Chapter 30_Brink

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This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely fans and followers who had taken much patience in waiting for me to complete this book! <3 Love you all lots! ^_^

However, even though I wish to continue writing ‘Long Forgotten’ continuously, everything will definitely come to an end! J

So yes, ‘Long Forgotten’ is coming to an end soon! Thank you for all of your support!

~ Alessia Kyouya ~




Chapter 30: Brink


“Argh…” Arisa finally let out a painful moan the moment her devil sister and her minions had stride out of the brightly-lit vacant room. She had refused to allow Erisa to feel any satisfaction in drawing out pain within her. Pounding pain had increased with every breath she had taken. After torturing her with the cuts from the glistening knife, her sister had taken the liberty of throwing punches and slaps towards her. Without even the need to see a doctor, Arisa knew she definitely had some broken ribs and cheek bones along with plenty of different coloured bruises and a black eye. Exhausted and numb, she laid on the cold, sticky and wet ground as she panted heavily, willing her eyes to open and her mind to not shut down just yet.

Her sick-minded sister had finally left her alone in the room lying in her own pool of blood, claiming that she didn't want her to die just yet and that she would make her suffer till Arisa had made up for the time she had suffered.

Her breaths ragged and Arisa blinked furiously as shadows started to cloud her vision. However, the attempt was useless as she was soon hauled into a pit of darkness. 

“What do you mean she’s missing?” the entire host club had hollered the moment they stepped onto the Hitori’s family estate. Everyone was at the living room, even the maids. The only sounds made in the soundless room were the sobbing from Arisa’s mom, Suzuna and the words of reassurance from her dad, Aki as they hugged each other.

Taking a heavy, desperate sigh, Shiro dragged his hand down his face in frustration. “Apparently, two men had knocked out two of our security guard, trespassed into our house and kidnapped her.” 

As he begun pacing the living room, he continued, “We’ve retrieved the faces of this two men and investigated into it. It seems that my suspicion was right. These guys had been hired by Erisa Kazemasa, her twin sister.”

Sharp intake of breath as well as some curses burst throughout the silent room.

“Damn… I knew it was too peaceful to be true!” Kaoru punched the wall beside him in desperation as his twin brother held onto his other hand for comfort.

“Poor Ari-chan!” Honey began to sob next to Mori, soothed his despair by patting him on his head gently.

“What are we going to do now?” Haruhi pondered worriedly.

“We’re going to safe her of course!” Tamaki exclaimed with determination, washing away everyone’s despair and uneasiness as they agreed with him.

“The squats team are ready to set off anytime,” Kyoya announced as he snapped shut his phone.

“Thank you so much! I don’t know what I’ll do i-if, if anything happens to her…” the Suzuna broke down once again, at the thought of losing another daughter of hers.

“Everything is settled here too. Dr. Stein is already on his way, he’ll probably be here in around two hours. Dr. Henri is already at the hospital making arrangements.” Kouta affirmed as he held a thumb up at him and Shiro toss him a grateful smile.

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