PART 2 CHAPTER 14: Get To The Bunker!

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Shade woke me up in the morning. It was light outside. Already? But, with Celestia and Luna dead, who controls the sun and moon? It was all very confusing to me. I asked Twilight and even she didn't understand. I guess I'll find out sooner or later. But, in these times, anything you see or do, you shouldn't question it, or else you'll be killed. Anyways, we packed up our stuff and secured the town once again. Kendra took one last look from the roof. She heard marching of footsteps from behind. The footsteps drew closer and closer. She saw soldiers lined up line after line. "SOLDIERS!", she yelled. We didn't have enough supplies or man strength to defeat this troop. We hid in the buildings and on clouds. We watched as the very large troop passed through Canterlot. Except, they had armory now. Lots of armory. We heard choppers. The pegasi civilians dug their heads in the clouds as they watch th choppers pass by. There were tons of choppers. From what I could count, I saw about 20. I wonder where they were headed. I also saw about 3 tanks. I've never seen a tank in real life. Not even in Equestria. How the hell could they get a tank through a tiny mirror? Again, it's good not to question. Maybe answers will come later. The army passed through the town. It took them about 10 minutes to pass. I just hope they weren't headed to the castle.
After the army passed, I called a meeting in the center of the town. Everypony was there. "We need a plan, so if poop hits the fan, we'll be able to pick it up" Kendra added that they can provide covering fire as Shade, Shining, and I will explore the castle for the bunker. Shooting will cover the roof, Kendra will cover the left side, and Twilight will cover the right. We all agreed on the plan. But, we need a form of communication. I pulled communicators from soldiers in the town. I gave one to each one and said we can communicate by pressing the button. We all agreed once again on the plan. We gathered the ammo and grenades once again and we were on our way.
We got to the castle around noon. It looked so....different. Everything was changed. But, again, our lives were about to change because those soldiers WERE in the castle.....shit. Ok. New plan. We all find a very strong piece of cover, let the ones with the most ammo on the front, least on the back. Shooting would be on point with me in the middle. We can't afford for her to die. We have ot si her blaster has enough space to shoot down the choppers circling the castle roof. The tanks. The soldiers. They were all inside. How were we going to get to them? "Maybe I can be of assistance", said a voice nearby. We all turn around and we see a blue unicorn pony. She had some sort of...cape. Yeah. A cape. And a wizard hat. How much crazier could this get? "If you are searching for the Canterlot Bunker, then you, ny friends, are in luck. I am Trixie Lulamoon. Before the war, I was a very talented magician. I know almost every spell in Equestria." She had that smirk on her face. Twilight was unamused. "Oh brother. Shooting first, and now Trixie. How bad could this possibly get?" Trixie was shocked. "Twilight! You're alive! Okay, I'm sorry for what I did to you" I was confused. "What did she do to you?" I ask. "Well, Trixie here challenged me to a dual. Many times. I lost this one time and she seperated me from everyone in Ponyville. But, I guess the past is the past." Twilight turns to Trixie. "I forgive you." Twilight is a very kind pony. I remember her telling me stories about how she was the Element of Magic. I wonder where the other 5 were. Once again, it is VERY good not to question in this situation. "Ok, you can join us. Trixie, how do you think we can get past these soldiers?" Trixie chuckled. "Easy. With a little bit of magic!" She charged her horn and created a large smokescreen on the soldiers. "GO! FIRE!" We all fire our weapons at the soldiers. They didn't know what hit them! Shooting successfully shot down all the choppers. The only thing left to kill were the tanks. "Now what?", I said to Trixie as the bullets were being shot. She pointed at the tanks and said, "Twilight! Get your friend to fire the biggest charge at the tanks!" Twilight looked to Shooting and said, "Give them all you got!" Shooting aimed and gave the biggest charge I ever saw her fire. It was much brighter than any sun or moon I've seen. It was louder than explosion. And, it did the biggest damage possible. Trixie tried to summon a cannon spell. She fired a large energy ball from her horn, and the two charges combined, create one huge charge. We heard a very, very, very loud BOOOOOOOOOOM!, this signaled us to let us know that we defeated them. But, there was something wrong. There seems to be more choppers! I counted 20. 20 choppers! With machine guns! Trixie and Shooting immediately formed in position. I turned around and I saw a hunker hidden underneath all the bodies. I point at the bunker. Trixie looks at me and so did Shooting. "GO! GET TO THE BUNKER!", they both yelled. We didn't have enough ammo and we were being shot at. We had no choice. I told everyone to charge at the bunker. We saw a large door and jumped into it.
The bunker was a large place under the castle. It was filled with spears, pistols, and M16's. There was food everywhere. But, who would was expecting us? Surely there would be someone here. We all looked around while we heard gun shots and cannon shots. "Hello!", said voices behind us. We turned around as quick as we could. I couldn't believe it. The other elements of harmony. They were alive! Right there in front of us just might be the key to bringing back Equestria. But, we can't do it without Shooting and Trixie. We can't get back up there, because if we do, we'll get shot. It's better if we leave it up to them. I just hope they survive.

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