Early Mornings (Day 3)

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[Summary: Ryan was usually the first one up in the mornings, up early when the sun rises and the grass is wet from dew, while Brendon slept until noon. Fluff.]

Ryan was usually the first one up in the mornings, up early when the sun rises and the grass is wet from dew, while Brendon slept until noon. Ryan sometimes felt lonely for the couple hours he was up, but was sometimes grateful for the silence. He was also grateful for Brendon being a heavy (and I mean, heavy) sleeper, because Ryan would usually cuddle up to Brendon because the mornings were always so cold, and Brendon was just a walking heater. It was also really cute how Bren looked sleeping, but Ryan could never really mention that to Brendon without feeling awkward for some reason. But whatever it was, Ryan just went along with it. It was 11:42, and Ryan was just watching tv, when Brendon walked out from the dark hallway with a very severe case of the bedhead. Ryan slightly grinned to himself, as his boyfriend walked to the kitchen, kind of wobbling, because, well, he literally just got up. It was cute to Ryan. Brendon then walked out of the kitchen empty handed, and smiled at Ryan, as he went to sit next to him. Brendon rested his head on Ryan's shoulder, as Ryan chuckled. "Good morning, sleepy head." Ryan spoke. Brendon made a voice in the back of his throat. "What, are you going to bed again, or-?"
"Shut it, Ross." Brendon interrupted (jokingly, of course.) Ryan just laughed and grabbed the remote to flip through the channels. There was really nothing on, so they just settled with watching this documentary about Pandas. After a few moments of silence, Brendon spoke up. "How do you get up so early?" Ryan looked down at Brendon, who was now resting his head on his leg. "I don't know. I just do, you know?" Ryan shrugged. Brendon sighed. "Well, do you ever, like, get lonely, in the mornings? It must be really quiet, and you know, lonely, without me."

"Well, I mean, yeah I get lonely. But sometimes its good to have a little peace and quiet, you know?"
Brendon abruptly put his head up, which made him dizzy from moving his head so fast, but tried not to show it. "So, you think I'm annoying?" Ryan sighed. Brendon tended to pretty melodramatic. So, oh, would this be irritating. "Bren, that's not what I sa-"

"No no I get it."

"Get what?!"

Brendon crossed his arms and turned his head the other direction. "You, don't like my personality."

"Brendon wha-"

"Admit it!"

"Bren I do-"

"Admit it right now!"

Ryan was trying to keep in his laughter, and rage filled scream. "Brendon this is ridiculous."

"Then why are you smiling!?"

Ryan couldn't hold in his laugh anymore. He went to hug Brendon from behind, because he was facing the opposite direction. Ryan's arms wrapped around Brendons chest, and gently squeezed him. Ryan leaned his head to Brendons ear. "Now," Ryan whispered, "why would you think that? You know I love everything about you." Brendon shuddered at Ryan's warm breath. Ryan started nuzzling his head into Brendons neck, something they both loved.

"W-well maybe I can wake up with you?"

"You sure you wanna do that?"

"Well, I mean.." Brendon murmured, "I just think maybe it would be better to wake up early, so I can do more in the day." Ryan nodded. After more cuddling and talking on the couch, they went up and called Spencer and Jon over for band rehearsal.


Its 9:30 at night, and Spencer and Jon both left. "I think they would be a cute couple, you know!" Brendon told Ryan. "I mean, not as cute as us, but.."

"Well, Spencer is straight, I think so, anyways. And Jon is just..well..Jon." Brendon laughed. This was actually strangely accurate, especially the Jon part. Ryan stretched. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed." Ryan yawned. "You coming with me, Bren?" Ryan guessed Bren would say no and stay up all night like he normally does. But to Ryan's surprise, Brendon said the opposite.

"Yeah, just let me get dressed in my PJ's." Brendon voiced. He kissed Ryan's head, and headed on inside, while Ryan stood there in shock. It was probably due to the conversation they had earlier about how Ryan likes to wake up early. Ryan didn't really mind though. This meant more cuddling, which Ryan enjoyed. Ryan smiled, and closed the door behind him. Ryan walked into the bedroom, to see Brendon getting into bed. Ryan grabbed his pajamas and went into the next room to change. When he came back. Brendon was up and pacing around the room. Ryan stood in the doorway, confused. Brendon looked at Ryan, while still pacing in his direction. "I can't lay down. ADHD."

"Ah." Ryan voiced. He should've known this would've been a problem. Ryan went over to Brendon, and gently kissed him, which made Brendon stop pacing. After the kiss, Ryan grabbed Brendon's hand and led him to the bed. When they got in the bed, Ryan reached to the lamp next to him to turn it off. The only light in the room was the moonlight, which was quite bright. Ryan held Brendon, who was kind of having a hard time laying still. Ryan started whispering relaxing things into Brendon's ear, such as "Bren, it's okay, you'll get sleepy eventually." etc. And Brendon was calming down, and eventually fell asleep to Ryan's whispers. Ryan, soon followed and went to sleep, still holding Brendon.

[Time Skip]

Ryan felt the absence of warmth next him. He was shivering, despite being covered in blankets. He looked over to seem what time it was. The phone read 6:18. Usually, Ryan got up at 7, but this was good enough. He was just pondering where Brendon was. Ryan got up, and grabbed one of Brendons sweatshirts off the ground, which was quite baggy. Ryan made his way out of the room, when he smelt something coming from the kitchen. He walked over to the kitchen, to find Brendon cooking some breakfast. Ryan came up and hugged Brendon from behind. "Gotcha!" Ryan exclaimed, with his voice cracking, due to him just getting up moments earlier. Brendon turned to meet Ryan's glance and smiled. "Hey!" Brendon exclaimed back, kissing Ryan. Ryan moved beside Brendon, putting his elbow on the counter to rest his head. "So, what is Mr. Chef, cooking today?" Brendon chuckled at Ryan's comment to his cooking. "Well, it just so happens, I'm cooking a set of eggs, sunny side up, and some toast, not to burnt, but just right. Finished off with a coffee, specifically, black. Bón Appetite!" Brendon, imitating some master chef, led Ryan to chuckling. "Wow, so you do love me!" Brendon laughed at Ryan's comment. After a few moment of Brendon telling Ryan about some dream he had last night, Brendon finished up the breakfast, and gave it to Ryan. "What, you're not gonna eat?" Ryan questioned. Brendon just shrugged. "Well, I made this breakfast for you..but.." Ryan shoved a piece of toast in Brendon's mouth. Brendon smiled while eating the toast Ryan forcefully gave to Brendon. They went out to the living room and watched tv. Sure, Ryan liked the peace and quiet, but he liked this better. A lot better.

[AH H H ITS 10 PM AND I'M WRITING THIS I LOVE LIFE. But sorry I didn't write anything yesterday, so I'm gonna extend this to October 1st because I'm awesome and k00l. As always, I hoped you enjoyed this fic, that was 2 hours to make. Sorry if its rly long (or rly short) but ye son B) Bye !¡]

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