PART 1 CHAPTER 7: The Start of a Disaster

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As Celestia flew back to her magnificent castle nested in Canterlot, she notices all the townsponies bow down. Celestia landed in her balcony. Two royal guards come into her room. "Is there anything you need, Princess?, said one of the guards. Celestia looked steadily out the balcony and towards Ponyville. "Yes...Get me the general."                                                        

General Hooflegs was called into Princess Celestia's room. "Yes, madam? How may I be of assistance?", said the General. Celestia turned to him and said," Yes. Yes you can." Celestia magically pulls down a picture graph in front of the balcony. "You see, we have some unwanted visitors here in Equestria. They came from another dimension. The Earth dimension. The portal will only be open for one more day. To prevent any more humans from their dimension to cross, we need to strike..." The General gasped. "But, your highness! That's an act of war!" Celestia looked out the balcony. She was thinking about her decision. What would the humans do? Would they fight back? Finally, she came up with her decision. "If it is an act of war and they react, we can defeat them. They don't even have magic." Celestia turned to the General. "General. It's up to you to gather as many armed and ready troops to enter the dimension. But, I want you to know something." "What is it, my princess?" "When you go through the portal, you must terrorize their people. I will create a magical force that won't transform your body into one of them. We can't be fooled into killing each other. Give each soldier enough food, water, ammunition, and weapons. I recommend auto-reloading spears." The General sighed and said," Yes, your highness."                                                                                                                                             A few hours later, the General and 5 other soldiers surrounded him as he enters Celestia's room. "Your highness, my men are waiting on your word. We have an army of 15,000." Celestia turned to the General and talked to him as they all exited the room. "Well done, General." They walk into the hallway and see soldiers lined up. Each with weapons and satchels on their backs. They were ready to war. As Celestia magically opened the closet door, where the portal is, she had a few words for each troop. "All of you are about to attack some of the most puny creatures in the universe. May Luna and I guide you to victory. Now, I want everypony in a single line and enter in the mirror. When you get to the alternate dimension, I want you to terrorize, kill, and destroy. Is that clear?" A loud YES, MA'AM! was heard in the hallway. "Now go!" Every soldier let out their battle cry and rushed into the mirror. 

Into the Earth dimension, the royal guards continued to let out their battle cry and saw the students. The soldiers aimed their spears and threw them. Spears rained from the land, underground, and the sky as all 3 races contributed. Everyone in the school yard fell within 30 seconds. Blood was spilled and the statue was not touched. The time was 8:00 A.M. on Earth and school has not started. The General and his troops scavenged a building. At the top of the building were words. Canterlot High. He walks into Principal Celestia's office and looks at the schedule. School Bell- 8:30. The General looked out the window and saw the sun. By the position it was in, he realized it was 8:00. He decided that they should have a surprise attack. As the royal troops got into their positions, they walked over the dead bodies of the humans. They looked so...innocent. All the unicorns disappeared underground and magically summoned energy cannons and trip mines. The pegasi hid in the clouds and anticipated the arrival of the rest of the students. And, the earth ponies waited in the buildings. All they had to do was wait. 

Book 1: War on EquestriaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ