Mistletoe (Day 24)

413 19 11

["Mistletoe is relevant to several cultures. It is associated with Western Christmas as a decoration, under which lovers are expected to kiss." Fluff.]

Ryan sat on the chair, looking out the window. It was 2 weeks before Christmas, and this was the first snowfall all year. Ryan stared at the snow as it fell, sometimes noticing each individual snowflake as it fell into whiteness. Ryan felt at ease. He was inside, with a blanket wrapped around him, and a cup of hot chocolate on a nearby table, watching as the cold snow fell outside. It filled Ryan with a sense of....comfort.

'It's been awhile since you've felt this way,' Ryan thought, 'you deserve this, Ryan. You really do. What with all the touring you've been doing.'

Brendon popped out of the dark hallway, and tiptoed his way over to Ryan. Brendon bent over the head of the chair and leaned into Ryan's ear.

"Boo." Brendon whispered. Ryan turned around and laughed.

"Hey." Ryan whispered back, placing a gentle kiss on Brendon's nose. Brendon giggled.

"Hey, can we do something later?"

"Of course, Bren. What?"

"Its a surprise!" Brendon giggled. Ryan grinned.

"Yeah, okay."

Brendon nuzzled up to Ryan and rested his head on his chest.

"So, uh, whatcha doing?"

"Just watching the snow."

"Its really beautiful this year."


"But not as beautiful as you." Brendon said, turing his head upwards to kiss Ryan's jawline. Ryan blushed, and held Brendon tighter. He could stay like this forever.

About 5 hours later, Ryan and Brendon got ready to go to- whatever Brendon had planned.

Ryan stepped outside, to find Brendon waiting for him, standing beside his car.

"You ready?" Brendon asked, looking up at Ryan. Ryan smiled.

"Yeah. Lets go."

Brendon entered the car, with Ryan following suit. Some snowflakes fell among Ryan's jacket, and disappeared straight away, while the others stuck along. The car was already warm, which Ryan was thankful for. Ryan looked over at Brendon, who was concentrated on driving.

"Hey, Bren?"

"Yeah?" Ryan looked down and blushed.

"I..uh...thank you for doing this." Ryan heard Brendon laugh for a short time.

"No problem, Ryan. I'm glad we finally have time to do this." They had just finished their first tour. It felt weird to not be traveling all the time, but at the same time, it felt blissful. Especially now that Ryan could get some alone time with Brendon.

They pulled into a lil curb, and stopped the car. Ryan looked around.

"We're here?"

"Yep!" Ryan looked out the window, to find they were at a resturant.

"Aw, Bren, you're taking me out to eat? Thats so nice." Brendon ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, its not much, but I figured since its snowing, you would want this. Plus, its near Christmas, so we could go around and see some lights."

"You had this planned for awhile, didn't you?" Ryan asked. Brendon smirked.

"Honestly, yes." Brendon blushed, causing Ryan to laugh.

"Oh, Bren, you are absolutely adorable." Ryan said. getting out of the car. Brendon led Ryan into the resturant.

They ate and talked and laughed for awhile. They mainly talked about the nearby holiday, and what they were doing then.

After about and hour or so, they got up and left the resturant, before noticing something.

"Ry, look above us!" Brendon said, looking at the ceiling of the exit. Ryan looked up, and saw a mistletoe, hanging above them. Ryan laughed.

"Aw, isn't that cute."

"You knows what that means, right?" Brendon asked. Ryan looked down at Brendon and smiled. He did know what to do. Ryan leaned in, holding Brendon by the hips, and kissing him. Ryan always loved kissing Brendon, and how into it he seemed. He also loved feeling Brendon's plump and soft lips against his own. It held so much meaning. It was nice.

After the kiss, Ryan laughed while turning red.

"I liked that." Brendon said. Ryan blushed.

"I like you."

They were actually too tired to do anything else that night, so they went to Ryan's house and chose to cuddle by his fire place.

After the mistletoe, Brendon bought a bunch of mistletoes and always brought one with him, just so he could hang one above Ryan as an excuse to kiss him.

"Its tradition Ryan, you gotta do it!"

And Ryan didn't mind kissing Brendon. He liked it.

Really, really liked it.

[YOOOOOOO i hope you enjoyed!! :-) im updating more so yaaaay. but YEAH HEHEHEEHEH]

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