and closer to the portal. His body began to get sucked into the portal. When most of his body was in the portal, he tried all he can to get himself out the the portal was too strong! As his face was being sucked in, he yelled out, "WHAT THE FU-" and before he finished, he disappeared into the statue! When Jake woke up, the first thing he saw was the hooves of two royal guard ponies. "Halt!", said one guard. "By the order of Princess Celestia, I command you to go back to wherever you came!" Jake looked surprised. He looked like he was inside a castle of some kind. He looked around for an exit. He saw a large door at the end of the hallway. He decided to make a break for it. Jake ran past the guards and past the hallways to the large door. The guards were running behind him telling him to stop, but he didn't listen. He opened the door and realized that this wasn't an exit. But just a balcony. The two guards surrounded him. "End of the line.", said one guard. Jake looked at his sides and realized he had wings. Before the guards could do anything to him, he tested out if he could fly. And indeed he could. He spread his wings of the balcony and jumped off the edge. As he dree closer to the ground, he flapped his wings and flew. Along the way, he saw a large figure. It seemed to draw closer and closer to him. Jake then realized that the figure was going for him! He flew black in the opposite direction, heading back to the castle balcony. Before he could reach the edge, the figure behind him caught up to him and dree him in with its magical field. As he drew closer to the figure, he blacked out. But the only thing he could see before he blacked out was a glowing, white horn.
Jake woke up in a library of some sort. Twilight poked him around and said, "I think he's waking up." Kendra, Shooting, and I stepped back and allowed what-we-thought-was- Jake to stand up. "What the hell? I just got blacked out by some white horned thing!" Jake looked at Kendra and Me. "Something about you two looks farmiliar." I gave a sarcastic face and said, "It's us you dumbass. Kendra and Jeremiah" Jake was surprised. How did we all get here? He wondered. Gary came trotting up the stairs after he got news from Twilight saying that they have another guest. "You know guys, I think I'm hearing voices because I swear I heard Jake's." Jake looked at Gary with awe. "The hell? Gary? How the fuck did you get here? And who the hell is this?" Jake pointed at Shooting.

"For your information, my name is Shooting Stellar Star, you pathetic human... Pony... Thing...." "Pathetic? For your informatiin, good madam, I am Jake of Canterlot High. Everything was going great until GARY here sewed it up with his Damn curiosity and got us in this pile of shit!" I look at Jake and say," Gary had nothing to do with this situation! The portal opened by itself!" "So then it's your fault", Jake exclaimed. We kept arguing for about 10 minutes and then Twilight and Shooting yelling," SHUT THE BUCK UP!!!!" We all quiet down and stare at Twilight and Shooting. "The truth is, you ALL got yourselves into this mess. Now, it's fine if you want to stay but it won't be here!" By this time, Celestia has already flown back to Canterlot Castle. By this time, we were settled in. We were quiet for a few minutes and then Twilight left the tree. After that, we just sat there.

Book 1: War on EquestriaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz