Chapter 21_Beware!

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****A/N: To prevent any misunderstandings, I would like to state my stand for this chapter first. This chapter may seem offensive to some for it will contain statement/comments which may seem hurtful towards LGBT community. I apologise if you would feel so. But I do not mean any of them because I've friends who are from the LGBT community and I love them to bits! Nevertheless, this chapter is written in a way to follow the flow of the anime - OHSHC. Please read at your own risk. Thank you. 

Chapter 21: Beware!  

"~Haruhi, could you go and buy commoners' coffee?~"

"~We seemed to have run out.~"

"Why do I have to? Couldn't you guys do it?" Haruhi grumbled under her breath.

"You're still the Host Club's dog after all." Hikaru shrugged.

"Fine."  She huffed in annoyance.

"Can I come too?" I grinned, keeping my book in my bag. "I want to go out and walk. It's too boring being cooped up either at home or here."

"No, absolutely not!" Kaoru rejected immediately.

"But why?" I whined, giving him the lost puppy look, in hope that he would give in and let me go.

"You are not supposed to strain yourself too much yet!"

"Kaoru's right. You've just recovered. You shouldn't make us worry again by getting yourself sick. It's getting more windy these days." Haruhi scolded.

Huffing, I pouted angrily and crossed my arms in front of me, "But I just want to take a walk and relax! And it's outside and alone!"

Ever since that incident with Hotaru and Ayanokoji, almost everyone knew that Kaoru and I are dating - which means we don't have to hide anymore - and because of this, everyone, especially Kaoru, won't let me out of their sight - even for once! I know fan-girls are creepy, but it's not like they're going to jump out from every corner and stab me or something right? It's not that I'm angry or anything, I really do appreciate the fact that they care about me. But, really, I really need sometime alone and take a breather. And alone means not being at home, cooped up all day, but outside admiring the scenery and take a break from the over-protection.

"~Not going to happen.~"

With that said I was immediately hoisted on either side of me and brought to the music soon, despite me protesting and trying different tricks to get out of their holds.





"I hate you." I grumbled angrily as I sat next to the window, looking out of it, hugging my legs and laying my head to rest on it.

"I love you too." Kaoru answered back. Even if I'm not looking at him now, I can definitely hear the amusement in his voice.

"Why can't I just go out for a while?" I whined. I know I sounded like a child, but being indoors with twenty-four hours supervision, is really driving me crazy.

"Because you can't."

I turned to him and gave him my signature death glare; and if looks could kill, he would really die a million times now. "You're just like Shiro. Neither of you are giving me a break."

He just chuckled like he was having a lot of fun watching me making a fuss, not even affected by my glare. Ok, maybe it was my fault, since I may have given him the glare too much that he got immune to it. Bad, really bad. Just when I really needed it.

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