Halloween (Day 19)

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[ It's Halloween, which is Ryan's favorite holiday! Brendon, on the other hand, is indifferent. FLUFF AF with maybe some angst.]

Ryan grinned as he saw the halloween decorations of the neighbors house. He stopped a moment to close his eyes and smell the air, only to have his nose filled with the delighted smell of pumpkin spice. He opened his eyes, to look right away at the colorful piles of leaves that filled his yard. Ryan loved fall. He loved fall for the smell. The leaves. Halloween. Oh, especially Halloween. It was his favorite holiday. He was excited to spend it with his husband, Brendon. This would be their first halloween, nonetheless, holiday itself, spent together. They had only been married for 2 months, which although was a short span, was the best time of his life. He loved Brendon. He loved Halloween. Mix the 2 together, and its bliss. It was 9 in the morning. Ryan had a steaming mug of coffee, and was sitting at the kitchen table, looking out the window at their yard. Their yard. Ryan loved that word. Ryan loved the feeling of sharing his life with someone he loved. He heard distant creak from the wooden floorboards.

Creak. Creak. Creak.

They got louder and louder, until his husband made an entrance in the hallway. He looked at Ryan, and smiled.


"Good morning."

This was their usual exchange of words in the morning. Just plain and simple.

Brendon sat at the other end of the table, facing Ryan.

"Do you want anything? Coffee or some breakfast?" Brendon smiled at Ryan's request

"Nah I'm good. Thanks though." Brendon nodded. Ryan smiled at Brendon, who didn't seem to be fully awake.

"So, I was thinking," Ryan began, "that we could shop for halloween decorations. Maybe even costumes!"

Brendon, staring wide eyed at Ryan like he was crazy, forced a smile on his face.

"Mm." Brendon replied. Ryan's smile faltered.

"What? You don't like my idea?" Ryan playfully pouted, earning a chuckle from Brendon.

"No, it's not that, its just-" Brendon halted, smile fading from his face. Ryan grabbed his arm, which was splayed out on the table.

"Well?" Ryan asked, waiting for a response from Brendon. Brendon sighed, keeping his eyes at Ryan's hand.

"Well, my parents were really strict about Halloween, saying how I shouldn't celebrate and stuff. Which is why...I never really celebrated Halloween?" Brendon said the last part quietly. "Besides, we're both 23. Well, you are. I'm 22. So aren't we a tad bit old to do that stuff?" Ryan nodded. Not in agreement, but just to note that he heard what Brendon said.

"Nah, you're never too old to celebrate Halloween. Besides, if its your first Halloween, then that makes it even better!" Brendon looked up, confusion in his eyes.


"Because you're spending it with me, silly!"

"You're crazy." Brendon said, laughing.

"But thats why you love me."

"I love you for a lot more, but yes. You're my crazy Ryan." Ryan laughed at the name, leading Brendon to laugh more.

[Time Skip.]

Brendon squeezed Ryan's hand as they walked through the Halloween aisle in Walmart. To be honest, Brendon felt uneasy at the skeletons and the ghosts and such. Fear that they were gonna come to life and go on a rampage. Brendon clutched onto Ryan tighter as they walked further in the aisle. Ryan was like a dance mom when it came to shopping, pulling out anything and everything he could find. So he was far to busy to wonder about Brendon. Brendon was happy for this, so he could grip tighter onto Ryan, without him caring. He just wanted to go home.

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