Hide & Seek (Day 20)

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[Brendon wants to play a game. Ryan, however, does not. FLUFFY FLUFF.]

On some days, Brendon would be sleeping. Especially after tour, he would be getting the sleep he didn't get during tour. It would be quiet. It would be nice.

Today, however, was not one of those days.

Days like these were loud. Painful, in Ryan's perspective.

Ryan was the quiet type. Quiet. Brendon was the loud type. Loud. See what I mean?

Even though they were overall different from each other, they still loved each other like mad. So, of course, Ryan would give into Brendon's requests. This, nevertheless, was something.

"Ryan!" Brendon pounced on his boyfriends lap, kissing him on the cheek.


"I have an idea!!" Brendon shook Ryan by the shoulders. Ryan couldn't help but smile at his boyfriends cuteness.

"Well, what is it?"

"Lets play hide and seek!" And, that smile that Ryan had, is gone. Was Brendon crazy? Ryan thought. Probably.

"Uh, Bren," Ryan began to say, "we're both grown men. Why would you-?"

"Pleeeeeease!" Brendon interrupted, groaning. Ryan knew where this was heading. He could either say no, and encounter the many complaints from Brendon until he got what he wanted, or he could simply say yes and get it over with.

"Fine. But I'm hiding first." Ryan stated.

"Fair enough." Brendon agreed. Brendon got off of Ryan.

"Okay! So, I'll count to 10, and you'll hide!"

"Sounds good." Ryan said blankly, getting up. He made his way to the doorway, when he heard Brendon.

"WAIT!" Brendon screeched, causing Ryan to somewhat jump. Ryan turned around quickly.

"What the hell?" Ryan said, giving Brendon a confused glare.

"We have to turn off the lights!" Brendon said, smiling in realization. It was dark outside, so it would be pretty much pitch black. Ryan wasn't so good in the dark, to tell you the truth. He wasn't afraid of it or anything. He was just clumsy. He hated to admit it, though.

"But how are we supposed to see each other?"

"Duh." Brendon said, as if Ryan was absolutely stupid. "We touch, you know? Feel around!" Brendon waved his arms around as an example. Ryan just nodded, heading into the rooms of his house to turn off all the lights. When he went back out into his living room, Brendon was still standing where he was. Except, the lights were off, so he must of done that.

"Okay, I'm ready." Ryan said, trying not to sound too bored with this. He could tell Brendon was doing one of his ear-to-ear smiles. It was one of those things you could just sense.

"Okay, so," Brendon said, turning around, "I'm go cover my eyes, and count to 30. You go hide!" Brendon was really excited. It was cute, but irritating. Ryan walked out of the room. Where would be a good place to hide? Ryan thought. Ryan walked through hallway, his socks making the footsteps dull and soft along the wooden floor. He reached his music room. He knew this room oh too well. This would be the perfect place to hide.

Ryan usually spent his days in this room, either rehearsing or writing. There was a little storage closet in the back, perfect enough for him to fit.

8, 9, 10!

Ryan heard the numbers come enthusiastically out of Brendon's mouth, and immediately felt panic course through him. Well, not panic. More like...adrenaline. Ryan decided that there would be too much noise to open the closet with Brendon on the move, so he decided to hide behind the drums. In about 5 seconds, Brendon walked into the room. Damn, he knew Ryan oh too well.

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