Chapter 14_It sure brings back memories...

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Life In My First School


Teehee I’m back! xD

I’ve tried my best to post asap already ^_^

I hope you like this chapter ^^




Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club >.< though I wish is did T^T


“~….~” -à this means Hikaru and Kaoru are speaking one after the other

“~….~” -à this means the twins are speaking together






Chapter 14: It sure brings back memories…


Arisa’s POV:



“Mummy… Daddy… save me…” I sobbed in a corner. I don’t even know how many days had it been since I was taken away to where I am now. I don’t even know how long I’ve been unconscious.  It seemed like I’ve been here like forever. All I knew was that I woke up to finding that my hands and legs were tied up in this cold and dark place. I looked around in the darkness as I try to look for signs of someone coming to rescue me but part of me knew that it was useless.


All I wanted was mummy and daddy to save me, but I don’t know who they were supposed to be, what they looked like. I couldn’t remember who were this mummy and daddy I kept sobbing for subconsciously.


I was in a house that was sealed up almost everywhere; there were tiny cracks in the wall, as light creep in. But it was still so dark. I didn’t know where I was. The last thing I knew I was playing at an open ground in the hospital with Hiro-chan when I was suddenly grabbed from behind as a cloth that smells came over my mouth as she was pushed harshly away from me as she tried to stop them from taking away, before I slipped into darkness. I hope she’s alright…


“Be quiet you brat!” I felt a kick on my side as I fell onto my sides and whimpered in pain.


“Boss, you might not want to shock her too much in case that illness of hers reacts again. It’ll be too troublesome…” I heard a guy from somewhere not too far away from me informed.


“She might lose her life either way too anyway. Why even bother, we’re just doing her a favor of shortening her misery.” The man who kicked me huffed. I could hear the smirk in his voice as he kicked me again.


“Get up brat!” he grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me up on my feet and pushed me towards the door into the light. I followed, trying to hold back my sobs.

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