Crazy (Day 21)

408 18 21

[After a failed suicide attempt, Ryan starts hearing+seeing things. The doctors say he's unstable, but Ryan knows its a more polite way of saying he's gone crazy. Angst.]

[Trigger warning: suicide+death.]

"I'm not crazy." Ryan stated, for the millionth time. Brendon kept his eyes on the road, as they were in a car. They had just went to the hospital for Ryan's check up. Ryan's doctor said he seemed unstable, so he would have to stay with Brendon until something came up that made him better. This made Ryan upset. Really upset. What the doctor told Brendon that he didn't tell Ryan, is that Ryan might even not get better. Ryan grew more impatient by Brendon ignoring him.

"I am not crazy." Ryan said. Brendon sighed.

"I know you're not, babe."

"Those things are real. Why won't you listen?"

"They're not real, Ryan. Please, lets just discuss this when we get home."

"What difference will it make? Why can't we talk about it now?"

"Ryan, seriously. I'm tired. Please."

"Out of all people, why won't you lis-"

"Ryan!" Brendon slammed on the brakes. Good thing nobody was behind them. Ryan looked over at Brendon like he'd gone crazy.

"B-Bren..." Ryan breathed out. Brendon rested his head on the steering wheel. It had been moments before Brendon had said something.

"Lets just-" Brendon began, "Lets just hurry on home. I still need to make dinner." Ryan didn't say anything. He didn't do anything. God, Ryan thought to himself, why am I such a fuckup?

When they arrived, Ryan went to his usual place- his bedroom. Brendon and Ryan had separate bedrooms from each other because Ryan had grown so dangerous. Especially at night.

His bedroom was dark. There was always no light, unless Brendon came in the room to check on Ryan. Ryan went over to his bed and fell into it. He wished he could call it his safe spot; his haven. But nowhere was safe for Ryan. Even when Ryan closed his eyes, they would still be there. The worse part was that they didn't always come, which left a gaping sense of paranoia in Ryan. What if they come tonight? What if they come and get me? No matter the circumstance, Ryan was sure to stay up most nights. He couldn't even go to his boyfriend for safety, because he was afraid to hurt him. Afraid to scare him. He didn't want Brendon to see the things that came for Ryan. No. No. No. No. No. No.

The word replayed in Ryan's head for about an hour, until he heard Brendon call out for him.

"Dinners done!" Brendon called. It was strange. Usually, he would come into Ryan's room to drop off the plate of food. Ryan wasn't complaining. He felt neutral about it.

Ryan never ate much. He never ate too little, though. Just enough. He came out into the kitchen. Brendon was sitting at the table, on his phone, while eating some food, which just looked like cut up steak with some mashed potatos. Brendon looked up, as he was about to take another bite.

"Hey." He smiled. Ryan smiled weakly.

"Hey." He replied, realizing how dry his throat was. He went to the cabinet and picked out a plate. He turned around to get food, but then stopped suddenly, when he saw a dark figure standing right in front of him, causing him to drop his plate. The plate shattered on the ground, but Ryan didn't care. He was frozen with fear. He was staring into the two glowing eyes that seemed to give the figure the shape. It was almost like-

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