A Hike And Flower Puns

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* requested by brednonurie *i mean not specifically this idea, but i figured it would have some funny-fluff stuff to go along with it.* i hope you enjoy. :-) *

[Summary: Brendon and Ryan take a lil hike, and discover some things. Like how good Brendon is at jokes.]

Ryan and Brendon just moved in together, and honestly, Ryan couldn't of asked for a better place. Sure, it was far out in the country, but it was near some woods, which led to some hills, which led to- well, more nature. It was a great spot to walk, and an even greater spot to sit and think for a little while. Ryan hasn't really had the chance to see it for himself, so he figured today would be nice. Especially since he had Brendon by his side now.

"Ugh, Ryan." Brendon complained, trying to catch up with Ryan.

"C'mon, slow poke," Ryan chuckled, "you're usually the one who's faster than me, anyways."

"Well, I'm sorry I don't like nature."

"Don't like nature? How am I still dating you!"

"Cause you love me." Brendon said, looking up at the tree tops.

Their shoes slowly sank into the mud, making them stumble a couple of times. The air was heavy with humidity, as if it had rained. It probably has, but Ryan was too busy unpacking their stuff, so he wouldn't be able to tell. Most likely, it had rained. It smelt like it.

After a little bit more walking, they made it to the end of the woodland area, and too a more open area. More plants were blooming in this part.

Ryan heard Brendon gasp from behind, and run a little bit further than him.

"Well, I guess," Brendon said, picking a rose up from the ground, "we rose above the woods." He gave the picked rose to Ryan.

"Brendon, wha-"

Brendon ran further, and picked up a violet colored flower. "You gotta be aster than that, Ryan." He gave Ryan another flower. Ryan couldn't help but laugh at Brendon.

"Those puns are terrible."

"But you're smiling!"

"I am, and I hate it."

"Aw, don't be like that, Ry." Brendon laughed, stepping closer to Ryan, and pinching his cheek. Brendon got distracted by another flower.

"Does it ring a bell about how much I love you?" Brendon said, picking a bell flower and giving it to him.

"How many more puns are you gonna do?"

"Until you have enough flowers." Brendon said, looking around. Ryan looked down at his flowers.

"I think 3 is fine."

"No, Ryan! Like, I could give you a whole bouquet of flowers for free! Including my great flower puns!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ryan said, smiling at how dedicated Brendon was. Honestly, Brendon would rather do this than hike and walk and get sweaty.

"Awe, Ryan, you're just a buttercup!"  Brendon exclaimed, picking up a buttercup flower.

The flower picking went on for 30 minutes, with 30 minutes worth of flower puns from Brendon.


Ryan sat on the couch, the vase of flowers Brendon picked for him sitting in front of him on the table. Brendon walked over to him, and collapsed onto Ryan's knee, his head landing onto Ryan's chest.

"Boy, it sure was a tiring day." Brendon yawned.

"Yeah, but it was good we went out to walk."

"Not that, I meant thinking of all of those puns." Brendon pouted. Ryan chuckled, kissing the top of his head.

"Yeah, but," Ryan begun, wrapping his arms around Brendon, "how'd you know all of those flower names? I can honestly only name, like, 6 types of flowers." He felt Brendon laugh a little under him. He could only imagine that beautiful sleepy smile Brendon is most likely doing right now.

"Well, I knew we were moving near some woods and stuff, so I figured that we would be near a lot of flowers. So I studied some flowers so I could impress you."

"Yeah, some."

"Did it work though?" Brendon asked, looking up at Ryan. Ryan looked down.

"Did what work?"

"Did I impress you?" Brendon was genuinely curious. Ryan exhaled out of his nose, laughing, kissing Brendon.

"Of course you did."

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Ryan."

"Me neither. I can't wait to hear some more nature puns from you, Bren."

"Me neither."



sorry if this isn't what you wanted, and also if this is rly short :-( i hope i did this right!!

thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoyed :-)

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