PART 2 CHAPTER 16: The Battle for Manehatten

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I look at the Equestrian map. If we came from Canterlot, we're going to have to go a long way. But, it's for the greater good. We can't stop. We can't afford to. By now, it was noon and we didn't see any more soldiers. But, we didn't take chances. We continued on the silver plated path. We had around 96 people in our group. If 4 of us could defeat an army of 100 and 2 choppers like back in Ponyville, and 40 of us could destroy a while squadron in Canterlot, then 1000 of us should be able to take out an entire wave of soldiers. Maybe around 3,000. I hope the people we run into are strong in magic and in warfare. Trixie,  Shooting, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were the masters of the elementals. They controlled almost all the magic Equestria could handle. We can't be defeated. Not now. This could be some of the most biggest defenses Equestria has ever seen. I heard that there are people from the Griffin Kingdom that came to help the Manehatten peoole, and alot of them survived. With them on our sides, they could be with Shade. They would be friends. Hopefully.

We still walk on the trail to Manehatten. It's been an hour. I see some mountains and train tracks. I look at the map. I see both range of mountains and train tracks. We were only about a third of the way to Manehatten. I would say that this trip would take us until tomorrow without any hesitation. If the army gets to us using choppers and tanks and all the soldiers they can get in the portal, we're screwed. By the end of the day, I could see the coastline. We were close. I would say another 8 more hours to go. Around 1 in the morning, we heard choppers zoom past us. I point at the chopper and Shooting shot it down. That was sort of a bad idea. What if there were more choppers? What if they had machine guns? This can't be another massacre like in Canterlot and Ponyville. We can't afford to loose anyone. If they over power us, it would be the end of Equestria. We were walking and walking for what it seemed as for miles. But, in the real world, it's only been one mile. How large could Equestria be? Well for one thing, if we see a chopper, we're taking it. I am not going to help defend here when it takes a day and a half just to get to the battlefield. Even though most of us were tired, we didn't show it. We were a good group.

It's been 5 days since we came to Equestria. Things escalated quickly. From who we though was on our side that created a massive war against Canterlot High and destroyed my hometown and killing my family. My God....I can't stop thinking about it. I'm going to have a nightmare tonight. I don't even know if there will be a tonight for me. Or a tonight for anyone. We may have just been hearing a rumor and our parading to our deaths, but as long as we are helping Equestria, I'll do anything. Rainbow Dash can probably hear my thoughts because she looks at me like she knows what I'm doing. She's great....a real pegasus. I guess that's where she got her element from. Loyalty. Loyalty to anyone. Especially for her homeland. We all get word from Shining. "All divisions, we are hearing reports that there are soldiers heading your way. They heard a loud noise when you guys took down the chopper. How close are you to Manehatten?" I buzz in the communicator. "We're about half way to the objective. We'll be there in about a couple of hours." We heard another buzz from the communicator. "Rodger that", says Shining. We all took caution. Looked every way. So far we didn't see anything. But, that won't be for long. I can sense a heated battle coming our way. I just hope my senses tell me that we get there first.

I look at the direction of the sun. By the direction, I can tell it's around 9 in the morning. I can see the peak of buildings in the distance. Manehatten!  But, I see smoke. Lots of smoke. I call it in to HQ and I hear Pinkie Pie answer. "Shiny-winey is asleep, so I'm taking over the communicators till he wakes up! Anyways, you should check the smoke from a distance." We all hope it wasn't an attack by the soldiers. I look over a hill and we don't see anypony. A few ponies on the outskirts were just creating a fire. I call in the false alarm and continue to town. The ponies stared at us and started to follow us. All the ponies did. They followed us into a large community building. Enough to hold the 1,000 people that just joined us. We carried enough guns and knives for everyone. Suddenly, we hear the choppers again. They're coming. "THEY'RE COMING!", I yell. Everyone gets in their division and follow the plan. There will be a sniper team covering us from the top of the Empire Mane Building. We set up barricades and get ready. Shade and the rest of the Melee Warriors, which now is composed of 300 other ponies will attack from the left. The High Flyers will attack from above, raining grenades. Us, The Elementals, will be the frontal assault, along with 30 of the ponies we gathered in Ponyville. The rest of the ponies divided themselves to provide cover. We were ready. All the elements gathered around Shooting as a group of 5 tanks advance towards Mane Street. I yell out the battle cry of our nation and Shooting fires a cannon blast, along with Trixie and the 5 elements. That cannon is so strong. It knocked out the tanks and a lot of the soldiers behind them. The choppers did not come until a few minutes after the soldiers started to attack us. The Snipers provided excellent cover. They attacked some of the biggest people and the toughest we could shoot. We used strategy to defeat our enemies. Grenades were thrown everywhere. Using her magical shield, Twilight protected us while Trixie created a force field around the city. Surprisingly once again, they were not tired. They didn't show any exhaustion. Grenades couldn't hit us anymore. Nor did any bullets. Magic is so awesome! Now, we heard the choppers. From what I saw, I could see 30 choppers filled with soldiers. Maybe about 10 each. There were machine guns. But, that didn't stop us. We fired our guns and Shooting fired her nuke. I call it a nuke because it obliterates anything it touches. After 2 hours of pure bullets, we didn't hear anything. Everything was silent. We celebrated and everyone in town gave one large, loud battle cry. But then, we heard a very very very very very (very x200) loud Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! We looked at the direction where the explosion came from. A very large mushroom cloud could be seen in the distance. We saw a gusty wind heading to us. We saw a bomb shelter in the center of the down. I yell out on the communicator. "GO! GET TO THE SHELTER!!!!!" Everyone turns their direction onto us and sees us dash for the bomb shelter. I turn back. The wind was growing much closer. There wasn't anymore time! "MOVE! MOVE!", I shout on the intercom. I grab onto Shooting's wings and Trixie teleports the rest of our division. I guess everyone else thought of the same idea because we were the last ponies in. I shut the door tight and hear the wind zoom past us. I felt heat growing stronger and stronger. But how? How did they get through the force field? "HQ! Can you copy?" No answer. "HQ?!?!?" Still no answer. "HQ, report. SOS! I repeat! WE ARE IN A SOS!" Static. Nothing but static. I sigh. I turn to the public channel on my communicator. "Everypony. We have lost contact with HQ. We are on our own." I turn off the communicator. I turn back to HQ to see if anyone would answer. Nothing. There still was static. I could see the sadness in Twilight's face. We all tried to comfort her. But nothing worked. "I've lost everything. I just want to end it!", she stated. I come up to her and look at the exit. "We all do Twilight. We all do..."

The next day, we all woke up to the sound of large static from HQ. I turn the channel off and fall back asleep. Suddenly, we hear a knock at the door. I peak out a little hole and see that they're soldiers. I guess they're a special ops troop because they're checking all the streets. I turn on my communicator once again and whisper. "Everypony. Do. not. move. Do not make a sound. They're onto us." They obeyed the command. There was no sound to be heard inside the shelter. No one said a word. We waited for 30 minutes. I checked outside to see if the coast was clear. It was. Everyone was able to go outside. Trixie and Twilight reset the force field to protect the city once again.  We cleared out all the buildings. Just what the hell happened? We were fine until the big explosion happened. When we saw the direction it came from, it was from....Canterlot....Oh god..... That must be why HQ isn't responding. If Shining and Pinkie knew this would happen, I hope they got out of the bunker in time. With no where to go, I guess Manehatten will be our new base. The center of our base would be the bomb shelter. If it can withstand an explosion, it can withstand an attack. Trixie volunteered to be commander. I accepted it. I gave her a headset from another dead soldier. We found some radio ops that were supposed to be fighting in the war we just obliterated. We set up the radio. We heard that they were going to head to the Griffon Kingdom next. We need soldiers, but we need transport. Luckily, one of our scouting teams found a jeep. Twilight was the only one who knows how to drive a vehicle. I don't want to know how she knows. But, at least she does.....right? We sent The Melee Warriors, High Flyers, and Kendra of our division to fight them. I feel comfortable that they know how to fight. Although I didn't want Kendra to go, she had to. She volunteered and I couldn't hold her back. Twilight would be their transport. The mission was to get in position to help the griffons defend their kingdom. I mean, they're apart of Equestria too.....right? Ok....Anyways, we send them off on their trip. Kendra hugged me and I hugged her back. I whisper to Shade, "Try to not let anything happen to her." He gave me a nod and they drove off. They were to be coming back in about 3 days. Until then, we can send out supply teams to go and scout some more. We were to help barricade the base. Manehatten was once a warzone. But now, we'll try our best to restore it. Along with all the other towns we come across. Equestria will be restored sooner or later. Even if we have to sacrifice our blood, sweat, and tears, it will be the right thing to do.

We kept communication with the team. Right now, they're still on their way to the kingdom. At the rate they're going, they would be there in an hour. I just hope they make it back safe. Some of the people in our divisions were builders before all this happened, so they didn't mind building. They brought wood and steel. They set up very nice barricades. They seemed almost bullet-proof when we tested them. Trixie and I were having lunch when all of a sudden, we heard static from the Canterlot channnel. Our old HQ! We tune in and hear a dark and low voice. "To anyone on this frequency. Equestria will be doomed. In 10 days, an atomic bomb will reign the land, and Equestria will be no more. Surrender now, and we will not set this bomb off. Failure to comply will result in death. God bless the human resistance." The message reset itself and repeated. AN ATOMIC BOMB!?!?!?!?! 10 DAYS?!?!? Trixie and I had our jaws drop when we heard the news. We tried contacting the team, but they took over that channel too! We couldn't contact them for about an hour because that stupid message kept repeating. Everything was going so well...Why did the army ruin it? Trixie tried to pull the channels and reset the waves. We were able to regain contact, but on their end, it would be soft and static-y. We tried talking to them, but all I heard were gunshots and Shade yelling words. All I could make out were KENDRA. DEAD. HELP. It took us about a minute to realize what he said. KENDRA IS DEAD!

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