Chapter Six: Broken Finger

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Eva called everyone in town. She was pacing the hallway livid. Linda had left Sunday night after a fight. Eva paced the floor as she remembered the fight. It had been past 11 at night when Linda had woken from her 10 hour slumber. Eva heard the muffled voices of Linda and Joe as she laid on her bed. She heard Linda come onto Joe, then pissed off at the lack of reciprocity, she snapped at him.

"Why the fuck not?! Are you fucken gay? What, you don't like girls?" She mocked him.

Joe's voice, though low, was fierce. Linda upset continued, "It's Eva huh? What the fuck is up with you and Marcos!? You don't know what's good, you think my cousin wants you! Or him, she's a little slut! She's only using you and him, fucken faggots."

All of a sudden there were protests, Linda wailing, slamming of bodies. By the time Eva walked out, Linda was shoved out of the apartment. Eva locked eyes with Joe and she saw him flinch. Eva heard Linda's shouts outside of the door.

"Fuck you Joe! Fucken faggot! .....I don't need this shit," She shouted as she left.

Joe looked guiltily at Eva. Eva's arms were crossed and her eyes had a look of assurance.

"You better hope she's back on Monday," Eva said to Joe caustically and walked back to her room.

Joe had looked for Linda everywhere. He'd returned half an hour ago empty handed. It was like she had dug a hole and hid. Eva paced, waiting for the social worker to show up as Joe sat in the kitchen table with the kids.

The knock on the door zoomed her back to the present. Eva silently cursed Linda and opened the door, not before she masked her face to one of a happy countenance.

"Ms. Torres," Eva smiled sweetly.

"Hello Eva, how are you?" Ms. Torres returned the smile.

"Good, good" Eva led her to the kitchen where everyone, except Linda, was. "Except, we have a slight problem." She looked at Joe sweetly. "This is Joe Gamboa, he's Darla's father," Joe stood to shake her hand and blinked at Eva's words. "There's been a bit of an incident. Linda is in the ER, nothing serious," She quickly added. "She broke her finger. We're still unpacking, you see, and this just happened today, which is why she's not here and Joe is watching us til she gets back from the hospital."

"Oh, hello Joe. I'm Ms. Torres, Eva and Joey's social worker," She nodded at Joey as she shook hands with Joe.

"Hello Ms. Torres. Joe Gamboa, Darla's father," He swallowed.

"Daddy!" Darla smiled prettily at Joe. He absently played with her hair.

Eva saw Mrs. Torres look appreciatively at this and smile.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear about Linda, but I guess under the circumstances I can continue the assessment another day." She looked around the apartment without moving a step.

"Nonsense! Why should that stop you from doing your job," Eva said a little too excited.

"Well it's a little complicated. Joe's not an authorized guardian, but, because he's Darla's father, I should write his name, just in case in the future something, God forbid, happens." She turned to Joe, "You'll be able to watch them. I guess I can do a basic evaluation. Joe do you live here too?" Her words a bit rushed. She turned her full attention to him, cheeks slightly flushed.

"No, I have my own place," Joe answered.

"Ok, good," She nodded, something in her voice sounded like relief.

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