Spin The Bottle (Day 10)

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[Summary: Ryan goes to a party and makes a new 'friend.' Fluff and mild (MILD) smut.]

(Ryan's POV) 

I walked down the icy sidewalk, snow falling on the gravel, and then disappearing. I could see my breath as I breathed, somewhat panting. I was hurrying to my friend, Spencer's house. He was throwing a party, which I would attend to, hesitantly. Spencer is the type of high schooler, where he's friends with all types of kids. Jocks, nerds, preps, you name it. Spencer had a special connection with me though, considering we've been friends since as long as I could remember. I could already smell the cliche of high school parties in the air. I could also smell food, which was presumably from Spencer's house. I arrived at the house; my anxiety going through the roof. I'm not good for these types of situations. I'm not good in any situation, to tell you the truth. I hear music from the inside. I knock on the door, knowing they can't hear me, but I try anyways. Sure enough, on person can hear my knock, and I hear shouts how there is someone here. I pray to god Spencer answers the door. Instead, it's Gabe. Gabe Saporta, who's the football captain. He's not a jerk, but he's not a saint either. He didn't really say anything to me, and walked away. Awkward.

I walked inside, and felt the heat hit me like a train, accompanied by the smell of teenagers. What does that smell like? Sweat, sexual desires, and obnoxious behavior. Cliche, really. I'm the 'outcast' in a group of popular people. This should be interesting. I'm in a room of familiar faces, yet I don't choose to converse with them. I go find Spencer, which is impossible in a massive group of people. After a few minutes of agonizing awkwardness, I find Spencer, who is in his room with a couple of other people I chose not to converse with. This one boy, who I presume is a jock, stares at me. I chose not to stare at him, although I'd like to, because he is very attractive.

"Hey, Ryan!" Spencer said, smiling wide.

"Hi." I mutter. My anxiety makes me feel like their staring, glowing eyes, are drowning me in a pool of my own embarrassments. This is jolly. I glance at the attractive jock. I've seen him before. He hangs around the jocks. So he is a jock. I would like to get to know him. I just can't. I can't for the reasons of who I am. He glances back at me, and notices I was looking at him. He looks away quickly. Awkward moment number 2.

"Uh, Spence. can we talk?" Spencer looks at me, squinting his eyes, but does it anyways. He follows me out of the room.

"Okay, Ryan, before you yell at me, let me explain. So I know parties aren't your thing, but I just thought you would have fun this week instead of staying in your room all gloomy." I rolled my eyes.

"Thats nice of you, but thats not why I brought you out." He has a questioning look on his face. I try to relax and calm myself so I can ask without freaking out. "I just- you know, I was curious about the people in your room. I don't know their names."

"Why do you want to know their names?' I shrugged. Spencer sighed and brought me back in the room. The attractive boy was on his phone. Spencer caught me looking at him, and I could feel him smirking. You just got that vibe from him, I guess. He brought me out the room again, knowing who I really wanted.

"So, you wanna know Brendon, huh?" I blushed, which led him to laughing some more. "Dude, thats so cute!"

Spencer already knew I was gay, and (thank god) he was fine with it. I sighed.

"Yes, ok. So I want to know more about him, big deal."

"Do you like him?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, do you?"


"You totally do! You like him!"

A Series Of Ryden OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now