PART 2 CHAPTER 8: The Raid on Canterlot High

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Trip mines. Trip mines everywhere. The only people who knew their way around weren't people. They were the royal guard. The unicorns controlled the mines so that they could start the ambush with a bang. Within 30 minutes, they heard voices coming from all directions. The General signaled the troops to prepare for battle. A group of teens were the first to walk up. As soon as they reached the statue, BOOM! Their bloody bodies flew up in the air and created a blood rain. The rest of the students gaped and screamed at their carcasses. "ATTACK!", yelled the General. The battle cry of the soldiers filled the sky. The Earth race smashed the windows from the science building. The unicorns magically appeared behind a smoke screen and so did their cannons. And the pegasi rained hell on the humans as they all threw their spears. The students tried to run, but they couldn't hide. Some of them tried to run back into their houses. Others hid in various shops and buildings. But the sharp spears of the soldiers penetrated the walls of the houses and buildings and killed the students. The spears cut through the houses. The even hit some others, like mothers and even BABIES! As the ponies scavenged the streets near Canterlot High, they heard some sort of high-pitched noise growing louder. Like an alarm of some kind. As the sound grew larger, they saw 2 black figures coming from each side. They had wheels and were rolling along the gravel- paved road. As the figures reached the school, they saw the word 'Police' on each side of the cars. Whoever was inside opened the doors with their hands. It was the first time the General had ever seen hands do anything and he was amazed. The local policemen pulled out their guns. The General decided to walk out in front of the two officers. As the officers heard the trotting of the General, they pointed their guns towards him. "So, you want to fight?" The General used his horn to pull the guns from both the officer's hands. He observed the weapons and noticed there was a trigger, just like the spear loaders. He pulled the trigger and a loud BANG! filled the quiet air. "Ha! You are going to defeat us with this? This is pathetic! The Princess was right when they said your race was puny! But before I destroy these horrible weapons, I want to test it out..But, who shall be my subjects?" The General pointed the guns at the two officers and the rest of his troop had their weapons loaded and aimed, as well. The General pulled the trigger and shot the two officers. He looked at the guns a second time and said," Wow! I just might keep this." He puts the guns in his satchel and walk off to help destroy the school. "Make sure these puny people are dead.", said the General. His troop pointed their spears at the two lifeless bodies and shot their arrows. The ammunition filled their bodies. 50 arrows on each body and at least 5 on each body PART. The General walked in the school seeing the pegasi and earth races plant elemental bombs. These bombs were to be used to magically create a field of energy so great, it would be more powerful than a nuke. But, only centered in a certain location. There were elemental bombs everywhere. The hallways, classrooms, and commons. As the General planted the last bomb, they all evacuated the building. The head unicorn ignited the primary charge and the only thing that could be seen was a huge cloud of bright colors overhead the what-was-once-known as Canterlot High. After a few minutes, the elemental bombs settled and the fields were open. Canterlot High was no more. As the General commanded his troops to destroy the rest of the town, they heard more sirens. But, from the sense of sound, there were a lot of sirens. Hundreds. They saw a small army of police heading their way, but they had something else. It looked nothing like a police vehicle. It had some sort of pipe in the front head. As the small army drew closer, the pipe - headed vehicle pointed it's pipe at the General and his troops. All of a sudden, the convoy stopped in front of the General. There were plenty more police officers that came out of their cars. A loud siren gave a loud shriek and said,"THIS IS THE POLICE! SURRENDER NOW OR ELSE WE WILL USE DEADLY FORCE!" The roads became silent. The General felt overwhelmed and said, "Now this is more like it!" The unicorns fired their energy cannons from the debris of the school. The human troops felt shocked and pointed their weapons everywhere trying to find the point of impact. One car by another, they all blew as the energy of the cannons were so great. The energy was so powerful that in fact, the police officers bodies and troops who were near each impact had their bodies implode. The General signaled that pegasi and they came down with elemental grenades. Once again, one after another, each police officer fell. The only problem remaining was the pipe-headed vehicle. The General gave his battle cry to signal all his forces to attack. All the earth ponies attacked from the front. The unicorns attacked from the back. And the pegasi attacked with raining grenades and spears. The pipe-headed vehicle kept shooting out explosive rockets, but the pony army did not fall. It was a 2 way firefight between the ponies and the pipe - head. Finally, the pipe drooped and smoke filed the vehicle. The General saw the hatch open and ordered the pegasi to flood the hatch with everything they had. Eventually, the pipe - head blew up, and so did whoever was inside it. The pony troops let out one loud battle cry. By orders of Princess Celestia, the General told the princess that the small town had been defeated. Hearing the good news, Celestia allowed more troops to fall in and out of the portal. Ponies stood on guard at the debris of the school, where the army had camped out. That battle was very successful, but the General did not know what would come to him the following day...

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