PART 2 CHAPTER 13: The Canterlot Trail

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We began our travel gathering supplies from Ponyville. Surprisingly, alot of the food in Ponyville was not destroyed. We took everything we could and stuffed it in our uniforms and satchels. We started on foot. I was in the front, Shooting and Shade beside me. Twilight, Kendra, and Shining Armor were behind me. All of the 30 plus civilians were behind them all. We decided this is what is good and right for Equestria. For Earth. For Equestria. For everyone and everypony.
We started our travels from Ponyville towards the north side. We are heading to Canterlot. With this apocalypse going on, you better have an army on your back and friends that are beside you. Thank god I have both. We have plenty of guns, ammo, grenades, and food. Shooting had her magic elemental blaster. "Why does that never run out of magic?", I said. "This blaster uses elemental charges. All the atoms in the air are converted into energy and are split inside of this machine." Wow. Since when did Shooting get so technical? Even Twilight was surprised. I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic though. Was she? I don't know. We walked along the dirt covered trail and heard the sound of more choppers. We saw them coming from the horizon. We also saw soldiers coming at us from in front. About 100. And 4 choppers. "Uh Shooting. Take the choppers out!" Shooting aimed her blaster at the choppers and blew them all to pieces. The soldiers started firing at us. I have my battle cry to signal everyone to fire. We all got on a battle position and fired. We heard bullets zip past us. But none hit us. I guess the army is running out of people. Is the population here in Equestria really that big? Shade built up rage inside as the soldiers drew near. As they got closer and closer, his temper grew hotter and hotter. We could see it in his eyes. The growling. The tightening of his paws to his dual wield swords. When they were at a very close point, he charged at them with force. Slicing each and every soldier he hits. He is a very skilled slayer. Kendra used her pistol and rapid shot all the soldiers she could hit. I can't believe I'm saying this but she's a pretty good hawk-eye. We shot our guns. Shooting gave large energy shots at the soldiers and imploded them. Shining Armor used his horn. It was powerful, but not as powerful as Shooting's blaster. My gun rapidly fires, so I run out of ammo quick. When I do, I switch to my horn and I do what Shining Armor does. Whatever spell we use is like an instant death ray. It's actually pretty fun being a unicorn. But pegasi can fly and earth ponies...well...they....uh....ok nevermind, moving on. We obliterated the soldiers and continued to walk. We walked for almost half a day and most of us were tired. We decided to rest where the dirt road trail becomes the silver covered road that will lead us to Canterlot in the morning. We pitch up tents using cloth, paper, and sticks. We build fires and eat baked oats and wheat. To my human stomach, it may not seem appetizing, but in this world when you have nothing left, you'll eat anything. We felt that we had enough action for the day, so most of us fell asleep pretty quick. Me, I don't need sleep. I need vengeance. Vengeance for my mother. For everyone. But, the opposing sides prevent me from doing that. That's why I stay awake. Shining Armor, Shade, and I were guarding while everyone slept.
I was pretty drowsy by morning, but I kicked through it. We gathered our supplies and tents. We eat and we get moving. We step hoof on the silver trail and get walking. It's been 15 minutes since we started walking, and we haven't seen anything. The trail was quiet. Too quiet. All of a sudden I heard a bullet zip right across my face. I could recognize that sound anywhere. "Sniper!", I yell. We get on battle positions and scout the area. The only thing we could see were trees and the Canterlot Arc. The Arc! Canterlot! That's where they are! I point at the arc and let out my battle cry. We charge to the arc and shoot. Shooting charged her blaster and shot down the arc. I look through my iron sights and see that there are a lot of soldiers in the city. Tons. We charge through. Once again, Shade builds his temper and rages through the first wave of soldiers. Using his swords, he smashes through them. After we all blast through, we see the 2nd wave of soldiers approaching. We all charge through the dead bodies, picking up ammunition as we run. We shoot our way and make a big bang. Grenades are being thrown left and right. Energy beams from Shooting's blaster can be heard every now and then. We take cover and cover until we get our shots. It took us an hour to defeat this wave. After the 3rd wave, we used all our strength. All the rest we gained in our camps last night. It's all gone. Damn these soldiers! Damn Celestia! Damn the General! Fuck them! Fuck them all! They're the ones who got in this mess. But, that's what we're here to do; clean up the mess.
After the 3rd wave, the rest of the soldiers retreated. I guess they knew that we were strong. We walked into Canterlot Town. Dead ponies and soldiers filled the streets. Fires filled the buildings and debris was everywhere. They really messed this place up. This is much worse than Ponyville. As always, we stop to rest, gather supplies, ammo, and find survivors. Except, there were no survivors. Even the friendly bank teller and juicer were dead. The only things we could find were supplis and ammo. By this time, it was already sunset. We still had everyone in our group. Tough as nails. I'm glad we found them. We set up another camp around town. Any buildings were used to store supplies. It was the mare's turn to guard. Shooting was in the center. Kendra was on roof watch. And, Twilight was just there. She's a peaceful pony. She's fine by me. Anyways, I can now finally get some sleep. I rest in the bank with Shining and Shade. They already fell asleep by the time I got there, but we should always be prepared. But, I was tired. I needed to sleep. So I will. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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