Roller Coaster (Day 2)

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[Summary: Ryan and Brendon are at an amusement park. Fluff (and some angst???)]

It was a summer afternoon. It was breezy, yet at the same time, unbearably hot. The whole band decided it was time for a break and went to an amusement park to have fun and relax. With a drink in his hand, and Brendons hand in the other, Ryan followed Brendon, unsure of where they were going to go. They hadn't really done anything. They just talked to Spencer and Jon, but they walked off, so it was just Ryan and Brendon. Ryan was spacing out, but came back to reality when he felt the absence of warmth of Brendons hand. Brendon was jumping up and down.

"What on Earth has gotten into him?" Ryan thought. Brendon was just squealing and jumping up and down, like a little girl when she gets the stuffed animal she's been wanting for Christmas. But before Ryan could ask what was Brendon so giddy about, Brendon stopped and pointed upwards, to the roller coaster entrance right above them.

"Ryan, lets go on the ride!" Brendon enthusiastically said. Ryan's stomach dropped. Now, he wasn't much of a roller coaster guy. He obviously wasn't going to tell Brendon though. For one, he's a 20 year old man, who's afraid of roller coasters. That was pitiful. Also, Brendon was so cute right now, and Ryan didn't want to ruin Brendons joy. Ryan reluctantly nodded. Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand again, and led him up the stairs to the entrance of the roller coaster. When they got up there, it was void of people (except for the operator, of course.) Brendon seemed to know where to sit, and in Ryan's luck, it was the very front of the roller coaster. Ryan sat next to Brendon.

"Its okay, its just a roller coaster. Just a big metal machine that moves at a fast rate that could possibly go off track and kill everyone on the roller coaster. Or the seat belt could be loose and I could go flying off and land to my death. No big deal. Nope, not at all." Ryan's hands got clammy and sweaty at the thought.

"Or what if Brendon got hurt in any way? What if Brendon died on the roller coaster?" Ryan groped his stomach. Ryan felt like throwing up. He didn't even notice the other people who got on the roller coaster right after they got on. Brendon looked over at Ryan, who was as pale as a ghost.

"Hey, Ry, you okay?" Brendon grabbed for Ryan's hand.

"B-Brendon." Ryan wheezed out. Brendon was concerned for Ryan now.

"Whats wrong, babe?"

"I-I've never been on a roller coaster before." Ryan wheezed out, once more. Brendon smiled a little, but then tried being serious. Brendon squeezed Ryan's hand.

"Hey, Ry, look at me."  Ryan looked at Brendon, but his eyes kept shaking. "Just close your eyes, and squeeze my hand as hard as you want, okay? It'll go by a lot faster that way." Ryan looked down at his feet again. A few minutes of getting everyone on the roller coaster, and checking the seat belts, the ride started. Ryan looked at Brendon, who was smiling like crazy, excited about the ride. Ryan closed his eyes and tried taking deep breaths. He didn't realize he nuzzled his head into Brendons neck. He didn't realize the happy screams of the people on the ride. He just zoned out, taking in Brendons scent, which comforted him. Like, a lot. Before he knew it, the ride was over. Brendon had to shake Ryan a couple of times for him to open his eyes. Ryan lifted his head, and was more relaxed then before the ride. Ryan and Brendon left the ride, holding hands.

"Another ride!" Brendon squealed. Before Ryan could say anything, Brendon added on "How about the Ferris wheel?" Ryan felt more calm, and agreed. Ryan could do this. For sure.


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