PART 2 CHAPTER 15: Fundamentals and Elementals

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We stayed in the bunker until we didn't hear the chopper machine guns anymore. We heard a knock at the bunker vault. Kendra gets her pistol ready and unsealed the door. It was Trixie and Shooting. They survived! Thank God! They both came down into the bunker. "So this is the magnificent bunker of Canterlot. Well, for starters, it's dark.", said Shooting. "Not for long", said a country voice in the bunker. Twilight summoned a magical lighting spell that lighted the whole bunker. It looked like a tiny armory. Guns in the walls, a kitchen, chairs, and a board. I mean, I guess we'll need that later. We will use this bunker as a central base of commands. As Shining Armor as the commander, he would communicate with us. We divided the group into smaller divisions. The Elemental Division (Shooting, Trixie, Kendra, Twilight, and I), The Melee Warrior Division (Shade and 5 other earth races.), The High Flying Division, which is made up of 10 pegasi, and the Harmony Division, which is composed of the 5 other elements. From now on, we called our little army the United Defenders. We don't know the source of where the soldiers from Earth came from. But to first believe it, I must see the mirror. I see the other elements: Rainbow Dash (Loyalty), Fluttershy (Kindness), Applejack (Honesty), Pinkie Pie (Laughter), and Rarity (Generosity). When I fort heard of them, I thought they were warriors. But, now that I e met them, they really are the Elements that control HARMONY. Talk about a buzzkill. Anyways, it was about 9 at night. We were all crammed in the bunker. In the morning, we would go out and find survivors.
It was morning. I had the best sleep I ever had since I came here. It was Thursday. It's surprising how we still keep count of the days. We sent the Melee Warriors to go and collect survivors. While they did, The Elements, that's what I call the Mane 6, all had breakfast together. I broke the news to Pinkie Pie about Sugarcube Corner. She wasn't surprised. She said that she lost everything. The rest of us were her only friends and hopes. Poor Pinkie. Everything in Ponyville was gone. We tried to take it back, but before we could, they killed who they could. The hell with them. The General of their army better have a good reason. But with Celestia and Luna dead, there's no one to create a treaty with. Except me. But, there's no way we can go back now. The portal's closed....or is it? Anyways, it's only been about 30 minutes after the Melee Warriors left, and they already gathered up 50 survivors. Shade says that they were the only ones they could find. I trust him, he's good people. We now have more than 80 people in out group! That means more divisions, which also means a higher chance of success.

Twilight already made a tiny library in the bunker. She brought the magical warfare book, dimensions book, some spell books, and other types of books if we ever get bored. It would be funny if you were reading a book about this war. Especially if it included all of us....Right? Anyways again, as soon as Shooting saw her favorite book, she rushed to pick it up. Twilight wasn't surprised. Shooting put the book on the table where we all were. She opened it to a special chapter. The Elemental Weapons section. This section in the book was made especially for the elements of harmony. Shooting's gun was already powerful, but with that combined with the energy coming from the elements, it would be a nuke! They stayed up all night studying the elements in the book. By this time, it was already midnight. They were still awake and we were all asleep. I heard the occasional Boom! and Hisssss as they boiled up the elements. I could smell it. Literally. Magic stinks. Anyways, they kept me up all night. Shade was on guard, along with the rest of his division. No word from them yet. "Can you guys keep it down? I think we're all trying to sleep...", I said. They all nodded and became quieter.

The next day, I woke up to Shooting laughing maniacally. They were all laughing. "What the-" and before I could say anything else, she came zooming at me. "TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!", she said. It was a tiny crystal with other crystals inside of it. They had all 6 elements. She attached it to her gun and walked out of the bunker to test it on something. We heard very loud shots from her blaster. Every time she fired, the Mane 6 became stronger. Their cutie marks began to glow. My cutie mark was a pencil. I guess that means creativity. I don't know. Kendra's was a small paint brush. I guess she's artistic. Anyways, their cutie marks began to glow. Every time the charge grew stronger, the cutie marks gave off a large flash. The gems on the necklaces that they were wearing seemed to glow brighter as well. Twilight saw her horn glow and ran outside, and so did everyone else. That was odd. Shooting was firing more than she was supposed to. We heard her get on the communicator. The communicator buzzed. "All divisions! We are being attacked! Repeat, we are being attacked!" We were all shocked. We grabbed our guns, ammo, and other supplies. Trixie, Kendra, and Shining all followed me out out the bunker. We saw bullets fly by us hitting the wall. We took cover and started firing. This is it. I looked at the army. It was huge. Larger than any other troop we've battled before. We had to engage it. We heard on the monitor that they were headed to Manehatten. I've heard that there were tons of survivors and resistance there. If we can get there before they could, we could build a larger army than what they could throw at us! If we need to defend Equestria, we need to give them all we have. "FOR EQUESTRIA!", I yell. We all give our battle cry and taunt the army to follow us. There may have been some killing here and there, but they though we were retreating and didn't want to waste their ammo. But, they didn't know what will come to them. Shining and Pinkie Pie stayed back at base to help command. Surprisingly, the army marched right through the bunker without even stopping. With them as our commanders, we were headed to Manehatten. God help us get there before they do.

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