Chapter 4_First Friends Visit

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Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club

Hope you like this chapter too :D





Chapter 4: First Friends’ Visit

“Mom, remember not to let them know anything about it ok? Oh, when it’s time for my medication, you’ll just have to call for me and I’ll be right down.” I reminded my mom again for the fifth time.

“Yes dear, I know. Gosh, you’re even more long-winded then your dad.” My mom answered as she puts the cake mixture in the oven.

I giggled. Today’s the day, when the Host Club members will be coming over to my house to try on the clothes that I’ve made for them. I’m really excited, but I guess my mom’s even more excited then I am. She’d been planning on what type of snacks she’s going to make for them when I told her yesterday that they’d be coming over. I can’t wait to see the look on Honey-senpai’s face! He’s going to jump over the moon when he sees so many snacks. Just then the door bell rang. I must be them! I rushed to open the door.




Kaoru’s POV:

“Ahh…. So this is Arisa’s house.” Hikaru said after everyone alighted from the car.

“Wow, I didn’t expect it to be so big.” I stated.

“It’s so cute too!” Honey exclaimed as he spreaded his arms out wide.

“Yeah,” Mori added as Tamaki went to ring to door bell.




“Welcome!” Arisa exclaimed as she opened the door and ushered us in. “You guys are really on time!”

“Ojamashimasu!” everyone exclaimed as we entered the house.

“Welcome! Oh my Arisa! They look even cooler and cuter in person!” A lady came out from the kitchen exclaiming.

“You must be Arisa-chan’s mother!” Tono rushed forward and held her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms Hitori.” Kyoya added.

“Oh my my my! What a handsome group of friends you have there Arisa! Just call me Suzuna would do!” Arisa’s mother laughed and blushed a little which made me sweat dropped.

“Wow Ari-chan! You’ve a really pretty house! Ne Ari-chan, I smelt something delicious! What is it?” Honey exclaimed.

“It’s a secret!” Arisa winked as she started her way up the stairs. “Come on guys! I’m going to show you your outfits!”

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