PART 2 CHAPTER 17: Defined by a Bullet

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"Oh my God......They killed Kendra!" Shooting heard the news and looked up in the sky and yelled out," YOU BASTARDS!" I start to see tears in my eyes. Kendra was my friend. My best friend. "Defined by a bullet, she gave her life. For Equestria. Is this really what this is all about? SHE GAVE HER LIFE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE JUST DID?" Shooting stayed there in sympathy. "You know....I had people who were close to me in a war. They were killed and I guess I...I..I don't know, okay? We've both lost people!" We both cried for about 30 minutes. We sighed. We didn't know what to do. We tried connecting back, but no answer. Just static. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Twilight would bring back everyone. Including Kendra.Even though it's just a body, it's her's. I want to see it one last time. Just to think, 2 days ago, we hugged for the last time. If they get back, that means we'll only have a few days until that atomic bomb will go off. But, will it? Is it just a taunting scheme? It would all be clear in the morning.

It was the morning of the 3rd day. They were supposed to come back. The stupid message that told us we had 7 days was replaying on a channel. We didn't care. We waited and waited. Manehatten was quiet. Nothing seemed the same. Everyone was just there. Kicking around at dust and roaming around. We have 2 Scavenging teams out to get supplies. I just hope we don't have anymore losses. We can't afford to loose anyone. Especially, Shooting. She was my next best friend. Even though, I've never seen her in human form, she sounded and seemed alot like Destiny. She even had the same characteristics as her. Maybe it was her. I didn't want to ask her. It was morning. We heard a roar coming from the south. It was smoke. They were coming back! Bit when they came closer, we realized it wasn't a jeep. It was a cargo plane. With an atomic bomb attached to it's back. They weren't kidding. Fuck.... I tried communicating with them. I just heard more static. I asked Trixie to help rearrange the radio again. We heard a roar of the Jeep in the stereo. "Shade? Twilight? Do any of you copy?" We continued to hear the Jeep and staric. We heard a beep and heard Twilight's voice. "Yeah, Jeremiah, it's me. We're headed back. They packed a fight but, we were able to take them. Kendra is down and Shade is hurt." DAMMIT! Kendra and now Shade! How much worse could this get? "Oh, and they might be fo-" We heard a bullet zip past the radio. "I was right! They're following us! We'll be there in about 10 minutes! Get things held up we need to push them back!" Everyone in the shelter heard and rushed outside to set up barricades. Trixie modified her force field spell. We tried our best to get things ready as fast as we could. All the teams were in position. A meeting team will help treat everyone who's coming back from the Kingdom. We were ready.

I saw the Jeep get close to the force field. Trixie made it so friendly vehicles could pass with ease. After a minute of them arriving, we heard choppers. We looked over the edge and saw 5 choppers and a whole lot of soldiers. It wasn't as big as our other fight, but it was sort of big. Shooting ran to her position. I had a plan. We would get Shooting to take out the choppers and half the troops with her ray of death and all of us can provide covering fire and try to take out the other half to help save time. Shooting aimed her blaster at the choppers. One by one, they all fell. The soldiers became confused because they were still some distance away. We saw them try to call in the deaths. We couldn't afford this. They would send back up and we would have the whole army here. Anyways, we tried our best to fire our guns at them sit we would intercept their transmissions. Trixie started working on hacking into their transmitters. If she does it successfully, we can tell them do do whatever we want to. Trixie "borrows" a communicator from a dead soldier. She copies the frequency and hacks into the channel. "All units! Stand down! The Manehatten Equestrians have surrendered! We are ordered to make a treaty with them" We heard a beep and static. "Rodger that.", said a deep voice. There was no more gunshots after the message went out. All the soldiers all of a sudden started marching towards Manehatten. A team met them outside of the force field. To be safe, we got their guns. They were suspicious, but they did it anyway. How strange.... We all took them in and put them in the shelter. I mean, where else could we put them? We got along pretty well. They didn't even want to be here in this dimension. Let alone, die. We agreed to team up. We used the same guns that they did and now that we know what they're going to do next, we can use them to help defend Equestria. They'll be good people.

In the morning, we all got up from the bomb shelter. One of the soldiers, Private Jeffery Dickson, had plans from the General to attack the Crystal Empire, which is a little ways from Canterlot and the Griffon Kingdom. He even called a few friends. We saw 2 choppers, 5 jeeps, and 100 more soldiers come in to help support us. They were on the same idea that we believe in. The opposing soldiers that are designated to go to the empire were to get there by noon. We had to move in. We decided that we all need to go. But with what happened last time, we can't afford it to happen again. We allowed the 100 soldiers to stay back and support Trixie in the command. We get in the choppers and jeeps. Our division was on the first chopper. The other divisions were being transported by soldiers. It was around 10. We were halfway to the Crystal Empire because I saw the Canterlot Town and arc. Or, what it used to be... Damn. It must be hard for Twilight and the rest of her crew to see Pinkie and Shining go. Trixie and Shade were the only people who stayed back from our crew. Kendra was there too. But, it wasn't really Kendra. Or what used to be Kendra. All these questions kept circling I'm my head. How did she die? How did Shade get hurt? How are these guys coming without turning into ponies? Who is controlling the sun and moon? Trixie got on the communicators. "All units, the opposing force is scheduled to start the attack at 12 noon, sharp. How copy?" Jeffery buzzes in. "Commander, we are about 2 clicks northeast of the point of destination." Trixie was confused. " You mean Kilometer?" "Yes, Ma'am." "Oh, ok." We continued to sit there in the chopper. Around 11, we saw a very large crystal castle. That must be the empire. "All units, please respond. Your blips tell me you are near the entrance." "Yes, commander. We are en route to barricades" We saw a large flare shoot. I guess they were expecting us. Local resistance! We were being shot at with puny magic rays. Again, this magic is nothing compared to Shooting's ray. If she wanted to completely obliterate them, she could. But, she didn't. We landed down and gave the resistance a truce. They saw we were a team and stood down. We decided to help each other. We set up barricades, traps, and set up positions. Jeffery, Shooting, and I were set up at the front once again to survey and scout the areas among us. Twilight and the rest of the elements would be an ambush team. The magical warfare book set up a spell so that their necklaces would shoot the same power death rays that Shooting has. It just needs improvement but they can handle it....Right? Anyways, all the human soldiers were scattered around the field and put in different squads like Eagle 1-1 and Bravo 3-2. So, we waited. It was around 12. We didn't hear any choppers or soldiers. Did they know that half their squads were missing? Were they expecting us to go and search out so they could ambush us? I didn't want to take chances. 1 P.M. and still no choppers. They probably ment 12 in the morning or 12 at midnight. I call it in and I hear gunshots. "Commander? What's going on?" We hear a steady rate of fire. "Uh, All units! This is HQ! We are being under attack! They know we have the soldiers!" So this was their plan! They knew we were going to attack with extreme force so they could blow up HQ! But, what about that atomic bomb? What were they going to to with that? What about that spec ops team? There were so many questions in my head. Question of fear. Anger sadness. Mostly a mix of all of them. This is an outrage! What were we going to do? What if they attack us and HQ at the same time? There's only one statement I can think of. We're screwed.

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