Nervous (Day 23)

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[Spencer invents a new game. Of course, its sexual. Its Spencer, after all. SMUT SMUT SIN SMUT.]

(Brendon's POV)

I sat on the side of Spencer's couch, seeing as him and Jon were practically on the floor...making out. They were drinking, so of course the first thing they do drunk is...well...eachother. Luckily, I'm not the only one here. It's a party Spencer wanted me to go to. His party. It would be fun and all. I don't have a problem with anyone who is here. Except for one person. Ryan Ross. My crush. Does Spencer know this? Yes. Does he care? Absolutely not.

The people at the party:

Pete, Gabe, Patrick, Gerard, Frank, Jon, Me, Ryan, and Spence. Gabe just showed up. And all he's doing is hitting on Patrick, which Pete doesn't seem too happy about. I look up, to find Ryan, sitting on the other side of the couch, just as confused and awkward as I am. Ryan and I make eye contact for a minute, then I look away, wanting death, because damn, why am I so awkward? I can tell I'm blushing. My thoughts of self hate are interrupted by the loud whispers of Spencer to Jon.

"A game!" Spencer says, out loud.

"A game? Finally, some action." Gabe sighed. Pete just glared at Gabe, holding Patrick to show that he was Pete's, which earned a nervous chuckle from Patrick. Frank, who was laying in Gerard's lap on his phone, looked away from the devise.

"What type of game?" Frank asked. Gerard was too preoccupied with what was on his phone than actually playing. But he was listening to the conversation, anyways.

"Well," Spencer begun, "because of my brilliance, I came up with a new game, and you guys are gonna love it!"

"Just tell us the game, Spence!"

"Okay, okay, so," Spencer began, hiccuping because he's drunk, "me 'n Jon were talking, and decided to call it Nervous." Everyone ooooh'd. "I know, right? So, what we do is spin a bottle," (ah, a timeless classic to these highschool au's.) "'n then the person who the bottle lands on, we gots to, here, put your hand on their leg, like this." Spencer placed a hand on Jon's leg. "Then you go up and up, and if that person freaks out you win." Spencer said, moving his hand upwards to Jon's thigh, until Jon playfully swatted him away. I didn't know how much I was blushing. The whole idea just seemed...well, actually quite typical for a party of gay teenagers. Nonetheless, I was frightened. I glanced quickly over at Ryan, who also seemed pretty uncomfortable. Everyone else seemed fine with the idea, though. Especially Gabe. Dammit, Gabe.

We all got up and sat in a circle on the floor. Spencer grabbed an empty beer bottle from the space around him. Probably the one that he chugged. Wait no, he practically chugged all of them. Ryan sat directly across from me. He was looking down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. He was friends with Spencer, but that's about it. I've talked to him once or twice, but nothing much. Is it sad to say that I fell for him? Cliche, I know.

Anyways, Spencer placed the bottle in the center of the circle.

"Alright. So, who goes first?"

"Oooh, me!" Gabe yelped, and practically leaped for the bottle. I heard Pete mumble.

"I swear, if he lays a hand on you, he's dead meat." Pete mumbled, towards Patrick. Patrick just shrugged and watched the bottle spin and spin. Gabe kept glancing at Pete, smirking. Pete just glared at him. It almost seemed like he was actually going the beat the shit out of Gabe any minute now. The bottle slowed down...

And down...

And down...

And then it landed on none other, than Pete himself. Everyone hooted and laughed, while Gabe just smirked more, as if that was what he wanted. Maybe it was.

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