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*requested by panicattheIsabel . i hope you enjoy. :-) *

[Summary: Ryan loves to read, and Brendon has a hard time sleeping.]

"Ryaaaaan!" Brendon yelled from his room. Ryan lay still for a minute, taking in the fact that he had not dozed off yet. It took him a bit to register who was yelling for him.

'If its Spencer,' Ryan thought, 'I swear to-'


Ryan realized it was Brendon yelling. Now this was an excuse to get up.

Ryan sat up in his bed, scratching his head as he made his way to Brendon's room, not caring if his boxers were in a lowkey wedgie.

"Whaaaaaat." Ryan mumbled, trying to copy Brendon's extension of his name. He stood in the doorway, looking at Brendon, who was trying not to smile.

"There you are!" Brendon beamed.


"Oh!" Brendon exclaimed, remembering why he called Ryan in his room. "I uh, I can't fall asleep."

"So? What do you want me to do about it?"

"I um," Brendon blushed, sitting awkwardly in his bed, "well, I know how much you like books and uh-" Brendon paused, hoping Ryan caught the hint. Ryan raised his eyebrows, questionably.

"What, do you want me to read to you?"

"Yes! Thats exactly what I want."

Ryan hesitated. Sure, this was definitely one of the more normal things Brendon had asked him to do. And true, that Ryan was a really big bookworm. Still, reading a grown man to bed? It seemed-

"Pleeeeease, Ryan!!" Brendon interrupted Ryan's thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Ryan shrugged. Brendon bounced.


"Dude, be quiet, you're gonna wake Spence up."

"Oh." Brendon said, slowing down. He looked up at Ryan with eager eyes. "How about Harry Potter!"


"Cuz I never read Harry potter."

"Thats a lie." Ryan snickered. Brendon pouted.

"Okay, okay, so maybe I had read it before. But with you reading it, it'll be, like, 10x better!"

Ryan stood for a minute. "Yeah, I do have a copy somewhere. I need to look for it, though."

With that, Ryan went to look for it. It didn't take so long, considering how organized Ryan's room was. They were staying in a cabin, so they each had their own individual rooms, which made Ryan happy. He liked his space.

He entered Brendon's room again.

"Read it in a British accent!"


"Do it!"

"I- Brendon, no."

"Pleeeease!" Brendon begged. Ryan knew he wouldn't get his way, and it was Brendon we're talking about. Not that he had feelings for Brendon, or anything, but he did care.

"Fine, but you better not tell anyone." Ryan whispered, smiling. Brendon giggled excitedly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that..."

A Series Of Ryden OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon