Sick (Day 14)

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[Brendon has a small cold, and who do they ask to take care of him? Ryan Ross. PROBABLY MY MOST FLUFFY FIC SO FAR.]

Ryan went up the stairs and entered Brendon's room with a bowl of hot soup in his hands. The soup slightly burned his hands, but Ryan didn't mind. When he entered, Brendon was laying in his bed, looking at the tv, which appeared to be showing some paranormal investigation shows. Brendon crooked his neck, and turned to face Ryan.

"Oooh, soup!" Brendon exclaimed, followed by a sniffle. Brendon has a cold, and who do they ask to take care of him? Ryan Ross. They didn't specify how sick Brendon was, so you could imagine the nervousness of the well being for his friend. You could also probably imagine the anger when he found out it was just a small little cold, which didn't need to be taken care of. I mean, its just a cold. Plus, Brendon is 19, turning 20 in a couple of months. Why does he need help getting better? Ryan set the bowl of soup next to Brendon on a nightstand, feeling the immediate absence of heat from the boiling hot soup. He didn't realize Brendon was about to lurch at him, until he actually did. Brendon wrapped his arms around Ryan, and practically threw him on the other side of the bed. It wasn't hard, considering Ryan's small frame. Ryan practically yelped when he felt himself being thrown. Ryan tried to get up, but Brendon held a tight grip around Ryan's hips.

"Brendon, what the hell?!"

"I got you!"

"Brendon, let go!"

"Never!" Ryan was tempted to smack Brendon, but he could never do that. He could never hurt Brendon. Ryan squirmed around, and finally gave up, realizing Brendon was indeed not letting go. Brendon triumphantly smiled, as he giggled. Ryan couldn't help but smile at his boyfriends cuteness, but then grew a scowl.

"Brendon, aren't you sick?"


"Then let me go. I don't want to get sick."

"Awh but I want cuddles!"

"Brendon, seriously."

"C'mon, please?"

"Brendon." Ryan said, sternly. Brendon just looked at Ryan, and frowned. It wasn't his playful frown/pouts either. It was a genuine frown. He let Ryan go, and turned to lay in the opposite direction. Ryan felt bad. Like, really bad. Ryan wrapped one arm around Brendon, and nuzzled his face in the crook of his neck. He grabbed Brendon's hand, and interlaced their fingers together.

"Brendon- Bren. I'm sorry. I just don't want to get sick is all. I mean, with you sick, we're having a hard time at band rehearsals, and I just want you to get better is all. We don't need anyone else sick."

"I'm sorry. I'm stupid."

"No you're not." Ryan faced upwards and placed a gentle kiss to Brendon's jawline. "You're just you, is all." Brendon quickly turned around and kissed Ryan. Ryan forgot about getting sick, and was too caught up in Brendon's kiss. It was long. It wasn't rough, but it wasn't gentle either. Brendon got on top of Ryan and continued kissing. After the makeout session, Brendon got off Ryan, and wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on Ryan's chest, hearing his heartbeat. Ryan ran his long fingers through Brendon's soft hair. They both laid like that for hours, usually talking about what was on tv.

As it turns out, Ryan did get sick. Brendon was still sick, so they just got better together. Ryan wasn't so angry about taking care of Brendon anymore.

[this is rly short but ??? fluFf !!!! anyways my next fic is gonna be suPer smut !!! as always, i hoped u enjoyed and goodbye!!]

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