The 'L' Word (Day 25)

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[Ryan uses the 'L' word for Brendon, for the first time. FLUFF !!!]

It was a normal day in a tour bus in Alaska. The band was still on tour, but were halfway done. Being the teenagers they are, they were tired. I mean, they love touring, and going to the places they go, and the music. But they were homesick. Tired. Bored. The band itself seemed happy though, and they were. Especially Ryan and Brendon. They were in love with each other, but were too awkward to say anything. Occasionally, though, they would touch each others hands, and there hugs would linger on longer than a normal person's hug. But, like I said, they were too awkward to acknowledge ones feelings, and talk about it. That is, until, Ryan and Spencer are in a tour bus together. Alone. Brendon and Jon went shopping, so it was just Ry and Spence.

Now, usually, Ryan would tell Spencer everything that he couldn't tell Brendon. In this case, it was kind of awkward, because Ryan isn't the 'romance mushy gushy' type of guy. So putting stuff in words and actually saying it....wasn't really Ryan's thing. But it had to come out.

"So," Ryan began, causing Spencer to look up from his phone, "if I say something, will you promise not to flip out?" Spencer looked worried. He immediately started thinking of all the bad things (habits, if even) Ryan had done, and thought he had went back to them. Or maybe he was going to tell Spencer that he hated him? Spencer didn't know, but he's been having all of these negative outcomes of situations lately, which has been stressing him out. Yet, he still acts sassy as ever

"It depends what it is." Spencer looked at Ryan's face, and tried to read it to see if he could pinpoint any tears in Ryan's eyes. There was none.

"Well, I uh, have a crush." Ryan murmured, loud enough for Spencer to hear. Spencer felt relived.

"Oh yeah? On who?"

"Brendon." Ryan didn't usually try to hide things, and he really was blunt. So saying something straight away was no problem, although he still felt embarrassed. Spencer didn't really care. In fact, he thought it was really cute. Obvious, but cute.

"Aw, are you guys gonna end up like Jon and I?"

"I wish."

"What do you mean by that?" Spencer squinted. Ryan looked down.

"Well, its just that I'm so awkward at these things. And I doubt that Brendon will say anything. So I don't really think that we'll be dating anytime soon." Ryan sat down on the couch, next to Spencer, still looking down at the floor. Spencer patted Ryan's shoulder.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm sure the day will come soon enough." Spencer reassured. Ryan just sighed.

"I just- I don't know man. Like, I really think I'm in love with him and stuff, but-"

"Wait, wait ,wait, what?!" Spencer looked at Ryan like he had gone crazy. Ryan looked up at Spencer, who had very wide eyes.

"Wha-" Ryan halted, realizing what he had just said. He had just said the word 'Love' to describe Brendon. Spencer got up, hand over mouth.

"You said it! You said the 'L' word!!" Ryan blushed.

"D-did I? I- hey- I didn't mean to! I mean- I-" Ryan became a a stuttering mess, while Spencer was in the middle of trying not to laugh, nor scream. As if on cue, Brendon and Jon came into the bus, with a bag of groceries in each hand. Ryan and Spencer froze, as if they were caught doing something absolutely unspeakable. Jon just looked at them both, confusion crept across his face, while Brendon just smiled at them both, setting the bags on a nearby counter.

"What uh...happened?" Jon asked.

"Ryan just said he thinks he fell in love with-!"

"Spencer!" Ryan shrieked in horror. Spencer looked at Ryan wide eyed. Brendon paused what he was doing, and looked at Ryan.

"Wait, what?" Jon asked. "Wait, Spencer, Ryan fell in love with who?" Ryan just blushed, and hid his face behind his hands. He got up and walked to the other room, and closed the door behind him. If the walls were sound proof, he would totally scream right now.

30 seconds of pacing back and forth wishing for death, there was a knock on the door.

"Its open." Ryan said, scared out of his wits. The door opened to reveal none other, then Brendon Urie. Brendon closed the door behind him, and sat on Ryan's bed.

"Can we talk?" Brendon said, awkwardly. Ryan sat next to him, his mind still mentally pacing.

"Yeah. Yeah we can talk." Ryan gulped.

"So fell for someone?"


"And you' think you..."


"Yeah but- who?" Brendon stared right into Ryan's eyes. There wasn't any anger or sadness in Brendon's eyes, in Ryan's opinion. Just hope, it seemed. Hope that it was him Ryan fell for. He was right.

"You." Ryan said, captivated by Brendon's eyes. Brendon smiled one of his goofy smiles.

"You do?! Really?!"

"Yes!" Ryan giggled. Brendon grabbed Ryan's arms.

"Gah, I've been waiting so long for you to say that!" They both laughed.

"So," Brendon continued, "does that mean we can..."



"I'd be happy to date you." Ryan smiled. Brendon leaned in and hugged Ryan. It finally wasn't awkward for the two of them to do this.

They came out Spence and Jon, who rejoiced because finally. Jon got paid by Spencer because Spencer lost a bet, which was who would ask each other out first, Ryan or Brendon. Jon chose Ryan before Spencer could, so Spencer got stuck with the idea that Brendon would be first.

They went on cute little double dates, and hung out with eachother quite often.

Ryan and Brendon were happy with each other, not only as dear friends, but as a couple.

And yes, Ryan finally built up the courage to use the 'L' word at Brendon because it was all true. Ryan truly did love Brendon.

And Brendon loved him.

[i feel like this isn't as good as my other shiz. but uh ye, hope u enjoyed! ^-^]

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