Concert (Day 18)

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[Summary: Brendon takes his boyfriend, Ryan, to a concert. Fluff!]

It was a normal day at school. Ryan entered the building, feeling more uneasy by the minute. His depression had been acting up, which led him to barely talking or doing anything with his friends. But he would try. He would not let his depression get to him. He would not lose this battle.

The only thing that made him happy was his boyfriend, Brendon. Well, not necessarily happy, but it made him feel something again. It made Ryan feel different emotions, than the numbness of his feelings. But yes, Brendon did make Ryan exceptionally happy. Even more happy that, instead of Spencer who always pestered Ryan about what was wrong with him, simply talked to Ryan, as if nothing was wrong. Ryan liked that in Brendon. He liked everything. Although Brendon talked to Ryan as if nothing was wrong, Brendon still acknowledged his partners struggle in finding a purpose. He only asked at least once a day if Ryan was okay. (unlike Spence, who constantly asked. It was cute though, how Spencer cared, but nonetheless, annoying.) Ryan could never lie to Brendon, so he answered honestly. The days he said no, Brendon stuck to his side, occasionally rubbing his back and giving him tight and oh too long hugs. If Ryan said yes, Brendon would be all bubbly and cracking jokes (in any situation, to tell you the truth, Brendon would always hug Ryan.) But today felt different, as if something good was going to happen. And it did.

Ryan was at his locker, putting his backpack up, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone come walking up to him. Ryan turned his head a little to get a better view, to find none other then his boyfriend, Brendon Urie. Brendon was really, and I mean, really, smiley. Brendon put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Hey, Ryan! How are you?"

"I'm fine- yeah. Really anxious though." Brendon didn't dimmer his smile.

"Why?" Ryan just shrugged, which led to Brendon making a bigger smile. "Well, I'll give you a reason!" Brendon pulled 2 strips of paper out of his pockets. Ryan didn't know what to think, until he saw what it was. Two tickets to see his favorite band. Ryan practically jumped on Brendon, while Brendon wrapped his arms around his hips and picking him up. Ryan forgot about the bad things in life. This was a date. With Brendon. Watching his favorite band perform live. Ryan was 100% full of joy, for once in the longest of times.

[Time Skip]

It was 2 weeks later, on October 13. The weather was just now getting cold. Not too cold, but at least 50 degrees. Ryan was tempted to bring a jacket to the concert, but thought against it because he knew with all the commotion at the concert, it would be warm. Plus, Brendon was the warmest person ever, so if he was ever cold enough, he could just cuddle up next to him. Speaking of Brendon, he was coming over to stay the night so they could arrive at the concert bright and early in the morning. After awhile, Brendon arrived. Throughout the night, they talked about how excited they were for the concert. They tried to go to sleep, Ryan laying on the couch while Brendon laid on the floor. They couldn't sleep. The excitement was keeping them up all night, which wasn't good, because they would be so tired in the morning and wake up late, or something. Ryan went on the floor and cuddled next to Brendon, giving him all the warm and fuzzy blankets, while Ryan had a small and thin blanket. They feel asleep, Brendon sharing the covers with Ryan, and sleeping with his face nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

[Time Skip]

The next morning, Ryan woke up first. He figured he should wake Brendon up, so he did. When he tried, Brendon made a noise in the back of his throat, indicating that he was awake. Ryan smiled, because well, Brendon looked so cute sleeping. Brendon opened his eyes slowly, and looked at a smiling Ryan, who was looking at him. Ryan wasn't embarrassed. He just laughed, as Brendon blushed and hid his face under the pile of blankets he was covered in.

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