Riker Imagine- Snowballs

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You were extremely nervous about this trip. You were used to most of his family, but this time it meant you were meeting everybody. EVERYBODY. Dating Riker for so long you had grown comfortable with his mom, and all of his siblings they were like family to you. This year though, Riker had asked you to come home for Christmas with him. You were delighted to the fact that you came to the part in your relationship where Riker wanted you to meet his family, but the actual face-to-face meeting of the family part gave you shivers. You weren't very outgoing so meeting people wasn't your strong suit. There were going to be aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents...to say the least he had a large family.

You were sitting in the passenger seat of the van, with Riker driving. Everybody decided they wanted to make it a road trip. He turned his vision away from the road to you for a second, and saw the dismay on your face. He turned back to view the busy highway.

"Something wrong babe?" He asked. You bit, your lip softly, and shook your head no. You looked down to your lap. "Come on, I know when there's something bothering you." You shrugged, and looked up.

"What if they don't like me?" The words came out of your mouth shaky, and soft. You were kind of afraid to ask the question.

"What? What do you mean; why wouldn't like you?" Riker replied. The question to him seemed completely invalid.

"It's just...I don't know, I'm meeting your whole family. There's a lot of people in your family, and it's kind of overwhelming." Riker took one hand off the wheel, and placed it on your lap.

"Hannah listen, I love you so there is no reason everybody else wouldn't." He smiled. You loved his smile. You blushed, and nodded at the sentiment he just gave you.

"Thank you." You reached over, kissed him on the cheek. There was a road sign just up ahead where you could see; it said: Littleton 20. You were just a short distance away from the place he called home. You took a deep breath. "Here we go, I guess."


You followed Riker into the kitchen where most of the relatives were gathered, some were still migrating to the table. You sat down by him, and one of his cute little blonde cousins sat down next to you. You had arrived just before dinner started. Seeing all the people gathered immediately made you more nervous. As the diner was served people started chatting about old times, and new times. Riker's grandma brought up old stories about past Christmases. Their house was so beautiful, and homey it seemed to comfort you. Riker introduced you as his girlfriend, and it was surprisingly not as scary as you thought it was going to be. How they carried on with their fond memories of older times was so sentimental. The conversation at the table shifted many times to many subjects.

After dinner had finished, and the table was cleared most of the family moved to the living room where they proceeded to play a game. You were sitting on the couch next to the same little boy you were sitting next to during diner, when he spoke up.

"You're my favorite." He mumbled softly. You looked down at him confused to what the 5 or 6 year old meant. "Most of them are kind of mean especially the last one. The others are usually just pretty but you're actually nice..." The little boy smiled like it was nothing, of course at that age you have no filter. You let out a small chuckle when you realized what the boy was talking about, people around the fireplace chuckled slightly too.

"The uhh...others?" You uttered looking up at Riker suspiciously, who was now the one who was turning red.

"Yea. Riker brings all of his girlfriends to stuff." Riker gritted his teeth, and looked over at the talkative little boy.

"Okay, that's enough Bauer." Riker asserted. You smirked.

"No honey please tell me more about these others." You asked the little cousin named Bauer.

"It's kind of gross when they would kiss all the time. I'm glad you don't do that." This kid was probably the most adorable thing in the world. Seeing how nervous Riker got from talking about previous girlfriends was even more adorable.

"Hannah you want to go for a walk!?" Riker jumped up, probably hoping to get away from the subject. You giggled, and stood up.

"Sure." You slipped on your winter gear at the door. Just the basics: Coat, hat, gloves, boots. Once outside you stood next to Riker lacing his awkward gloved fingers through yours for extra warmth.

"So, tell me about all these 'others'." You mocked.

"Oh come on, you know the kinds of things kids say."

"I don't know I mean, Bauer is a pretty smart kid. He knows what's up."

"Well for the record I don't just date girls because they're pretty. That's only a plus." Riker tried to defend.

"I don't know Riker, You made out with all of the others in front of your little cousins? Who does that?" You continued to tease, only because you could see how upset it was making him.

"I DIDN'T MAKE OUT WITH THEM OH MY-" A pile of snow mushed Riker's face. Hysterical laughter poured out of you as the drippings came running down Riker's face. He spit out part of the snowball that landed in his mouth, and opened his eyes wiping away the slush.

"I thought you needed to chill." You uttered, laughing.

"That is the cheesiest pun I have ever heard." Riker said sternly. He was probably a little miffed about the whole snowball in the face ordeal. He turned around, and walked straight forward.

"Come on babe, don't be mad. I was just kidding around." Riker bent over, and you soon realized what he was doing.

"Oh I'm not getting mad, I'm getting even." Riker pushed the snow together in a little ball.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." You pleaded. "Riker don't you dare throw that snow-" and with that the snow landed on your face. "Dang it!" you muttered wiping snow off your face, and part of your neck."Well if that's how it's going to be." You quickly ran over to Riker, but you slid on the ice and crashed directly into him tumbling you both into a large snowbank. As you laid there on him, you both broke out in laughter.

"The only reason I don't talk about my exes are because they don't matter anymore. You are mine now and that's how it's going to stay." Rikers breath blew onto your face from the cold air, but laying on him, you felt nothing but heat.

"You know I don't care about that stuff, I just love making you squirm. I think this is going to be the best Christmas ever."

"I know it's going to be." Riker brought his lips up to yours lighting a spark that could've melted all the snow in Colorado.

"EWWW." The door slammed followed by little boy steps in the snow. "I thought you were going to be cool, but you're just going to be another one of the kissers aren't you?" Bauer crossed his arms. You rolled off Riker, and sat up in the snow.

"I'm sorry we won't do it anymore." You apologized. It was hard to stop giggling, Bauer was even cuter when he was mad.

"That's what they all say I'm going inside." The little boy opened the door, and slammed it once he was inside again. Riker raised an eyebrow.

"You weren't serious were you?" He smirked. You shook your head at him, and bit you lip. Your face grew very close to his again.

"Of course not." Riker leaned in but before his lips touched yours again, you threw more snow in his face. Riker wrinkled up his face.

"It is so on!" He was already gathering snow for his revenge. You stood up, and backed away.

"You'll just have to catch me!" You replied flirtatiously. This definitely was going to be the best Christmas ever.

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