Chapter 13_Accidents Happen

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Life In My First School

Teehee I’m back! xD

I’ve tried my best to post asap already ^_^

I hope you like this chapter ^^


Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club

“~….~” -à this means Hikaru and Kaoru are speaking one after the other

“~….~” -à this means the twins are speaking together






Chapter 13: Accidents happen

“The beach?” Haruhi and I asked.

“Why would you want to go to the beach all of a sudden?” I continued, looking up at the twins, who were behind me, from my reading. Kaoru was playing with my hair as he and Hikaru announced that we’re going to the beach.

“~Yes! We’re going to the beach!~” the twins emphasized in unison.

“Haruhi said it before…” Kaoru added.

“That you wouldn’t mind going to the real beach!” Hikaru finished.

“Did I?” Haruhi looked at them absentmindedly.

“~Yes you did.~”

“~And besides, since Arisa didn’t go to the waterpark previously, so she’ll also be going with us.~”

“It’s not a bad idea…” I thought aloud. “Since I’ve never been to one before…”

“Poor Ari-chan! You’ve got to go with us this time!” Honey said.

“~And so… we’ve prepare swimsuits for you. They look cute, don’t they?~” the twins grinned devilishly as they moved aside to show us the hundred over pieces of swimsuits each worn by a mannequin.

I sweat dropped.

“This is for Haruhi,” Hikaru took out a mannequin wearing a bikini with pink frills.

“And this is for you, Arisa.” Kaoru took out one similar with blue frills.

I’ve got to admit, it’s really cute. But there’s one problem…My…

“I think that this kind of swimsuit would suit Haru-chan and Ari-chan!” Honey disagreed as he took out two mannequins wearing a whole piece swimsuit, but the twins waved it off.

“~You don’t get it, Honey-senpai.~” the twins held Haruhi up on each side of her arms and explained.

“~With her ‘flat board’ chest, she can fool everyone by wearing male uniforms.~”

“~And so having her wear a one-piece to expose her meager body would just insult her.~”

“~Hence, this piece we’ve carefully chose for her does a good job covering this problem with frills! And Arisa needed it so that she’ll look even cuter!~”

“Uh huh… that’s so considerate of you…” Haruhi and I said sarcastically.

“How dare you two keep sexually harassing my precious daughters!” Tamaki shouted as he pushed them away. “That’s quite enough!!!”

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