PART 2 CHAPTER 10: Shades, Secrets, and Soldiers

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Celestia stood out on the balcony awaiting the word from the General. Two of the princess' royal guards came rushing in. "Princess! The human army resisted us with force and now they are entering the dime-" Boom! An explosion came from the portal room. Humans are actually passing through the portal without switching into ponies...How strange., thought Celestia. A wailing alarm sounded through the castle. "Intruder Alert!", shouted the voice behind the alarm. Automatic gunshots could be heard from the end of the closet. Footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer to the balcony. Celestia was frightened to the thought that they were a team designated to kill her. She tried to find a hiding spot but there was no place to go. Before she could move, a flashbang filled the room and Celestia became stunned. The soldiers entered her room and popped a grenade. When the grenade blew up, Celestia felt that the soldier just blew off her leg. As her eyes became see able, she saw all the blood, flesh, and bones that seperated her right front leg. The soldier came up to her and said, "Freeze!" Celestia put up her hooves. The soldier called in to confirm that she was being held against her will. But instead of killing her, they took her to the portal room, where the portal remained undamaged even though there was an explosion. The soldier grabbed Celestia and opened the portal back to Earth. More human soldiers kept falling into Equestria and exiting the castle through a wall in the corridor. Now with Celestia held hostage, the humans control Equestria.

I wake up on Twilight's bed. Twilight is beside me looking at me open my eyes. "Oh, you're awake." I look around. "What happened while I was out?", I said. "Nothing much. Shooting said she had to leave to get some things. To be honest, I think she's an asshole." I completely disagree. "Whoa whoa whoa, Shooting is great! She's a good friend and she helped us get here. We have a whole crew now because of her, don't we?" "I guess you're right, but I'm still standing on my opinion. I hear a knock at the door and hear Kendra open it. I can tell it was Shooting because of the voice. "I-puff-came-huff-as fast as I-puff could." Kendra looked confused. "What happened?", she said. Shooting came in. I come down a stair and I see a wolf. "What the hell is a wolf doing in this house?!?!" Shooting comes up to me. "Oh hey, you're awake! Ok, so long story short, after I heard about the Celestia thing, I would've wanted my friend, Shade to know. So, Jeremiah meet Shade. Shade, this is Jeremiah." "Hey.", Shade said. I say Hi back. We both high five. Or high paw. High four? I really don't give a crap. Anyways, Moving on! We sat down and told Shade how we got into this mess. He's a really good guy and I think he'll be good for our team. All of a sudden, a pounding noise came at the door. "This is the Military! Open up!", said the voice outside. Shade had an agressive look in his eye. He opened the door and shredded the human soldier to pieces. "Holy shit, Shade!",I exclaim. "I'm- I'm sorry. It's just a habit. You see, I was once part of a protective pack. We really looked out for each other." I sigh. "It don't matter now. Everyone I know is dead. The only people I have here are Kendra, Shooting, Twilight, Jake, and Gary. And personally, you guys are the only people I've gotten along with." Kendra had a funny look on her face. "Come to think of it, where is Jake and Gary?" "Down here!", said Jake. "There's a lever behind a bookshelf. I think you guys want to see this" Shooting finds the lever and pulls it. The bookshelf slides and allows a narrow passage to appear. We climb down a large flight of stairs to find an underground, ancient magical library filled with cobwebs. Shooting and Twilight were the most fascinated. They were looking at books left to right. But something great happened. Twilight slammed a book on a table in the middle of the ancient floor. The book cover read The Travellers Guide to Crossing Dimensions: Equestrian Version. But, Shooting found something more interesting. She slammed the book on top of Twilight's. The book cover read Magical Warfare: Weapons and Magical Elements to Guide You to a Sucessful War. We both look at each other. "I think we both know how to fix this.", said Twilight.

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