PART 3 CHAPTER 18: Chopper Down

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It was 2 in the afternoon. Still no signs of military coming our way. We kept checking in on HQ and they said that the forces are moving in. I decided that a team of mixed ponies and men should take a chopper and get there as fast as they can. The team will be compiled of 200. I hope that's enough because we would have to hold down the empire in case they actually do attack. Right now, we have around 1,100 soldiers ready for battle. That's without the groups that are stationed at HQ and in the area of the HQ. In total, we would have around 1,300 soldiers. When you think about it, that would be alot and impossible to believe that we would kill off half of the population of the earth because we blew them up. Literally. With Shooting's gun. But, if we defeated a whole trooper squad with 4 of us, we could take down a whole base. With the right skills, of course. It's around 10 minutes past 2 and still no signs of soldiers. We've been here for 3 hours and nothing. But, I'm not giving up yet. They didn't specify what day they would attack. It might be today or tomorrow. Or maybe next week. But, there won't be a next week. The atomic bomb. Did they really think we would surrender ourselves? I lean over to Jeffery. "Do you have any info on the atomic bomb?", I said. Jeffery shrugged his arms. "All I know is that they're doing it in an open field beside Ponyville. There's also this sort of apple orchard there." I quickly look at my map. Sweet Apple Acres! I get close to Applejack and tell her the bad news. She was furious. She just wanted to get over there and get everything, but they took it all. Her family. The apples. Everything. The only things she had were her elemental necklace and her friends. I feel for her. But, we couldn't afford for her to leave. She's an important part of the elements. We need her. But, who is causing us pain? Guns don't kill people. People do. Who is the person who is commanding everyone in Earth to go into Equestria and kill everyone? My cards are on the General. I mean, he IS head of everything in the military. Next to the President. He's like his best friend. Anyways, it was already 3. Still no soldiers. We tried contacting HQ and we heard static this time. No reply when we told them to copy back. We were afraid some happened to them. We got communicated with the chopper team. We head static there too. What the hell is going on?!?? We heard static on every station. We finally heard something from the opposing military chopper. "Chopper Down! I repeat! Chopper down!" NO! THEY TOOK IT DOWN! They must have fought before they took it down. Why would they call it in if they didn't? We all listened in for any more news. What was weird was that there was no static on the military frequency. We heard static on every channel. Except for theirs. Weird. We continued to listen in. It was about 30 minutes until we heard something again. Something about Manehatten. They didn't mention anything about the Crystal Empire. Not once. So, we decided to put a secondary base and settle in the town. While a few of the teams were getting settled in the empire, we all got into our choppers and jeeps. Our division and a few others decided to fly back to Manehatten to provide cover. I just hope whatever they did to the others won't happen to us.

It was 4 in the afternoon. We were already airborne and I tried contacting with HQ. We heard static. Until we heard a beep. It was Trixie! "Trixie, are you ok? How is everypony?" We heard a beep almost instantly. "Jeremiah! Are you coming back? We need help! They already pushed us back. I'm afraid we m-" We heard a large crash. "No! They brought down the Empire Mare Building! You need to get here ASAP!" "Copy that.", I say. It's been about half an hour since we left the base and we started to see smoke over the horizon. We saw the Canterlot castle over the horizon as well. Or, what used to be it. Somewhere buried in there is Shining and Pinkie. But they couldn't have gotten out....Could they? We hovered over the fields near the castle. There it was. The grave for the fallen soldiers in battle. The chopper and 3 jeeps. It felt so...empty. How they're doing this to all of us. If Celestia wanted to commit suicide, what would she have done if she didn't? I have a feeling this had something to do with Luna. But, we couldn't go to the castle to find clues. Manehatten needs our help. For Equestria. Around an hour later, we saw the peeking of the buildings. Or, what used to be the buildings. We saw everything. Choppers. Tanks. Soldiers. Jeeps. Everything! It was like another battle for Manehatten. But with more offenses. I saw the force field. It was broken. How could Trixie get the force field broken? We flew inside the force field and immediately heard gunshots and more choppers. The choppers surprisingly did not have guns on them. Shooting shot them down almost instantly. She's knows what's going down. Shooting's hometown is Manehatten. She would be heartbroken to know that her first town would be destroyed if we don't take action. We cleared out a landing space and landed. We all got out of our choppers and release the jeeps from the hooks. We all get out and start taking cover and firing. It was me, Shooting, Twilight, and Dickson. Everyone else was out in another division. We fired our guns and threw our grenades. Each division had their own assignmenents. Our division's mission was to get to the bomb shelter and restore the town. We were in Times Mare, which was about 2 blocks away from the shelter. Soldiers covered every street. It was only about 200 of us versus the whole army. At least, I think it looks like that. Manehatten couldn't be that big. Could it? Anyways, we tried to push them back, but we couldn't do it. There were to many of them! Instead of pushing them back, they made us fall back. Now we were 3 blocks from the shelter! I hope Trixie is holding herself down, because it may be some time before we can get to her. Shooting tried her best to fire her charges, but they just kept pouring in. By the end of the day, we were only a block away from the shelter, but we still had a whole army on our left side. We decided that we had to rush into the shelter and cover and provide fire as quickly as we could, so we ran. We could see soldiers aiming their guns at us and trying to shoot, but they couldn't kill us. We rushed in the shelter and closed the door. Trixie was there heavily breathing. We both hugged and got right to work. Shade and some other pony folk were in a sick bay recovering. It looked like they were going well. I leaned up to Shade. He was sleeping, so I didn't want to disturb him. I walk over to another part of the shelter where the dead people were. I didn't see any ponies. Except for one. Kendra. She was peaceful. There was a bullet hole through her head. Dammit. I just wanted to stay there and just die. But, I couldn't. If we go soft, all of us would be dead. So, we had to do what we had to do. We got some more supplies and provided cover from inside the shelter. Trixie worked on trying to fix both radios and the force field. We can't have anyone else inside of the town. It was around 10 and we were only halfway through the huge line of soldiers. Shooting went out front and rapid fired her blaster. "BONZAI!!!", she yelled out as she was standing on a large mound of soldiers firing at everything she saw. In about a few minutes, every soldier was dead. The only things left were the tanks and choppers. But, we took them out with a few death rays. We were glad to be back in Manehatten and sucessfully avert an attack that could've killed everypony. We contacted with the Crystal Empire and we hear that things are going well down there. We request for more people and ponies to get back here to Manehatten, so in the morning they could be here. Now with forces on the move, we would have even amounts of peoplw in both bases. For the empire, I out one of the local resistance ponies in charge. We all check on the fallen soldiers and the injured. I check Shade for the last time. I look over him and his eyes open up. "H-hey Jeremiah.",he said. He looked around him. His senses were coming back. "Where are we?" I chuckle. "You blacked out because you were shot in the back. Twilight and everypony else got back safely." We were quiet for a few seconds. "And Kendra?", Shade questions. I shake my head. We both sigh. Shade would become one of my best friends. He seemed like a defender for Kendra. Shooting and Shade are the only people who actually came all this way to help. I look back in the dead section of the shelter. I look at some of the tags and I realized that there were two other ponies dead. Jake and Gary. No big surprise. I knew they would die at some point. Anyways, we eat our dinner and go to sleep. I couldn't sleep over the chatter of the radio over by the front with Trixie. By this time, the force field was fixed and dead soldiers roam the streets. I tried to ignore the static, but then I heard something when Trixie turned to the military frequency. They were going to light the bomb in 2 days! I almost immediately stood up to listen in. We have to move. Tomorrow. Or else we will all all be dead. I break the news to everyone, including the rest of the Mane 6. Applejack wasn't pleased. In fact, she was the first one to get her gear on. I feel terrible for her. Why would they do such a thing? But, to be sure that this isn't a scam, we have to send a spec ops team. That team would be the Elements. They all volunteered and I chose them for their powers. If we could take the field fown, we could, but they have a bomb. We don't. So now we have two paths to choose from. Should we take the bomb or destroy it? This choice is all up to me.... But, why would I choose either one? Then, I had an idea. A brilliant idea. It had something to do with Earth. If they want to take what's dear and loving to us, we have to to what's dear and loving to them. Their world.

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